USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Kingfisher III
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Kingfisher III

Posted on 03 May 2013 @ 7:34am by Crewman Neo
Edited on on 04 May 2013 @ 4:03am

1,487 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Holodeck 2, LTjg Liyar's Office
Timeline: MD7 2000


Neo stood up gradually, mindful of sore spots. He cast a balm of analgesia over his body and rested his weight normally. "Kea'drea~. Ezvrithci'laviztiyo. Tydon. Ziyreh Tasun. Kea'Naskisem alenhiram ziyreh'tordat. Vijak aike klaesti. Aike'kea tameriatci. Kea'Meres. (Can't you feel it? It saturates the air around you. Fear. Uncertainty. Naskisem did not deserve your treatment. She came only to help you, to do what she had been told. You hurt her. Your ego. Dir. Trans. You-feel? Saturate-air. Fear. Uncertainty. You-Naskisem treatment not-deserve. Here she help. Her you hurt. Your ego.)"

Liyar clenched his jaw. "Vré previk'Severen tol. (I am nothing like Severen. Dir. Trans. I same-Severen none.)" What did Neo possibly expect from him? In the moments prior, Liyar thought it was very possible he could have killed Neo where he knelt on the ground like a child. Open. Calm. Violence, he recognized it. Rage. Naskisem had been afraid of him. Neo had been afraid of him. Was Maenad? Was it true? It is easy for those who survive the quake to resent it. To grow hard and shake their fists at it. Life calls to life. It could not be true. He had not done anything. He had been careful, so careful. "Tol. Ziyreh'tameriat Meres Naskisem, previk-previk-previk. Ziyreh vré kea'rdhase. Ziyreh'shion. Kea'toiren shariv. Shion. Vré shionmeravith. Riuci. Neo, gatyanshio. Tasunci. Shivat, rdhaseci. Lakanci. Ziyreh kea'Meres. (Nothing like him. I keep saying there was no intention to harm her. You do not know me. Not ever. You think I am out of control. Everything, my life, I have fought. For sanity, Neo. I check. I ensure, I connect, I am learning, I am trying. It is not your decision. Dir. Trans. Nothing. No hurt-intent Naskisem, repeat-repeat-repeat. Not-me you know. Not all. You-think berserker. All. My-life. Fight. Neo, (for)-sanity. Check-(ensure). Connect. Learn. Try. Not your decision-[judgment-deign].)"

"Kea riuciara~ (You fight, yeah? Dir. Trans. You-fight-yes?)," Neo nodded. "Tyan'rdhase. Kea'sheren telarez žtar. Tasunci. Kea'vré C'Thia'žtar alenhiram. Tameriatci'yren, tameriatci'shion. (What's the first step? Awareness. Self-awareness. We are telling you there is a problem. Look at me. Honestly tell me your behavior is acceptable. If you can hurt one person, you can hurt any person. Dir. Trans. Self-aware. You we-problem tell. Look. You-me honestly-tell treatment-care behavior. Hurt-one. Hurt-any.)"

"Tol'tyan* vré tameriatci. Meres kea'vré sharivci. (I hurt no one. You are deliberately provoking me. Dir. Trans. None-selves I hurt. Deliberate you-me do provoke.)"

"Akil~. Liyar, akil~. Akil sharivci~. Naskisem Maenad-rdhase kea alenhiram, mekalci-mekalci. Liyar, aike'terhaneda. Terhaneda-tavekha. Khasiedara-setzeyan. Klinoneda. Terhaneda tira-tasun, pera'rdhase. Ziyreh Sarai rdhaseara~. Liyar, Sarai nikal. Nikal. (Why? Why, Liyar? Why are you provoked at all? Maybe, just maybe, you realize that if Maenad knew the way you'd behaved to Naskisem, she'd run so far in the opposite direction, so fast. Liyar, she is a Terran. Terrans are fragile. Terrans are weak. You are a monster to her. You're no better than a Klingon to any Terran who has the slightest grasp of what it means to be a Vulcan. Sarai didn't know, yeah? And Sarai is strong, Liyar. She is strong. Dir. Trans. Why? Liyar, why? Why provoke? (Maybe-possibly-realize)-Naskisem Maenad-know you treat, run-run-(so-far-fast). Liyar, she-Terran. Terran-fragile-weak. Vulcan-monster. Klingon. Terran that-see, if known. Not Sarai know, yes? Liyar, Sarai strong. Strong.)" Neo locked eyes with Liyar, imploring him to understand. "Rhys aike'rdhase. (She knows now. Dir. Trans. Now she know.)"

Liyar gestured widely. "Neo, vohlidan. Vré Ziyreh Meres khamesior'a. (Accusations, Neo. Paranoia. She is my friend. That is all. I would never hurt her. I have no intention of bonding. Dir. Trans. Neo, (accuse)-paranoia.) I no-intent bond-[wife].)"

