USS Galileo :: Reflections of the Past, Shadows of the future Part 4
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Reflections of the Past, Shadows of the future Part 4

Posted on 21 Jun 2014 @ 8:18pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

977 words; about a 5 minute read

"Sickbay is quiet tonight and I thought to continue to read and translate the story from my book," Allyndra was talking to walls in general. "Computer open log entitled Shadows of the Past, Reflections of the Future."

[Log Open Recording]

NabKisri Ylindra

"Burning, it was the first thought in my mind. There was heat, flame but now coolness and a softness entered my perception. The world came back into my thoughts. The Fold Ship had suffered a malfunction and I had made my excape from it. The heat and flame was from its precipitous fall through this planets atmosphere. Wait, there was something more, a being. I remember a being before the dehydration and exhaustion had taken me.

Opening on eye I tired to perceive my surroundings. A place came into focus and a several sounds, the most prominent of which was a sort of raspy nasally sound. I shifted on the soft surface and realized that I was now stark naked between the what was no doubt a bed and the cover.

That was a concern but there was no other evidence that any form of further exploration of my being had been attempted. It reminded me that I was an alien now on an alien world and if the tables had been turned or if the aliens that lived here had enough curiosity I could have easily found myself dissected and commented over.

Shifting slightly the sound of the major noise was soon discovered. A male, for that is what I would have pinned him for, since his form was not so different than those on my own world, lay sprawled in a chair not far from the foot of the bed and head dropped on the chest. It took me only a moment to deduce that the sound was due to the air passage being restricted. It, he, I decided on he, looked enough like one of us, and indeed it seemed that in the few contacts we had had with others that such an Akkadianoid form seemed to be a repeated theme.

I observed the alien for a few moments before deciding to look further at my surroundings and quietly slipped out of the bed. Curiosity was high on my list but it did not take long for that basic need called hunger to exert itself as well. Nothing was at hand that I could perceive that handle that but perhaps my alien host and that would not be a good introduction. It was obvious that it, no he, was as curious about me as I was about him else I would have been turned over to the authorities of his world.

Carefully I took the few steps to a window and peered out on the world. More beings were going to and fro and it took only a few more moments to perceive that they were divided by form and dress into what was no doubt at least two sexes. While I observed more males performing manual labor and though more muscled and bulked than some of the more dressed ones passing by below, they were not distinct enough for me to peg them as distinct enough.

Turning my attention to the rest of the room, the table near the window was scattered with paper with markings on it. I could not decifer the symbols but nearby were bound books with more markings and in some drawn pictures. I looked at the pictures and tried to match symbols to objects.

Perhaps, my own curiosity got the better of me and I became careless with the noise of moving the books for with a sudden snort that made me turn, my alien host came awake.

His eyes opened wide suddenly and then he looked away saying something in his language which obviously I could not understand. He stood but did not advance and kept his head turned. I know I was alien but perhaps my thoughts raced I was offensive in form and I prepared myself to defend myself though it would no doubt make for more trouble.

He made for the bed and pulled the top piece off and keeping his head averted handed it toward me carefully with one hand. It struck me that between the way the people of his culture dressed and his current posture that it might not be my form but the fact I was naked that offended him.
Gently I took the covering from him and wrapped myself with it as best as possible trying to somewhat mimic the neck to ankle that I had perceived the others of his race doing.

He stood there still head averted and then I said hungry. He turned his head slightly and then with a large breath looked at me with puzzlement. The only translator which would have helped had perished with the ship and I repeated just a single word and then pointed to my mouth and touched my stomach hoping that it would make enough sense.

He repeated the word Polio'ai but it was off in the nuance but I nodded and then he said a word in language Hungry and repeated my gesture to which I nodded. He nodded and went to one of the wooden cabinets and took out several items and busied himself for a few moments. He then returned with some cups, and some plates. He cut a piece of the dark brown item and offered to me but I refused but spying something liquid and white I took that instead. I knew it was dangerous to sample items of a strange world but what choice did I have but to dehydrate and die.
The white liquid had a strange taste but not unsatisfying and I nodded. "

Allyndra heard the sickbay doors open and she closed her book and said quietly
[Close log]


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