USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Re-Focusing
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Posted on 11 Nov 2013 @ 10:33am by Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton & Commander Norvi Stace
Edited on on 11 Nov 2013 @ 10:58am

672 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Science Lab 5
Timeline: MD 04 - 1430 hrs


After Allyndra had left Pendleton's office, it was just Norvi and Jacob sat across his desk in awkward silence. She glanced over at him and smiled quietly. "Apologies for interrupting, Lieutenant," she said, now rising from her seat and extending her hand out, "But I'm Lieutenant Norvi Stace, as I said. The new Chief Research Officer... of sorts."

Stace shook her head and scoffed to herself about the predicament as she lowered herself back into her chair. "It's been a while since I was thrust into a position because of a tragedy but I'm hoping to make the best out of a bad situation." She cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "It's not like I have a ship to return to after all, anyway."

Jacob gently shook her hand with his massive one and replied, "No worries Lieutenant Stace, you are not interrupting, I always have time for anyone who comes into my office, especially my fellow scientists." He gave her a warm smile. "So you have my old position as it were, I was there for only a short time but I hope we can forge a powerful union of our abilities to create the best science team Starfleet has witnessed in some time."

He then paused as he reflected upon her last statement, "You may not have a ship to return to but I hope you will consider the Gallileo as home now. If there is anything I can do to help in that, please let me know. So, even though we have this current Borg situation, I still would like to hear your thoughts on how this relationship of ours is to work. I personally am tired of the lines and the 'turf wars' that departments seem to have between each other, it needs to end and it needs to end here and now in my opinion."

Stace practically snorted a laugh as her face softened and she posed a warm smile. "Trust me, Lieutenant," she added, raising both eyebrows, "when you've lived as long as I have, professional rivalries don't have much sway in your day to day life." She paused, but then decided to continue. "What I mean by that is that I don't take things too personally. - What was it my old captain used to say?" she asked herself, breaking off from the moment in the room. "'Don't sweat the small stuff'? And I don't." She smiled warmly again to convey no malice. "I'm sure that we can come to some mutual arrangement, Lieutenant."

Jacob smiled and replied, "Excellent then. Teamwork, collaboration and facilitation will be our so called 'buzz words' then. Shall we have a toast then? I can get us some drinks for the occasion."

Never one to turn down an occasion to drink, Stace's face practically beamed at Pendleton's words. "Beer, if you don't mind," she asked, twitching her nose. "I'm the first one to reach for something delicate like champagne, but some times something a little more rustic is called for. And my old captain used to drink it. He called it 'cask ale' and, once you get used to it, it is rather enjoyable."

Jacob nodded, got up and walked to the replicator, "Computer, one orange creme soda and one Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, both at thirty four degrees Fahrenheit." Quickly the two drinks appeared and he brought them back to the table. He handed the beer to Norvi and then raised his bottle of the bright orange fizzy drink and said, "A toast to collaboration and new found friendship." He smiled at her and then took a long swig of his soda.

Norvi did the same and nodded, beaming back at him. "Collaboration and new found friendship," she parroted.

Jacob smiled at her and then asked, "So... are you into holodeck simulations? I have created a few for my friends that they seemed to enjoy..."


Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Junior Grade Lieutenant Norvi Stace
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo


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