USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Checking in...
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Checking in...

Posted on 19 Jul 2014 @ 11:11pm by Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Commander Scarlet Blake
Edited on on 20 Jul 2014 @ 2:19pm

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo- Deck 2, Executive Officer's Office
Timeline: MD6, 1341 hrs


After her unfortunate encounter in the mess, Tuula made her way up to deck two. She had a long list of people to report in to and places to go, and Commander Scarlet Blake was at the top. Almost twenty minutes early, she decided to just get it over with. After all, she couldn't very well stop for a cup of coffee with Zuwtt in the mess hall.

After checking her messenger bag one last time to make sure she had the boarding paperwork, Tuula pressed the button for the chime.

"Come in..." Scarlet called out lightly, tapping a PADD to finish off the last line of a report. She'd found that her office was the only place she could work without being interrupted by fluff balls. She wasn't sure why her office hadn't come under attack yet, but she was happy to take full advantage of it while she still could.

The woman was clearly busy with her work; a pile of PADDs covered her desk and she was reading a report when Tuula rolled in. Tuula was almost sorry to disturb her, but Starfleet protocol is Starfleet protocol. "Commander Blake, I'm Dr. Tuula Voutilainen, your new medical officer."

Scarlet looked up, taking her in for a long moment. She reached across her desk, finding the PADD she wanted as she brought the woman's record up on it. "Ah yes, right on time. Come on over and you can tell me about yourself."

"All right," replied Tuula, wheeling herself forward to Scarlet's desk. "I have a degree in Biology in addition to my medical degree. I'm currently working on my residency, having graduated a year ago. I am a harpist, I played Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance, and I collect antique medical instruments, in case you ever want to see what a 19th century bone saw looks like."

She made a point of not mentioning the 800 pound elephant in the room; if Scarlet wanted to know, she would have to ask.

"I can't say I'm particularly fond of the modern equivalent, let alone an antique saw," Scarlet assured with an arched eyebrow, shaking her head with a soft chuckle. "Biology and Medicine..." she reached for a PADD, calling up the officer's file to look over. "You will be working closely with Dr Warraquim, who will serve as a mentor during your residency. She's a very capable practitioner, you're very lucky."

"That sounds great," replied Tuula, as she reached into her bag. "I have my boarding paperwork here," she added as she placed it onto Scarlet's desk. "I haven't been to my quarters yet; I trust that there haven't been any issues with the accommodations that I requested?" It was a delicate subject for Tuula, not because she was uncomfortable with it, but because she never knew how people would react. It could be anywhere from being perfectly accepting to, well, trying to railroad her out of Starfleet Medical, for one.

"Of course not," Scarlet replied, with mild surprise and confusion at the idea that there would be a problem with it. "The units here are adaptable to our needs," she said with a small smile, taking the transfer orders to look at.

"That's a relief." Tuula let out a chortle. "On my last assignment, it took them two weeks to install an accessible sonic shower."

"So what would you say you are especially skilled in?" Scarlet asked as she looked back to her, setting the PADD down as she sat back to watch her properly.

"Well," started Tuula, running over her list of qualifications in her head. "I don't want to brag, but I'm a very good surgeon. And I'm very knowledgeable about alien anatomy." It was one of Tuula's favourite subjects in med school, learning about how the bodies of different alien species work. At the academy, she was second in her class in anatomy.

"Good," Scarlet nodded as she crossed her legs, a small smile coming to her. "You'll be in the company of some talented surgeons in our medical department to mentor you. And we're a ship of great diversity, so alien medical knowledge will be very valuable."

"Excellent," replied Tuula, trying to conceal her excitement. "I look forward to serving on the Galileo."

Scarlet gave a nod of approval at her eagerness. "You will need to go and have a medical checkup in Sickbay and a psych check up with one of our counsellors to ensure you're fit for duty. After that, you will be able to get to work."

"I'll head down to sickbay right away." Tuula was a better doctor than a patient, and she despised boarding physicals. In fact, since her accident, she wasn't a fan of the whole medical profession. She felt her fellow doctors were always looking down on her or trying to fix her, instead of simply accepting her for who she was.

"Good. There should be a counsellor on duty for a drop in session," Scarlet assured with a small smile, tapping on the PADD to complete the transfer paperwork. "Because of your rank, you will be sharing quarters with someone. Your roommate has yet to be assigned, but I'm sure Ops will be in touch once it's sorted out."

That was less than welcome news; Tuula had quarters to herself on Starbase 178. She didn't much like the thought of sharing quarters, after how her roommate at the academy would constantly get on her nerves. Many people just didn't know how to deal with living with her. "Well, as long as I get dibs on the bottom bunk, I'm sure it will be alright," she said, before offering Scarlet a feeble smile.

"Get in there quick, possession wins," Scarlet chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Do you have any questions?"

"No, I think I got it. Everything should be fine, that is, so long as I don't have the displeasure of running into my ex again," joked Tuula.

"It's a small world," Scarlet gave a small, half smile at that, shaking her head. Exes, the plague of the civilised world. "In that case, you're free to go."

"Excellent. I'm sure we'll meet again." With that, Tuula gripped her wheels, turned in place, and was out the door.


Commander Scarlet Blake
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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