USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - I Just Wanted To Go Home part 2
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I Just Wanted To Go Home part 2

Posted on 30 Jun 2013 @ 3:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman

1,336 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD08: 1000


Evelyn woke up, finding herself sitting down on a chair, hands together in a metal restraint. She looked at her surroundings and shivered. She was in a small room. No windows, blackened walls. No clock, no other furniture at all. A single, rust colored lamp hung from an incredibly long, bare cord from far above her- so far above her that Evelyn couldn't actually see the ceiling. Evelyn was immediately struck by the temperature of the room. It was hot and steamy, a good thirty degrees hotter than the temperature outside by the shuttle.

The sounds of heavy doors opening echoed throughout the room and two muscular guards in blue and black uniforms walked inside of the cell; one Orion, the other Androssi. "Why have you captured me!" demanded Evelyn.

The two men said nothing, instead they took up positions by the locked door.

"I am a citizen of the United Federation of Planets, I have rights. Now would someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

No one said a word. A third figure smaller than the other two, wearing a blue-grey uniform walked in and moved to the far corner of the room opposite the door and behind Evelyn's line of sight. "Don't you already know?" he whispers turning his head towards Evelyn.

"No I don't or else I wouldn't have asked." Evelyn shot back. She almost flinched when the man behind her lowered his face beside Evelyn's left ear and whispered.

"You're tainted cousin."

Evelyn could feel the blood rising through the back of her neck. Her ears were getting hot and red. All three men could see her reaction, and the mood darkening quickly as Evelyn struggled to stay calm and navigate a way out. The man chuckled as he pulled his face away from Eve's ear, "I never knew you'd take the bait." He whispered, walking underneath the light revealing his face to Evelyn. "I'm glad I was proven wrong."

Evelyn looked at him, her eyes widen as she recognized him. She could never forget those eyes. "What you do you want from me?"

"Information." He smirked.

"Well I don't have any to share, so let me go."

"Evelyn, I believe you know more than you're letting on. Don't forget, we've had this conversation before...." He smirked.

Evelyn stiffened, she had a vision of this moment, shortly after the Galileo crash landed at Vega Colony. "If you expect me to reveal Federation secrets, than you abducted the wrong person."

He looked at her amusingly, "Federation secrets? Seriously?" he began to chuckle, "come now Evelyn, I thought you could have done better than this."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same about you Zerx. You're still the pathetic man you were when I first you." Eve replied.

The man froze glaring down at Eve. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner!"

"Oh get off your high horse!" Evelyn spat back, "You're a traitor." Zerx used be the Vice Chancellor of the Vestian Holy Order, a proud member of the Federation. One of a handful of words admitted by Ambassador Spock himself. Prior to 2370, Zerx was considered by Starfleet Intelligence as the next leader of the world. Starfleet took noticed of a change in his behavior when the Dominion War broke out. Suspicion grew that a Changeling had replaced him. Evelyn was the undercover operative assigned by Starfleet Intelligence to investigate the situation. She exposed Zerx's affiliation to the Dominion and last Eve knew he was in Federation prison.

The room remain dead silent. Evelyn wasn't sure what to do. She doesn't even know what she gotten herself into. All she knew was the man was getting angry. A man who's downfall she was responsible for.

Zerx clenched his fists and if looks could kill... "Truth is a very objective term if I get my way." He snarled and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at her, "and as my current position... I plan to regain my title; with your help of course, my dear Cousin."

"We are not cousins!" Eve snapped wincing at the sharp metal now diffing into her wrists. "And you must be deluded to think I'll help you!"

"You already are helping me!" He roared taking a few steps closer to her, "by just being here, you have helped me a great deal!"

"The Federation will not give into your demands just because you hold me hostage." Eve rebuked.

Zerx chuckled leaning forward placing his hands on the chair's armrests. "This isn't about the Federation. You see my dear, if I knew the Federation were going to end up triumphant in the war I wouldn't have plotted with the Dominion." His small smile faded as his eyes focused on Eve's. "You were the one who brought me down, so now you'll be the one who'll give me access to the gateway."

"Gateway...the Nexus?" Eve was almost afraid to ask the question.

"Yes. I read about I was at the Federation Council. Read all those reports how time has no meaning. I know you have...oh what do your people call it? An echo? Well I want in."

Sweat began to bead along her skin, "Why don't you just head to the Nexus yourself?" she asked.

Zerx's frowned as he pulled away. Then in one swift motion he brought his fist down, striking her face hard. "I ask the questions! You answer!"

Eve struggled to maintain her composure, "I don't know how to control the Nexus!" she answered hastily.

Zerx slapped Eve again, this time on her right cheek. "There must be a way. What about that echo of yours?!"

"There isn't." Eve replied quietly almost in a whisper.

Zerx suddenly exploded. "LIAR!" He grabbed Evelyn by her uniform and hair and threw her against the wall.

Restrained and unable to protect herself, Eve hit the wall headfirst, then slumped to the floor and curled up into a fetal position, bracing herself for the blows that may follow. Evelyn was terrified.

Zerx, shaken with rage, grabbed the chair and smashed it against the wall. "Why the hell did I come here?!" Evelyn cried in her mind.

Zerx stared at the two men by the door, "Hand me the device. I have no more time to waste with her."

Evelyn watched as the Orion walked towards Zerx, handing him small appliance. With the tool in hand he moved closer to Evelyn, he pulled her up to her knees and grabbed her by the hair and lifted her face towards his own. Eve sucked in as much air as she could and stared into Zerx's eyes and saw no mercy in them.

He then pressed the device against her neck and heard the faint hissing sound, he opened is hand, releasing Eve and she collapsed onto the floor. Her vision blurred, muscles became numb, and her heart rate accelerated. Zerx turned on his heels and walked away from her, "I'll soon have all I need from you." he replied.

Evelyn remained still on the floor in the center of the cell, and heard the metallic doors open and the men's footfalls as they walked out. As soon as the doors closed and industrial locks secured, all light in the room ceased, leaving Evelyn alone in darkness. Eve's ears caught a faint humming sound which grew louder and louder with each passing minute. She tried to figure out where the sound was coming from, but when a blue light shined above her, she knew.

Whether by faint movements or by chance, Eve rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling above her. There she saw blue energy circling around her. Evelyn was scared- recalling the premonition- finally understanding the feeling to stay away from El-Auria. Evelyn's breathing quickened, her heart pounding.

And with a flash of white light, Evelyn was engulfed by the blue fireball.


Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
Chief Intelligence Officer/2XO
USS Galileo


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