USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Meet the Press, Part 4 (2/2)
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Meet the Press, Part 4 (2/2)

Posted on 12 Feb 2013 @ 12:55am by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Raifi Zaren & Justin Baker & Trija Natyal

2,080 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Airlock
Timeline: MD01: 1410 Hours


The blue-headed woman gave him a sharp nod, barely giving Holliday the time of day. She'd heard the speech once already, and she was over it. "Let's get to it," she confirmed, offering her assembled team a smile and gesturing down the hall. "Lead the way."

And Now.....

"Now," Jool said, winding her arm through Hollidays, "I'm sure that's not the case. I believe that Mister Pawlak, your civilian chef isn't treated so badly. Or, Miss Saalm, the civilian scientist's mate? Commander," she said, "I'm sure if you just look beyond the sudden imposition of our arrival, you'll find that our presence on this mission is going to be more of a benefit to you, your crew and Starfleet. After all, my billions of viewers are just as eager to find out about the Rojar system as the Galileo crew must be. So exciting!"

John did not even bat an eyelid as his arm was quickly seized by one of the news crew who seemed to be even able to annoy him even though they had only stepped on board moments ago. Stopping dead in his tracks, the XO looked down at the foreign appendage wrapped around his own, sighed, and quickly pulled his own arm away.

"Now...those civillians aboard the Galileo are performing a vital on the other hand are little more than an annoyance, contributing nothing to the running of this vessel. Now as I said, break a single rule and the Brig will be more than welcome to accept you. Do I make myself clear?"

"You're repeating yourself, dear," Trija muttered as they walked. Third time.

Leaving the other two to look after the politics, Justin just kept to the back of the group as he kept half an ear on the conversation. His eyes took in their surroundings and the crew they passed as he analysed the angles and structure, looking for perfect opportunities to set up the scenes they would later need.

Evelyn walked beside them, "I am curious about one thing, Trija. Why did you request the Galileo? The Venture discovered the system and will be working with us besides the Galaxy-class as a lot more room to accommodate...your press corps."

Trija looked mildly surprised at the question. "The Galileo's doing the survey, right? This is where the action is." She gave Zaren a look that indicated he better have a more suitable answer.

"Don't look at me," he said with a laugh. "My contact was on the Venture. You and those admirals of yours came up with the idea that we should take the research vessel." He glanced at Eve. "Not that I'm complaining."

Evelyn nodded, "Well at least there is that one upside to all of this." She winked at Zaren while growing more suspicious of Trija and the others.

"I think the point is that Trija contacted Starfleet and this is where they wanted us. So," Zaren lifted his brows, "they thought you'd be the best representatives of what Starfleet has to offer. And Jool is right, it is exciting; I've never been on a Nova. Can't wait to see the-" he glanced at the short list Trija had been handed. "Well. A few of the rooms on the ship. Maybe you can get someone to take us on a five minute tour."

Evelyn burst out laughing at Zaren, "You really never change do you?" She said looking at the Trill. "I'll see who I may assign to your group for your tour."

"You're an angel of the highest caliber," he murmured with a smirk.

"If I wanted to do another story on the might of the Federation, or the 'excitement' of Starfleet life, then I would have my pick of the fleet. However, I think it's high time the galaxy understood the important role that research and science vessels play - not just for the Federation but for Starfleet as a whole." Jool said, understanding now why the two of them were relegated to some small science vesel. Neither one had the diplomatic training or manners to survive anywhere else. If they were indicative of the command staff, she could just imagine what the rest of the crew must be like.

Evelyn made a glance at Jool, "Research and science vessels sums up a vast majority of the fleet. At least it used to. Perhaps for your article you should focus on the Curiosity factor. When I first joined Starfleet, everyone was excited about Space exploration. To seek out new worlds, and explore the unknown. Now...we have ships patrolling our own boarders instead of being sent to the unknown." Evelyn shook her head, "A lot has changed in two hundred years."

Jool took out her PADD to make notes. If Baker really were as good as Zaren would like for him to be, then he'd be getting Coleman on film so Jool would have it. "That's a very good point, thank you."

"You're welcome. Is there any other areas you wish to write about while you're assigned here?" Evelyn asked, curious herself.

"Well, there's the survey itself, of course. Plus, in doing early research, I discovered some fascinating people aboard, such as Captain Saalm and Doctor Panne. Both of whom I think would be great role models for future science and research endeavours. But, Commander," Jool said, "You and I are both aware that too much focus has been placed on Marines and Security and the 'rah rah' warrior aspect of Starfleet service. I want to show a different side of Starfleet."

"Have you ever asked why?" Evelyn questioned Jool.

"Commander," Jool said, smiling, "I've been a 'beauty queen' since childhood. I don't need to ask 'why' when it comes to packaging to the common being."

Evelyn blinked and stared at the woman, "I really don't know how to respond to that statement."

