USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Kingfisher II
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Kingfisher II

Posted on 03 May 2013 @ 7:33am by Crewman Neo
Edited on on 04 May 2013 @ 4:44am

1,587 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD7 2000


Some things didn't change. Neo twisted under Liyar's palm-strike and executed a lower kick to the thigh using the base of his heel. Liyar blocked it by turning his knee out and quickly brought his other leg to sweep under Neo's opposite, using his elbow to drive down into a pressure point at Neo's shoulder. Neo landed on his back. "Tam (Let it out. Dir. Trans. Out-[over-onward])," he nodded up, slowly bringing himself back to his feet. Falling back into it, give and take, push and pull, competition. It was natural.

"Grifoci (You will explain yourself. Dir. Trans. Explain)," Liyar demanded as Neo flipped to his feet and charged forward again. Neo attempted to disrupt Liyar's balance and Liyar let him, falling to the ground and taking Neo with him. He used his foot and arms to roll Neo over his head and heard the heavy thunk of Neo's back hitting the deck. Liyar rolled to the side and stood, using his knee to plant Neo back down before he could get up. "Oiri'rhys. (Now. Dir. Trans. Time-now.)"

Neo's jaw snapped at the hit and he blinked hard. He'd forgotten how much of a wallop Liyar could pack. Since childhood the elder Vulcan had only gotten stronger. Feeling a little like he was rattling the cage of an angry le-matya, he shook his head. "Naskisemara~. Aike'sarjentuyan. Agatyo, tyanvanek, gatyanshio. Ikirovak. Liyar, Meres'viyet. Akil kea'grifoci Livre'riu~. (Naskisem, yeah? She's a teacher. Stable, healthy, smart. She's willing and able, Liyar. Why don't you explain why you're having a hissy fit? Dir. Trans. Naskisem-yes? Teacher. Stable, happy, healthy (Core-there). Smart. Liyar, willing-able. Why you-explain rage-[tear-to-pieces]?)"

"Neo, ziyreh kea'a telarez. (It is not your business, Neo. Dir. Trans. Neo, not of-you concern.)" Liyar pulled Neo's arm toward him at the wrist and slammed the plane of his elbow into Neo's throat.

Neo went down coughing, and rubbed his hand over the bruised spot. "Kea vré'a davohk. Vijak cila kea domenrik. Kraze denek shio. Kenra aike. Aike'kea hiram. Aike'kea jaresh. Ara~. (You are my brother. I was sent here to look out for you and that is what I'm doing. You are off the spectrum. I heard the girl. You care about her. You like her. Yeah? Is that it? Dir. Trans. You of-me brother. Here-sent you protect. Off-spectrum-(sanity). Hear her-(girl-Maenad). You care. You like. Yeah?)"

Neo stood and took a position opposite of Liyar, parrying his blows with his elbows and forearms. Liyar twisted his wrist and let go, before he stepped into a swift roundhouse, spinning on his feet to enter a full circle. He landed and went straight into another with the opposite leg, forcing Neo to stumble and go careening toward the wall. "Ritiyan-Maenad. Ziyreh'vré azaen. (Maenad is off-limits. Do not test me. Dir. Trans. (Shut-down)-Maenad. Not-me test.)"

Crashing into the wall hard, Neo grimaced and picked himself up. "Akil~. Kea jrianriu~. Rivkyalci Naskisem. Rivath an'arain. Kea an'arain. Aike'vreaz~. Yatekeyra~. C'Thia~. (Yeah? What happens if I test you? You will break my neck? Or maybe threaten and intimidate me like you did to Naskisem. Violence is unbecoming. You think the girl can handle that? You think she'll appreciate your ugliness? You think she's a logical choice? Dir. Trans. Why? You neck-break? (Perhaps-maybe)-threaten-intimidate (same)-Naskisem. Violence-ugly. You-ugly. (That)-girl-(Maenad) handle? Appreciate? Truth-[logic]?)"

Liyar used one arm to block Neo's next attack and the other to burst against his chest, setting him on the defensive again. "Neo, ziyreh Meres khamesior'a. Krat vré kea'cila. (I have no intention of bonding, Neo. Back away from me. Dir. Trans. Neo, intent-bond-(amesth-of-me-bond)-(no). From-away me you-back-away.)" Lead-hand punch. Palm. Cross. Upward elbow. Insole slide. Back. Hammerfist. Heelkick. Sweep. Hammerfist.

Down. Neo grunted as he was splayed out on the floor once more. Did the ceiling usually have that many bright, sparkly spots? He picked himself up and pointed a finger. "Zi. Zi, zi. Aike kea'amtriosh. Kea'vraz. Ara~. Zi'toiren kea'vré rdhase. Vré rdhaseara. Aike'tan. Naskisem'tan. Kraz'tan. Ziyreh'vré. Aike kea'amtriosh gazci. Ziyreh khamesior'a. Zisariara. Risket'aike. Gazci. Tyavraedator vradhashiontol, ara~. (Oh, no. No, no. You just want that girl for yourself, right? You think I don't know you. You can lie to her. You can lie to Naskisem. You can lie to yourself. But you cannot lie to me. You want to keep her. Maybe not bond, maybe not. Dishonorable, yeah? Hide her away, like chattel. Is that what it is? Dir. Trans. No-no-no. Her you-want. Yourself. Yes? Not-think you-I know. I know-yes. Her-lie. Naskisem-lie. Yourself-lie. Not me. Her you want-keep. (Perhaps-maybe)-not-bond-(perhaps). Dishonorable-yes. Hide-her. Keep-away. Chattel-yes?)" Neo had little time to prepare for the kayat-tarya. He screwed up his eyes against the psionic backlash hitting him like a shockwave and fell to the ground on his knees, head down. Pain. Electricity. Neo swore mentally. "Kea'vré rdhase. Kea'rdhase tameriatci'Naskisem aike toiren~. (I know you. Look at yourself. You're out of control. You know Naskisem thought you were going to hurt her? You're lashing out. Dir. Trans. You I-know. Look. No-control. You-know, hurt-Naskisem she thought?)"

