USS Galileo :: Biography - Tris Shizn


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16 Jun 2022 @ 10:30am

Lieutenant JG Tris Shizn

Name Tris Shizn

Position Conn Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian/Aenar
Age 24
Date of Birth SD 44478.41
Place of Birth Andoria

Character Type

Category Pending

Starfleet ID

Serial Number FA-191-3527
Rank Class Pending
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Watch Pending

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 205
Hair Color White
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Tris is solidly built. He exercises everyday. As an Andorian, he has blue skin, but pale blue being half Aenar. A pair of cranial antennae near his forehead and white hair, which is usually combed forward onto his forehead slightly, covering his ears slightly in a traditional way.


Father Tholyn ch'Shizn
Mother Eevyh sh'Shizn
Brother(s) Thoryn th'Shizn, Tholem ch'Shizn
Other Family Theyryn Zh'Shizn - father's Sister

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tris is very strong, confident, capable, and focused. He feels strongly led to be a pilot, helmsman, and/or navigator, using his natural innate Andorian abilities. Raised and highly influenced by his Aenar mother, Tris believes to give 'peace' a chance before the necessity of violence.
Strengths He is very skilled in hand to hand combat and very confident in his abilities as a pilot, helmsman, and/or navigator, due to his naturally acute Andorian perception of his surroundings.
Tris has trained in different styles of fighting, but currently prefers using a staff or bow.
Weaknesses When fighting, he has found that getting 'in close' with an opponent gives them the advantage, so a controlled distance works better for him. Unfortunately, at times when sparring becomes too intense, Tris has 'loss of moral control', and others had to stop him before causing serious damage to his opponent. This 'loss of control' bothers Tris greatly and believes it comes from a deep innate Aenar mindset. It's something he has struggled with for years, because of his mother's teachings of kindness and non-violence to others.

Though highly skilled in some areas, his skills and knowledge in the area of life sciences, from anatomy to zoology, are not as prevalent. Yet, he understands that those are the real skills needed when it comes to finding new life when exploring space.

Tris is not as self-assured with social interactions, especially when aboard ship. He is not anti-social, but does find it difficult making and developing close friendships. This may be because of his time diverting effort to locate a woman from his past. His attempts to contact his 'once love' have been fruitless. He believes that her father has hidden her away. Tris realizes at times that he may be spending too much time and energy on trying to find her. Tris has a resentment toward powerful Andorian Officers within the Imperial Guard, which plagues him on a regular basis.
Ambitions Tris wants to be the very best Starfleet Officer possible. He hopes to one day leave Starfleet with honors and return as an officer into the Andorian Imperial Guard. However, he has a bit of a resentment toward his own planet's leadership, specifically the hierarchy of the Imperial Guard. At times he feels he may never return to his homeworld of Andoria.

He also wants to locate his one true love and find out if she still has the same feelings for him.
Hobbies & Interests As a boy and into manhood, Thotris always trained for combat, exposed to different fighting styles. But since coming to Starfleet Academy, he observed and had been fascinated by the bow and staff fighting style. The last 3 years at the academy he spent many hours practicing this form of fighting. He regularly trains with shipmates or on a holodeck.

In contrast he has become fascinated by skydiving. Initially, Tris learned to plummet through the atmosphere and then have a parachute complete his decent. But in his Senior year, he began to utilize a wing-suit, gliding about in a more controlled descent. And just recently, he attached small thrusters to his ankles to provide additional time and distance to his flights. He is thinking about doing more research on zero-G combat and spacesuit assault flying.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Andorian, English, some Vulcan

Personal History As a boy and into manhood, Thotris ch'Shizn always trained for combat, exposed to different fighting styles. But since coming to Starfleet Academy, he observed and had been fascinated by the bow and staff fighting style. The last 3 years at the academy he spent many hours practicing this form of fighting. He regularly trains with shipmates or on a holodeck.

In contrast he has become fascinated by skydiving. Initially, Tris learned to plummet through the atmosphere and then have a parachute complete his decent. But in his Senior year, he began to utilize a wing-suit, gliding about in a more controlled descent. And just recently, he attached small thrusters to his ankles to provide additional time and distance to his flights. He is thinking about doing more research on zero-G combat and spacesuit assault flying.