"Liyar, Meres. Kea'shionmeravith. (There has to be some intention, Liyar. It's your life. Dir. Trans. Liyar, (some)-intent. Your-life.)"

"L'it vré Meres. (And my choice. Dir. Trans. And my choice.)"

"Meres'jihen~. (What choice? Dir. Trans. Choice what?)"

"Zi žtar. Vré amtriosh shionmeravith odi. (To say no. To live how I want. Dir. Trans. No-say. I want live how.)" Liyar walked over to the computer terminal and pulled out a small medical kit, detaching the scanner and tricorder. He held it out to Neo. "Ziyreh Naskisem Tydon'Meres (I did not mean to frighten Naskisem Dir. Trans. Not Naskisem frighten-intent)," he spoke quietly after a while. "Ziyreh Naskisem khamesior'a. Ziyreh'viyet. (I can't bond with her. Dir. Trans. No Naskisem bond no-can.)"

"Ziyreh, zi khamesior'a. Oiyren, aike žtar. Kea-aike zisar žtar. Ziyreh aike zisarci. (Then don't. Don't bond with her. Just talk to her. You say she's dishonored you. Don't dishonor her. Dir. Trans. Not. No bond. Just her-speak. You-she dishonor-say. No her-dishonor.)" Neo took the tricorder gingerly and the small dermal regenerator it came with. His brother had a stubbornly infuriating habit of shutting things out when he couldn't handle them. Since the Dominion, Neo knew it was because if Liyar let it in, he'd feel it. Feel the pain and suffering, feel the effects of his Will. He could slowly see the wall crumbling. That's all he needed. For Liyar to feel it from Naskisem, from him. The Empath's curse of their culture, cruelty could never be rewarded.

"Aike khamesior'a oiri'Meres, (She expects me to bond with her. Dir. Trans. She bond time-intent)," Liyar said, watching as Neo ministered to the wounds he'd been given. Liyar frowned and took the regenerator, lifting Neo's arm to assist.

It was a start. Tension cord-break. So much pressure. Pressure, pressure. It was their way. 'Til it couldn't sustain itself, until the canister popped and sprayed corrosive mist everywhere. Mist could be dissolved, out in the open, knowledge. "Aike thurineda, klaestici oiri'Meres. Tira tajketik. (She expects you to be her friend, to let her help. That's it. That's all. Dir. Trans. She friend-help will-intent. That-simple.)"

"Tira tajketik, (That's it. Dir. Trans. That-simple)," Liyar repeated dryly. "Shen vijak'zi~. (Where is Shen? Dir. Trans. Shen here-not?)"

"Khasivrashion, (Home. Dir. Trans. Homeland)," Neo said. He looked up, expression lighter than before. "Aike risket'allanik (She's pregnant. Dir. Trans. She bring-have-child.)"

Liyar pressed his eyes together and opened them, blinking. "Jihen~ Risket~. (What? Dir. Trans. What? Bring-psionic-intangible?)"

He nodded. "Ziyreh merinal sheren žtar. Dinrek, (Yeah. We were told it wouldn't happen, but. Dir. Trans. Not-happen we told. But-[you-see-it-did])," Neo shrugged, tilting his head to the side. He took back the regenerator and snapped it into its holding spot and gave the medical kit to Liyar. "Ciladeil. Laīzardekhrwanci. Rdhasetoiraci ara~. (Go on. Meditate. Process. Yeah? Dir. Trans. Go-on. Calm-psionic-do. Process yes?)"

Neo bowed his head once and headed out of the room, leaving Liyar alone, holding a medkit and terribly confused.

Talk. Talk to Naskisem. That was the simplest part, the only part he could handle right now. He moved to replace the kit. As much as he had accused her of dishonoring him, he had potentially done the same to her. But how could there be resolution without compromising his own integrity? He took a deep breath. He left the holodeck and slowly traipsed his way up to his office, deep in thought.

Neo was right. It started with Logic. Respect. Talking. One step at a time. Maybe she wouldn't get it, but he could not control her behavior. He could only control his own, and it would be dishonorable to mistreat her. He had apologized, he did not know what else to do. He was not good at reaching out. He remembered that Naskisem had wanted to meet the captain, and Lilou Peers. He could not control what Lirha Saalm chose to do, but he could enter the request into the system. He entered his office and closed the door over, making his way to his computer and bringing up the screen, typing out a quick message to Saalm's public frequency, the same one Raifi Zaren and Jool Fenta would have used. He grabbed Lilou's codes and memorized them before closing down the top of the computer and leaning over his desk.

There wasn't any better time than the present, right? Vaikreyan stared back encouragingly. Fret not, tiny-Vulcan. I prefer myself liking people / to myself loving mankind. / I prefer keeping a needle and thread on hand, just in case. / I prefer the color green. / I prefer not to maintain / that reason is to blame for everything.


Lieutenant (JG) Liyar
Diplomatic Officer, VDF/SDD
USS Galileo

Crewman Neo
Support Craft Pilot, FCON
USS Galileo


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