Liyar stared down at him, eyes nearly black. "Sheren'žtar. Ziyreh aike'tameriatci. Ziyreh tameriat'Meres. Ziyreh'shariv. Kea'vré anyarenka'cila (We spoke. I did not hurt her. I have no intention of hurting anyone. I am not dangerous. I am not out of control. You will leave me alone. Dir. Trans. We-spoke. Not her-harm. No harm-intent. Not-dangerous-(weapon-insane). You me leave-alone)," he said harshly.

"Liyar, kayat'tarya-katar. Tameriatci vré. (Open your mind, Liyar. You're hurting me. Dir. Trans. Liyar, mind-open. Hurt-me.)" Neo met his eyes calmly. "(You're blocking. Denying. You feel it, yeah? Dir. Trans. Block. Deny. Feel-now yes?) Shaan. Ziyiv. Drea'oiri'rhysara~."

Fear. Distress. Regret. Pain. They swirled through the room, settled on his tongue bitterly. Liyar took a deep breath and took a single step backwards. "Ziyreh rdhase. Kea~. (I do not understand. You? Dir. Trans. No-understand. You?)"

"Vré. Naskisem. Maenad. Aike kea'csya Tydon. Ziyreh Tasun, aike oiri'rhys. Liyar, Khasiedara kea'rhys. Kraz'tasun. Kea'rdhase, tira'terhaneda, kea'rdhase. Aike kea'Meres riurivaci. Ziyreh, gazci'aike. Khasiedara, khamesior'a. Terhaneda aike'rhys (Me. Naskisem. Even Maenad. She is afraid of you and she doesn't even know why. You are a Vulcan, Liyar. You need to check yourself. You know it is impossible with that Terran. You know it. You'll kill her. And even if you don't kill her, you'll confine her to a life of being a Vulcan's wife. She is a Terran. Dir. Trans. Me. Naskisem. Maenad. She of-you afraid. Unknown-why, she is. Liyar, Vulcan you are. Yourself-check. (Impossible)-you-know, that-Terran. You-know. Her you-will kill. Not, trap-her. Trap-her, Vulcan wife-of. Terran she is)," Neo said, arching an eyebrow as though Terran were an insult. "Oiri'ziyreh rdhase Meres-tira. Oiri'ziyreh kea'jihen amtriosh'trisal'ak. Oiri'ziyreh kea'amestha. Ziyreh'odi aike trisal. (She cannot ever understand what that means. She can never give you what you need. You will never love her, not the way she wants. Dir. Trans. Never-understand means-that. Never you-what need-give. Never you within-(me)-outward-want-have. Not how-she wants.)"

"Kea'deilhaezym. Vré'khamesior'a ziyreh amtriosh. Vré ziyreh - vré rdhase (You overstep yourself. I don't want to bond. I don't - I know. Dir. Trans. You overstep. I bond-not-want. I not - I know)," Liyar admitted, gesturing and widening his eyes in exasperation. "Vré'rdhase. Kea ziyreh-toiren~. Ziyreh khamesior'a amtriosh. Vré'a khamesior'a shiyavri'laro. Vré'a fashal shiyavri'laro. Vraz'edizyl shiyavri'laro. Oiri'laro reshkhjan'shaiyx vré'ziyreh. Ziyreh amtriosh. Ziyreh'rhys. Oiri'ziyreh. Vré shionmeravith. Vré'Meres. Vré Naskisem amtriosh'trakan aike'devenci tovanihciyan. Kea grifo'vré rdhase'tol. Grifo'Maenad rdhase'tol. Taivrethtohrci. (You think I don't know that? I don't want a wife. My wife is dead. My son is dead. My family is dead. I am not going to waste my time crying about it, but I do not need your insufferable prying. Not now. Not ever. It is my life, it is my choice. Naskisem wants me to sit on a shelf while she admires her handiwork. You know nothing about me. You know nothing about Maenad. You cross the line. Dir. Trans. I know. You not-think? Not wife-want. Of-me-bonded wife dead. Of-me-son, dead. Family-of-me dead. Time-gone weeping-(sarcasm) I won't. (Insufferable-prying)-not need. Not now. Not all. My life. My will. Me Naskisem want-sit, high-up-elevated, she admire-fix-work. You-about-me know-nothing. About-Maenad know-nothing. Line-cross.)"

Neo sighed minutely. "Ruzen shaan'shaiyx. Eda'vijak. Tydonkea'a. Severen. Oiri'Meres kea'rdhase. Aike, thurineda kea'a, Tydon kea'sytedorra. (You need to stop blocking. You need to realize that there are real people here. People who are afraid for you, of you. I'm seeing the same thing happen to you that happened to Severen. One day you are going to wake up and realize that this girl, this friend of yours, can barely look at you because she fears to offend you. Dir. Trans. Stop-blocking. (Real)-people here. Afraid-of-you. (Same-thing)-Severen. Future-you realize. Girl, friend, of-you, afraid you-offend.)"

Liyar's expression communicated his response effectively enough.


Lieutenant (JG) Liyar
Diplomatic Officer, VDF/SDD
USS Galileo

Crewman Neo
Support Craft Pilot, FCON
USS Galileo


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