USS Galileo :: PL006 - Letter to Mom
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PL006 - Letter to Mom

Posted on 31 Jan 2018 @ 12:33am by Lieutenant JG Tris Shizn

250 words; about a 1 minute read

My dearest Moo-evyh,

I wanted to let you and father know that I have a new permanent assignment here in Starfleet. I’ve been assigned to the USS Galileo-A as a Helmsman. This is a science vessel and I think a great opportunity for my carrier and personal growth.

Moo-evyh, I appreciate all your love and support over these many years. I know things seemed uncertain for a while, but the situation here at Starfleet is now coming around for me. I will be piloting a ‘Starship’ across the heavens as I had always dreamed. Where to exactly, I don’t know, but I will keep you apprised of my ‘adventures’, as you have labeled them.

And no, I haven’t been claimed by an Andorian female yet. You know very well, that I still hope to locate and rekindle the affection and devotion for Eeros, and the love we once knew . . I will also keep you apprised of my efforts to that regard.

I must say, it was in interesting circumstance that I had actually met the Captain of the Galileo previously. I was touring a museum in San Francisco, there on Earth, and took up a conversation with an Orion woman with a adolescent child. We were just two adults walking and talking for an hour or so. At the time, I found it quite inspirational.

Well, hug father for me. You know how he doesn’t like hugs, especially in public.

Be well Moo-evyh.

With affection,


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