USS Galileo :: Tales of Akkadia - The gift of a rainbow
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Tales of Akkadia - The gift of a rainbow

Posted on 27 Mar 2019 @ 1:08pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

534 words; about a 3 minute read

"Computer open log Tales of Akkadia"

[Log is open]

"Once there was a poor woman who made a living making clothing. She barely made enough for herself but what she made she shared with those that lived in the village and where poor also.

She spent many hours at her loom working far into the night. Her only companion at times was a little spider that would work its web in a corner.
She would pause to let her hands rest and watch the spider spin its web over and over again.

"Ah little one," she would say. "You toil at your task to have a meal just as I toil at mine."

So one it went and every now and then she would bring the spider a small insect when its web went untouched for a long time.

"We both work so hard in order to have a meal but when there is something I share with other's and I cannot see why I cannot share with you."

The woman's toil and kindness did not go unnoticed.

One late afternoon, while it was raining, the woman rested at her loom. The rain made the joints in her fingers ache. As she rested she glanced up at her little companion who had weaved a small bundle.

"Oh little one, how shall I take care of so many!" she said knowing that it was an egg sac the spider had woven.

It was at that point that one of the goddesses appeared and told the old weaver woman, "Look out your window."

The old woman regaining her composure from the sudden appearance did as commanded and the rain had stopped and now a beautiful double rainbow arched across the sky shifting and sparkling at the same time.

The goddess reached out her hands and it seemed the rainbow came to her and she turned and pressed it to the spider's egg sac.

"When these hatch, give them juice and they will grow. When they make their silk weave it and the world will come to you and pay you almost any price you wish."

The old woman did as she was bid and finally the eggs hatched and she raised the little spiders until they grew. One day they began to make their own silk but the silk was so different than anything she had ever seen for the strands glistened and shifted colours like a rainbow. She gathered some of the silk and set to her loom again and wove a small scarf.

She showed the scarf to her neighbors and soon enough word spread and as the goddess predicted those with wealth came and bid for the item that seemed to have captured a rainbow.

Soon the spiders had little ones of their own and the woman's neighbors became those that tended the spiders or wove as well. They all shared whatever they gained from their work for they were concerned that a gift given for sharing would be taken once they became greedy.

And so the weavers became well respected and they could be very wealthy but they never asked for more than their needs least the gift be taken.

End log"


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Comments (1)

By Ensign Mimi on 27 Mar 2019 @ 3:29pm

Ah the story behind how trellium silk came to be made, wondered when we'd hear about it.