USS Galileo :: Log Entry: Mialin 001
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Log Entry: Mialin 001

Posted on 16 Apr 2012 @ 6:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin

323 words; about a 2 minute read

"Computer begin log"

Personal Log: Dea Mialin

I've recently been assigned to the Galileo as Chief Flight Control Officer. Starting out n a new assignment is always hard on the nerves. In time that will pass once the Command staff and crew get to know me better. As a department head I have to gain the trust of my superiors and those who serve under me. So far things are going as well as they can be.

Granted I have to wonder what we're getting into because it seems like I'm not being told everything for one reason or another. Its the first time I've asked about the mission only to be told I'll get that information later. Of course I hope that initial impression turns out to be wrong. This is one of those times I hate being the new person. Eventually I know that won't be the case but for now...

On another matter my goal is to become a productive member of this crew. For now I think people see me as someone who has to prove herself and I feel the same way. I want to get past that awkward state. Certainly it takes time I just hope that happens sooner rather than later. The only thing to do it take things day by day.

So far I've been spending my off duty time getting up to speed with Galileo and my department. One thing I know from experience is being behind the curve is bad. I won't allow that for anyone assigned to the Flight Control Department or myself. To prevent that I've been working up various training exercises and drills.

More on adapting to life aboard the Galileo later. Right now I just need to keep reminding myself that things will sort themselves out in time. There is still some stuff that requires my attention before I call it a night.

"End log."


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