USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Can We Avoid an Op on the Op Guy?
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Can We Avoid an Op on the Op Guy?

Posted on 08 May 2012 @ 12:08am by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Chauncey Remington III (KIA)
Edited on on 10 May 2012 @ 10:36am

983 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: USS Galileo - Sickbay
Timeline: MD05 - 1600hours


Looking through the medical files on the senior officers of the ship, Pola found herself slightly distressed that a majority of them had not yet actually been given medical clearance, despite the fact that they were the most important people on this ship, the department heads. Even more distressingly, it seemed the XO hadn't even had his medical clearance yet.

Deciding to tackle the XO in a few hours, Pola choose at random the first senior officer to haul in. One Lieutenant Commander Chauncey Remington III. Smiling to herself, the Doctor realized that this was Will, the guy who thought her nuts for thinking an EMH has emotions.

=^=Doctor Ni Dhuinn to Commander Remington; Could I please request that you visit sickbay please?=^=

Pola had figured, weather of not he was on duty or not, his medical clearance would take precident.

=/\=Of course you can request it, Doctor,=/\= came the light-hearted reply.

Grinning to herself, Pola leaned in her chair.

=^= Apologises Commander, allow me to phrase that; Get down here to sickbay for your medical clearance or I will come get you.=^=

=/\=All right, I'm on my way, but you'll need to declare me healthy real quick, I have a prior engagement I cannot reschedule."

=^=It'll take aslong as it takes Commander. Your medical clearance takes priority. Doctor Ni Dhuinn out.=^=

A couple minutes later, Will walked into sickbay. "Well, here I am," he declared, walking over to one of the biobeds. "Let's get going. You one of those doctors who uses this as an excuse to make me take my shirt off?" He sounded so serious... but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

Walking out of her office at the sound of a voice, Pola raised an eyebrow at the Will. "Well we've met before, Will. Do I seem like the kinda Doctor who wants her patients to take their top off?" Biting her lip to hide a grin, Pola juggled the tricorder between each hand in a whimsical manner before walking over to the nearest bio bed.

"Oh, absolutely, doctor," Will replied.

"Take a bed Commander and we'll get this started."

He sat on the biobed he was standing next to. "How's the EMH working?"

Pola bit her lip as she flipped open her tricorder in order to start with the scan, starting at Will's head. She debating involving herself in a conversation about her talking to the EMH, she got a funny feeling that all that would result in was him thinking her stark raving mad. "Hum...well before we get onto that subject how about you explain to me why on earth you'd think I'm the kinda Doctor who wants someone to take their shirt off?"

Will smiled a devilish smile. "Why, doctor, I merely asked if you were one." Of course that wasn't true, but he didn't make any attempt to amend the statement.

"Hum...Commander do I need to replicate some sodium pentathol?" Continuing the scan down along Will's chest and torso, Pola hits some buttons to ensure she got all the readings she required. After what happened with Lilou she wasn't taking chances anymore. "And while you try to figure that one out, tell me abit about your medical history." Pola bit down harder on her lip to push back the smile.

"I'm neither a chemist nor a doctor," he said, "I'll just assume it's some nasty medicine." He followed the tricorder's probe as she waved it over his chest. "As for my medical history, not much of one besides what's in my file. I don't have anything chronic or anything like that."

"Hum...nasty medicine is one word for it, look it up when you leave it'll be an education of what your Doctor is prepared to do." Laughing, Pola finished up the scans, uploading the results to the nearest monitor. While waiting for the transfer, the Doctor picked up a PADD and started reading the medical history. Raising an eyebrow, Pola looked over at Will, "It says here your often very concerned over the state of your health. Was there anything you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Well," he said, "we haven't run into alien bacteria yet but we probably will eventually... how good are you with exobacterial infections?"

"In all honestly, my experience is more so in what's called anaerobic bacteria. I find it a fascinating area of study as to how a bacteria can grow without any oxygen. Out here in the depths of space it's an area it's good to know about. You have an interest in exobacterial infections yourself?" Leaning back against the biobed behind her, Pola placed her hands back to rest them behind her.

"Well, just in avoiding them," he replied, looking at her expectantly. Was his physical over already?

"Well you're scans are all clear, nothing showing up in your file which I need to be concerned over. Unless you have something further you need to tell me about?" Pola was surprised how quickly this medical exam had passed but there was nothing there for her to be worried over, maybe a counselor for the hypochondria but nothing medical.

"I feel fit as a fiddle, to use an old Earth term." Will hopped off the table. "I'm free to go now?"

Stepping back, Pola smiled and nodded her head. "Off you go, Commander, and I must say, you've been my first speedy medical so far, thank you for that."

"I'll try to keep it that way," he assured her, turning and heading out of sickbay. "Good afternoon, Doctor."

"Dont forget to research sodium pentathol Commander. I'll make sure to have some on hand next time you visit." Smiling Pola turned to see who she needed to say next.


Lt. Cmdr. Chauncey William Remington III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Pola Ni Dhuinn
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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