USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Doctor, Doctor
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Doctor, Doctor

Posted on 25 Apr 2012 @ 3:35am by Ensign Im'er Mor'an & Lieutenant JG Robin Hilyer MD & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D.

1,366 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: USS Galileo, Sickbay
Timeline: MD3 1600hours


Mor'an didn't particularly like medical personnel for the simple reason that they always focused on the body, never the mind. She never needed doctors as she was rarely ever sick and growing up she doctored herself when needed. But these physicals were necessary. That was the only reason she was standing before the door of sickbay, hesitating before having to meet Dr. Hilyer.

The doors opened. Robin saw Mor'an enter the room. Robin could tell that the Cadet seemed out of place in Sickbay. When he he approached her with caution he smiled at her warmly. "Welcome Cadet please take a seat on a biobed and I'll be with you shortly. I know you want this to be quick but, I am with another patient."

Robin turned to another biobed, where a young officer was sitting slumped over and rubbing his shoulder from an rock climbing incident on the holodeck. Robin treated him and then turned his attention back on the Cadet. He rolled a small table next him filled with instruments. The doctor pulled out a medical tricorder and began to scan Im'er's head with the sensor fob. "So tell me how have you been feeling? Have you acclimated yourself with the crew?"

"I am feeling as well as I ever do," Mor'an replied, her eyes following the tricorder whenever it came within her sight. She tried her best to keep the displeasure from her voice. "I am slowly meeting with the crew as needed." Mor'an studied the young doctor, trying to decide if she liked him at all. Of course, her dislike of doctors made her more than a little biased.

"That's good. I know how hard it could be, being so far from home. My Fourth year internship was on a Starbase near the Tzenkethi border. Not a pleasure cruise I tell you. But..."He paused to scan around her chest. "But I made an impression, and a few friends I keep in touch with. If you want to get ahead in Starfleet Cadet you can never have enough friends."

Robin put away the scanning fob and started to feel under her neck. "Have you had any recent unexplained symptoms? Any kind of pain lately?"

"No, sir," Mor'an said as his fingers probed her skin, "I am rarely ever in need of a doctor. If I ever come to see you unexpectedly, know that it is for something drastic." She then changed the subject suddenly, not wanting to talk about herself. "How long ago were you at the Starbase?"

Walking over to where she saw Hilyer with a patient. Pulling him aside she explained that there had been a call from Starfleet in which they urgently required his presence and were not taking no for an answer. Watching as Hilyer ran off, Pola walked over to his patient with a smile on her face. "My sincere apologises about that. Doctor Hilyer is required urgently elsewhere. I'm Doctor Ni Dhuinn, his assistant medical officer. Would you like me to continue your medical?"

Mor'an eyed the woman inquisitively. "It must be done," she said, "Do what you think necessary." Try as she might to sound civil, Mor'an couldn't quite get over her dislike of sickbay.

Picking up the PADD to read through Robin's notes, Pola propped her hip against the bio bed behind her, staying facing Mor'an. Knowing this woman's race to be very calm, the Doctor was slightly concerned about the slight abruptness of the woman."Is there anything in perticular concerning you at the moment?"

"No," Mor'an said, "I am in perfect health." She sat with her back arrow-straight, suddenly realizing she was being brusque and uncivil -- not a good first-impression to make. "Forgive me," she said at length, "I am not usually like this. Sickbay puts me in edge. Please, continue with your examination."

Looking over at Mor'an, Pola smiled softly, putting aside the Padd, "I tell you what. How about we just have a casual chat? We will discuss your past medical history but you can talk me through it." The young Doctor was hoping to try put the young woman at ease.

"Past medical history?" Mor'an repeated. "I do not recall any instances that would be of any importance. When the mind is healthy, so is the body." She allowed her back to relax slightly so it was not quite so ram-rod straight. Pola might not be as bad as most doctors.

Pola nodded her head and smiled more broadly as she gently teased Mor'an,"You realise people like yourself could manage to put us Doctors out of business? What are we meant to do if noone ever has a reason to need to visit sickbay? There must be something, even if it's small...a cold?a flu?broken bones?banged head?"

Mor'an was silent for a moment as she sat in thinking back on her childhood. "During my years of training, particularly around the age of seven or eight, I had more accidents and near misses than I care to count," she said finally, "While I never broke anything, I did get bruised and beat up. But then, that comes with a mentor who has more then two decades of experience over you. And I am better for it."

Tilting her head slightly to the side, Pola thought through this information."There's an old saying in human terms which seems to apply to what you are explaining...a child will never know the fire is hot unless he or she gets burned first." Suddenly realising that sounded bad, the Doctor laughed gently,"Obviously I do not encourage burning the hand of your child but sometimes a child needs to do things his or her own way to learn."

"Precisely," Mor'an said, smiling gently, "And now I can take a heavier beating than most would give me credit for. I look gentle enough -- until you put a dagger in my hand."

Pola winced slightly at the word dagger. As a Doctor her concentration was on saving people, as a result she stayed far away from weapons. She could hold, point and fire a phaser, and she had a 50/50 chance she might actually hit the target but that was about it. The only reason she even knew that was because as a senior officer she may sometimes need to take charge of away teams, and she needed to be able to defend the people under her. "Dagger...well...give me a tricorder or a dermal generator any day, I'd probable do a better job doing injury to others with them then I would a weapon." Smiled over at Mor'an, Pola stepped back and picked up a PADD, happy they had the scans required and the young woman was medically fit."Everything looks good to go. I just need to get your records updated and then I can give you your medical clearance. Apologises again about the interruption earlier."

"It is of no importance," Mor'an said, referring to aforementioned interruption. "As long as I am fit to complete my duties, it matter nought how the clearance is given. May I take my leave?"

Pressing her thumb against the PADD, Pola than handed this to Mor'an."Make sure you take it easy with those daggers going going forward. Maybe I'll see you around at some stage." The Doctor moved to tidy away the tricorder and monitors.

"Perhaps," Mor'an said, sliding gracefully down from the biobed. "But please do not take it the wrong way when I say I hope not to see you too often." She offered a small grin to the doctor.

"I don't and I agree." Robin smiled widely. "That would mean I doing my job well."

Hearing a voice behind her, Pola jumped before turning around and seeing her boss. "Doctor Hilyer, welcome back." Smiling and turning to address Mor'an, "I have to say I agree with the both of you. And I do look forward to seeing more of you outside of work."


Lt. Robin Hilyer, MD
USS Galileo

Cadet Senior Grade Im'er Mor'an
Red Squad Intern
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Pola N Dhuinn
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo
pNPC McCarthy


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