Personal History
Tris' mother, Eeyvh, is one of the Aenar, who's skin is almost white. She is blind and has telepathic abilities as other Aenar. Tris was raised to call her “Lim-eev”. This is an affectionate term similar to “Mommy”. Many years ago, an Andorian vessel crashed in the Northern wastelands of Andoria. The officer in charge of the rescue ship found two survivors and a small white girl. The girl had not been one of the passengers. There was no one else around to claim nor care for this small girl. Even knowing that she was one of the exclusionary clan of Aenar. The Officer felt bad to just leave her there. This pilot ended up raising Eevyh as his own daughter. Next door to their dwelling lived a boy named Tholyn ch'Shizn. The Andorian and Aenar grew up and became best friends. When the time came, Lyn went off into the military, but soon realized that he not only missed Eevyh, but loved her as well. There were a few difficulties, but Tholyn was able to take his best friend as his bride.

Eevyh was a dutiful and loving wife to an officer in the Imperial Guard, yet did not pressure her husband to believe in her people's custom of non-violence. She did however influence her children to consider peace before violence. Even as a child, Eevyh was instructed by order of the Andorian Council to not use her telepathic abilities at any time in any way. This was monitored over the years, under strict surveillance. Though, by her third child, Tris, Eevyh learned how to comfort him gently with her telepathy. She found out that Tris had the ability to be a telepath as well, but placed blocks in his mind to keep this knowledge of this ability from others and even from him.

Tris' father, Tholyn ch'Shizn, became a high ranking officer in the Imperial Guard. Tris and his two older brothers were raised on Andoria, moving from one military site to another every few years. This mobility hindered any close friendships from developing. His brothers were his only friends, but they were a few years older and at times ignored him, causing him to feel lonely. To minimize these feelings, Tris focused much of his youth in hand-to-hand fighting.

Tris followed in his fathers footsteps, like his brothers before him, and proudly joined the Imperial Guard. He was found to have a natural piloting ability, and trained as a pilot/navigator. So, in addition to his combat training he was also assigned to pilot an assault dropship for the Imperial Guard forces.

The Andorian Imperial Guard's oversight division had concerns about Thotris ch'Shizn possibly having telepathic abilities, since his mother was Aenar and had telepathic ability. However, regular testing on Tris proved negative every time.

After a few years of training and a couple rank increases, Thotris ch'Shizn was forced to resign from the Imperial Guard Assault Squadron. He had done nothing wrong, except to fall in love with the wrong girl. During an off duty time Tris met a beautiful Andorian girl named Eeros, and after 2 days fell in love. He later found out that Eeros zh'Kalane was the daughter of Shralyn th'Kalane, a very influential Andorian businessman, who happened to have many high connections within the Admiralty of the Andorian Imperial Guard.

Shralyn would not allow his daughter to be anywhere near this half-breed.. Eeros was sent off to a boarding school and her Father manipulated a situation that brought accusations and incriminations upon this young Andorian soldier. This effort forced Thotris ch'Shizn out of the Guard.

Thotris was infuriated and wanted to challenge the Imperial ruling. But his Father, Tholyn, helped him see that it would be useless to fight it at this time. Thotris' other option was to apply for entrance into Starfleet Academy. With the acceptance, he left Andoria without being able to speak to Eeros. Out of anger and defiance to the Andorian higharchy, he altered his name to Tris Shizn, left Andoria, and entered Starfleet Academy.
Starfleet History Tris quickly found out that his Andorian physique was very different than Human. Cold temperatures were very easy for him to deal with, but the human range of 'normal temperatures' was a bit warm for him. So, to help deal with the excess heat on Earth and aboard Starfleet vessels, during Tris' 2nd year at the academy, he began wearing a cooling-transfer suit, from out of a spacesuit. He made some refinements; making the desired temp to be cooler, about 1 degree Celsius. The cooling and power mechanism was strapped on his lower leg sections, instead wearing on his back. Wearing this suit, even under his regular uniform, allowed him greater longevity with any physical activity. He would not wear this 'cool-suit' on most days nor during exercise, because he wanted to develop his endurance under normal Starfleet ship conditions. But on any special assignment, away mission, or flight assignment he would wear the 'cool-suit'.
Service Record Service Record
- Andorian Imperial Guard -
2384-2385: Combat training
2385- Hand to hand fighting
2385-2386: Pilot/navigation training

- Starfleet Academy -
2386-2387: Starfleet Academy - Year I, General Studies
2387-2388: Starfleet Academy - Year II, Technology studies
------ 2388: USS Marshall - Junior Cadet Cruise
2388-2389: Starfleet Academy - Year III,
. . . . . . . . . Command/interspecies studies
------ 2389: USS Einstein - Senior Cadet Cruise
2389-2390: Starfleet Academy - Year IV,
. . . . . . . . . Advanced flight control

2390-2391: USS Hope - Asst. Flight Control Officer.
2391- - - - : USS Galileo - Asst. Flight Control Officer

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training