USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Good News & Bad News
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Good News & Bad News

Posted on 04 Apr 2012 @ 10:21pm by Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Tarishiana Barel
Edited on on 04 Apr 2012 @ 11:29pm

1,022 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: Chief Engineer's Quarters
Timeline: MD-02:0102


Markum was sitting on his bed, looking out through his window at the panorama of stars as they approached the starbase. It was peaceful sitting in the dark, listening to a recording of a jam session he and Marcus had completed just before his new posting. It was in an Andorian Jazz style piece. It had its up tempos, and some really smooth stuff in the middle. It was peaceful, and serine. Much like how he felt at this moment.

Meanwhile in Barel's Quarters...

Tarishiana practically sank into the couch with a permanent grin and a sigh. She hadn't expected to meet someone like Markum on this posting and she hadn't expected to enjoy herself as much as she had tonight. Her hand rested on her forehead as her eyes closed.

Quinn's Quarters

His desktop monitor came alive with the UFP symbol on it. He walked over to his desk and activated it. "Hi Dad! How are ya?"

"Son, I am good. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong dad. Why do you think something is always wrong when I call you?" asked Marcus.

"Because, son. You only call in the middle of the night." replied Markum. He expression of concern quickly changed to one of joy. "So, just getting in form another night on the town Marcus?"

"Dad, what is happening to you?" asked his son with real concern in his eyes.

"What? Nothing, what? Why? What I..umm...nothing..I'm fine..."

"Dad, you're acting funny. Your not grumpy, and you're smiling at oh-one hundred. Forget being happy at this time...but the very fact that you are awake is a big deal. Are you on duty?"

"What? What is that suppose to mean?" Markum wondered Should I tell him I was on a date?

Suddenly Marcus' eyes became huge. "You meet someone dad? Is she hot? Did you..."

"Hey. easy kid." quickly interjected Markum. of course she's hot. More like smokin' hot. thought Quinn to himself. "Yes, Marcus. I had a date. She is a beautiful woman, and yes, I like her quite a bit." and she has lips softer than velvet.

Barel's Quarters

Tarishiana was amused by the fact that she was able to hear the conversation Markum was having with his son. She knew she shouldn't be listening but he had given her permission to listen in and this conversation was way more then amusing. Her eyes remained closed as she tried to maintain her focus.

Quinn's Quarters

"About time dad!" exclaimed Marcus. "Last time you were on a date, Zefran Cochrane was alive." remarked the now giggling young man.

Markum always loved his son's innocent giggle, it always made Markum laugh right along with his son. "That is not true Marcus Allen Quinn. He was very much still alive." joked the jovial father with his lighthearted son.

"I'm glad dad. You've been alone a long time, ya know? I was worried you were lonely. I love you dad."

"I love you too, son. Very much. And no, you do not need to worry about me. I am fine...." Better than fine right now. "...I may of been alone these years, but hardly lonely. Six of the past few years was in deep space, exploring."

Marcus suddenly got quiet, and looked down. Markum suddenly felt that he was about to be told something bad. Figures, I have the best date, ever, and now he drops a photon torpedo on my excitement. "What's wrong Marcus?"

The young man rubbed the back of his sleeve across his eyes, "It's Uncle Ty. He was rushed to the hospital about four hours ago. He was on his was back from Mars Colony to Earth when his shuttle suddenly lost control and crashed. He isn't looking good, dad. I tried contacting you earlier, but a subspace link could not be made. I'm sorry, dad."

Markum looked up, then back to the screen. "It's okay. I always thought we'd have time to work things out." He is too angry to die. He has to live. "Thanks for the update." Markum sat down and shook his head in disbelief. He could not imagine a life with out his pompous-loud-mouthed older brother around.

Marcus looked at his father, "Dad, I hope I didn't ruin your night. You deserve to be happy dad. You were the best father a kid could have, and you are the bestest friend a guy could ever hope to have. Maybe, one day you may even have a steady girlfriend." he added with the giggle.

Nothing could ruin tonight Girlfriend, yeah. High hopes he has for me. "Thanks. Look champ, I have to run before i lose the feed. Keep me posted on Tyrannus, will yeah?"

"Sure, dad." Marcus said, "Oh, dad. I love you, and tell your girlfriend I said hi!"

The signal faded and Markum was left with only his smile from earlier that had yet to leave his face, and his thoughts on his oldest brother. Markum walked over to his bed and sat down on the side, with his hands to his face. He wondered what type of irony was at play. How can I go from having such a great time with Tarish, and not wanting the night to end..especially the kiss Ty on his death bed. And that old fool is laying there all alone....and so am I here. I need a shower.

Markum tossed his duty uniform into the reclamater, and walked into his bathroom. He stopped over the sink and splashed cold water on his face, and head. The water was refreshing, and it helped clear his mind. He looked into the shower. "Shower, water hot." The shower head began shooting water from it. Quickly the small bathroom was filled with steam. The water in the shower was hot, and felt good on his face. His thought drifted back to one person...and wondered what she dreamed while she slept. Man she smelled good.



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