USS Galileo :: Counselor's Log 2
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Counselor's Log 2

Posted on 02 Mar 2022 @ 10:43pm by Lieutenant JG Karras

439 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Counselor's Log, Stardate 69330.2

My second day on duty, and I already have a session under my belt. While the crew still enjoys shore leave, I did a new arrival's counseling assessment. Leon Inaros. He's an enlisted nurse, and... well, he was fit for duty. No worries there. But he also... may have been flirting with me? Maybe? Possibly. Did I flirt back? I don't think so, but I've found myself thinking about him for most of the day. I mean, yes he's handsome, but he also seemed like a very nice guy. I don't think it's real infatuation on my part, but... even if I'm only interested in pursuing a friendship, I think it only professionally appropriate to transfer his care to my colleague, Dr. Lovegood. There was a future appointment set to follow up on some past trauma. I will get Mr. Inaros' consent before making the transfer official. That should be an interesting conversation.

In truth, I'm actually surprised that I have even the slightest hint of romantic attraction after... after the way things ended with Ben. I haven't given it too much thought, which I know isn't healthy, but I'm not sure I'm ready to unpack those feelings yet. I mean, everything had been going so....

Computer, pause log.


Computer, resume log.

I may need to speak with someone about Ben. Dr. Lovegood, perhaps... but maybe Allyndra? Or even Commander Blake? I don't know. I just think I need to talk it through with someone, especially before I even start to think about maybe, possibly, flirting with someone who is most likely just going to be a platonic friend and crewmate. Anyway....

I hadn't meant to have a serious relationship. Or, at least, what I thought was a serious relationship. I'm not naive... I know that I'm already far older than most individuals I encounter, and that when I return home after my time in Starfleet, I will live far longer than almost anyone I know now. A serious relationship just isn't practical in the long run, at least, not unless my future partner would be willing to leave all of this, well, galaxy behind and join me with the Ba'ku. And even then, though my planet's properties would slow and even reverse his aging, I would still be more likely to outlive...

But I'd set all of those concerns aside for Ben. I didn't care, I didn't worry. I thought that we would be enough. And it seemed like we were, until I was reassigned here and then...

I may need to speak with someone.

Computer, end log.


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