USS Galileo :: Duty Denied
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Duty Denied

Posted on 01 May 2022 @ 5:25am by Ensign Amanda Turell

150 words; about a 1 minute read

Computer begin personal log, Ensign Amanda Turell.

The boss is taking me off of proper duty, she wants to review and risk assess every incident before considering sending me in to do my job, unless something serious happens. You know, being boarded by rampant Orions hell bent on killing or enslaving all of us, that kinda serious. I don't like it.... at all.

She has put me on bidge duty though, though what need this little ship has for a tactical officer on the bridge, they don't even have a tactical station up there and I'm trained more for shooting at people than at ships. Just have to hope whatever attacks us just happens to beam onto the bridge rather than try and blow us up.

Guess I'll just have to see how things go, she said it won't be permenant but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

End log.


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