USS Galileo :: Biography - Amanda Turell


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05 Feb 2025 @ 1:26am

Ensign Amanda Turell

Name Amanda Turell

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25
Place of Birth England- Earth

Character Type

Category Secondary Character (PNPC)
PNPC Owner Mimi

Starfleet ID

Serial Number BZ-116-0142
Rank Class Junior Officer
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Watch Team 1

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color dark green
Physical Description Amanda is tall compared to the rest of her family but the majority of her height is in her legs.

Coming from a military family Amanda is extremely fit, there is very little spare fat on her body and a good deal of muscle.

She wears her hair way beyong the regulations set by her father when she was growing up, it now hangs part way down her back usually in a ponytail.

Due to her injury she has a series of scar around her right shoulder.


Father Brian Turell, Captain - federation marine corp died at Chin'toka
Mother Maria Turell- housewife
Sister(s) Amy Turell- older sister, private federation marine corps, died at AR-558

Personality & Traits

Strengths Due to a military upbringing Amanda is physically strong and tough and thanks to being taught how to shoot from a very young age she is very proficient with all of the current hand held weapons used by starfleet.

Having to learn to use her left arm at everything she would have used her right for Amanda has learned to be ambidextrous.
Weaknesses Despite trying several different examples of it several times Amanda has a severe disliking of Klingon food

During a boarding action of an Orion pirate vessel Amanda was shot in the right shoulder with a disruptor pistol on a high setting, she nearly lost the arm entirely but the majority of the damage was able to be repaired. However she lost the use of the arm for a time, she has since regained the use of it but it's muscles are weaker and the nerves are more sensitive than before. She also had a tendency to dislocate it more easily.
Ambitions Amanda's injury left her 'on the shelf' for a year while she recovered, her overall proficiency suffered accordingly. She has been trying to get back to that level through exercise and training
Hobbies & Interests Currently Amanda's hobbies are focussed around getting back to her previous level of proficiency through exercising and training, however she has to take it easier than she'd like because of her injury.

She enjoys holodeck combat scenario's but is willing to let her hair down on very rare occasion and enjoy a drink and a little sunbathing.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken English, military related phrases in klingon, romulan, orion, naausican and ferengi

Personal History Born to a marine family Amanda had a disciplined and almost regimented upbringing, she didn’t particularly like it but accepted it as the way of life being set by her father. Almost as far back as they could trace her family they had all been in the marines and Brian trained his kids to follow in those footsteps.

During the dominion war both her Father and older sisters units were involved in some of the heaviest fighting and one day Amanda and her mother Maria received the message that both of them had been killed, now at the age that Amanda could join up she decided to go against the wishes and traditions of her family and join starfleet itself instead of the marines.

Thanks to the training her father had given her she graduated the academy with almost perfect scores in security and tactical but in several other subjects she barely scraped through.
Starfleet History After graduating academy Amanda was assigned to the Uss Exeter on border patrol anti piracy opertions, after the Exeter disabled an Orion raider craft Amanda was assigned to the boarding team. During the boarding action Amanda was shot in the shoulder with a disruptor on a high setting, she passed out from the pain and woke up in the Exeters sickbay after being kept unconscious for a week. She nearly lost the arm entirely but was able to recover however lost the use of her arm for several months

She was given medical leave for a period of 12 months so she could recover use of her arm and suffered a bout of mild depression. This left her with some mild ptsd.

Eventually she was able to return to limited duty and was assigned to the USS Trail which was considered an easier posting for her until she recovered fully.
Medical History Numerous bumps and bruises

Took a disruptor shot to the shoulder causing severe damage to the joint and nerves, damage was repaired but has left her scarred and the joint weaker.
Service Record Starfleet academy
Advanced combat training

USS Exeter- sec/tac officer
Medical leave 12 months

USS Trial- sec/tac officer

USS Galileo- sec/tac officer

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training