USS Galileo :: High adventure that's beyond compare...
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High adventure that's beyond compare...

Posted on 31 Aug 2018 @ 3:54pm by Lily Blake

381 words; about a 2 minute read

"The new ship is so big!" Lily Blake's eyes were wide as she talked to the screen, her arms spreading out as if she could show how big it was. "I thought the other Galileo was big, but this Galileo is even bigger."

The young girl curled up in her chair, her soft unicorn toy hooked under her arm as she got more comfortable. "The floors are all soft and fluffy...and the walls are all sparkly clean...everything's so smart. Maybe there should be more colour though. Definitely more red and purple," she nodded firmly, decision made on that point.

"I think there's a baby dragon or baby monster somewhere in this new ship...sometimes I hear it snore now and then, like this..." she cleared her throat, making a sound that was a cross between a purr and a growl. "So I'm gonna find it!"

"I don't think so..."

Lily giggled at the off screen interruption of her mother from the dining area. Lily just leant closer to the screen with wide eyes and a grin, mouthing the words 'I will, I will!'

"Mummy and Captain Stardust say we're going to be in space for a loooong time. We could find so many things!" she smiled with clear excitement at that, starting to count them off on her fingers. " stars...dragon eggs...unicorn planet...glitter sea...a man in a moon...oh! a moon made of cheese...candy floss nebula...chocolate galaxy....pirate ships...magic mirrors...talking flowers...flying people...oh, I wonder what colour their wing feathers will be?" the thought brought her list to a halt as she paused to consider it. "Gold, I think."

"Mummy said if I'm really good, I can fly the ship!" Lily's smile took on an almost playful edge.

"No she didn't..."

Lily covered her mouth with a cheekier smile at being caught out, shaking her head. "Okay, maybe not. But when I show her how well I can fly with a dragon, she'll change her mind."

The girl gave a firm nod at the plan, shifting forward to the edge of the seat. "Anyway, even if I can't fly, it's still going to be great fun!" she grinned at that, giving the screen a quick wave. "Bye, Willow!"


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Comments (1)

By Commander Luke Wyatt on 01 Sep 2018 @ 6:26am

yhe cutest and most heart warming Personal log I’ve ever read! #CandyFlossNebula