"Yes, Commander, many don't. Many," she glanced at Zaren and Trija, "can only see things in one way and believe that it must be another. They can't understand how, sometimes, it takes understanding the reality of a situation in order to be able to effect change." She sighed. "For instance, when Starfleet needs numbers because of hostility, they appeal to the 'warrior' and aggression in young people - mostly males - in order to increase their number. They play up the role of Starfleet as protectors and guardians and emphasize action, phaser battles, honor! glory! But when was the last time you saw a Starfleet recruitment video aimed at planetary sciences? Very little is different with so called 'beauty queens'. People see one thing, the 'package' but never consider all the good that the so-called 'beauty queens' do. Much like Starfleet. It does more good for the galaxy as a whole - helping to increase knowledge, medical advancements, humanitarian assistance and, yes, the protection of colonies and settlements that may otherwise want to be left alone. But all people are shown is the action-hero vid worthy recruitments. We," she rolled her fingers to include the press corps, "want to show that Starfleet is more than just an action-hero vid."

"Yeah, she has that effect on people," Zaren grinned, glancing at Trija as they arrived at the VIP Quarters. He didn't know what she meant either, but that didn't really help. Eve had actually been sharing - a rare enough thing as it was - and Fenta was shutting her down. Come on, kid, if this is actually the story you want, why are you getting in the way of it? Encourage her.

Justin has been casually walking after the group just observing. If someone hadn't packed all their cases in such a way that his equipment was cut off then he might have been able to catch a few clips of the conversation. As it was, he was intrigued at how relaxed Evelyn was with Zaren and the interaction which seemed easy between the two.

The conversation which the woman had started with Jool had been very intriguing until the female reporter cocked it up. "I believe that there is a human interest story here in relation to a Marine who is trying to adapt to being a Fleeter again. One...Chief Warrant Officer Kiwosk I believe? Sometimes you can stick to the common topics of today but manage to still show them in a different perspective. At the end of the day, if you're science or security or marine, you're still a person at the end of it all."

"I'd hope they are a person at the end of it all. I'd hate to think I'm in a ship full of holograms." Evelyn joked.

"That," Jool smiled, "would make for one heck of a story though."

Rolling his eyes behind Jool's back, unseen behind his glasses, Just had to wonder if there was a point in her life in which Fenta would try to grow up. Sucking up would get them nothing, even he could see that Evelyn wasn't like that. "Commander Coleman, do you think that perhaps I could get you on camera for a bit?"

Evelyn turned to the cameraman. "You sure you want to take the risk and have me on camera? I'm no beauty queen." She replied with a sideways glance at Jool.

Moving forward a few steps, Justin extracted a small camera from his bag which he offered to Evelyn. "My job is to capture the truth which is hidden under the surface. You are a very good looking woman but there is alot more there to you. A sharp intelligence, a witty humour. All of these are what the audience really want to see, they want to see depth to the characters whom they watch."

Jool rolled her eyes. Yes, because holovids with depth and character and story were all the rage over the ones featuring unnecessary explosions, running gun battles and pretty people whose talent went only skin deep. That's why she was given a correspondent job over much more qualified people - because of her 'depth of character'.

"Thank you Justin. I usually just get grandma references from this crew..." She replied eying Holliday.

"Sometimes it's hard to appreciate what you have until it's gone," Zaren murmured.

Trija for the most part remained silent, allowing them to bicker and go back and forth. She reached up and hit the pad next to the door. "You two, in here. We'll take the adjacent set," she looked at Fenta and then back to Coleman and Holliday.

Hiding a smile, Justin pushed his glasses back up on his head as he looked across to Evelyn. "Maybe we can meet for a coffee at some point and I can show you some more of the work I've done to see if I can lure you infront of the camera? You might even be able to help with suggestions of good locations where I can set up."

Evelyn nodded at Justin, "Sounds like fun."

"Commander," Jool said to Holliday, "I hope I can count on you to set an example and show that we're nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure you'll have an interesting take on the current survey."

"Of course..." John replied with a pained smile on his face. The first officer wasn't exactly the kind of man who enjoyed being on camera, however, in the interests of maintaining Starfleet policy, he may not end up having a choice in the matter, sadly.

Justin tilted his head slightly to everyone before entering the quarters assigned to him and Zaren. The people left behind heard a soft whistling before the doors closing over cut off the tune.

"Mm, thank you both for your," Trija cleared her throat and pasted on a smile, "Hospitality. We look forward to working with you." With that, Trija ducked through the door of the first set, after bowing her head to Coleman and Holliday.


CMDR Jonathan Holliday
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

Lt. Cmdr. Evelyn Coleman
Chief Intelligence Officer, 2XO
USS Galileo

Jool Fenta
FNN Journalist
USS Galileo
(pNPC Stone)

Trija Natyal
Assistant Producer, FNN
USS Galileo
(PNPC Liyar)

Raifi Zaren
FNN Journalist
USS Galileo
(pNPC Lilou Peers)

Justin Baker
FNN Cameraman
USS Galileo
(pNPC Pola Ni Dhuinn)


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