USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Birds of a Feather
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Birds of a Feather

Posted on 20 Jan 2013 @ 12:08am by Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D. & Lieutenant Kiri Cho

1,658 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 4, Multipurpose Laboratory
Timeline: MD -1 1430


Although the CMO had assured her that she had done everything she was required to do and that was the best that could be expected, Jessica still wanted to make sure that Lieutenant Cho was all right and getting the help that she needed. Ironically Jessica was hardly the best person for the whole 'be a friend' approach, given her own shyness and withdrawn nature, but it had to be done. Making her way down to the Multipurpose Laboratory, where the computer said she was, she prepared herself and rang the chime.

Kiri was trying to get used to the idea of not having her own office space any more when she heard the door. Looking up from the computer screen she called out, "Enter." Her hair was tied back into a low tail and her face was otherwise unadorned, other than her spots down either side. The Lab was empty has it had been most of the day but any of the science staff could use a desk here. They would just be doing it under her eyes from now on, not much privacy but she didn't mind. The fact the door chimed though meant they weren't from her department right?

Jessica stepped inside and quickly spotted the Lieutenant.

"Good Afternoon, Lieutenant," Jessica said politely.

"Good Afternoon Ensign," Kiri answered in turn, was this about the medical results? About the fact that she had been forced to take her clothes off or something else entirely? Well she was coming here rather than calling her there, so was it something to do with the Science Department instead? Looking slightly puzzled she asked, "Can I help you?"

"I wanted to check and see how you were doing," Jessica replied truthfully

"Thank you," Kiri was a little relived, still this woman was mostly a stranger to her. Part of her couldn't help but be suspicious of her motives, "I'm feeling better," Better than the day before and the day before that, worst than the day before that. "Are you getting used to the ship?" Deflecting the question might help them be less focused on her problems.

"I'm glad," Jessica smiled genuinely. "I'm getting used to it, not got lost in the past few days so getting there."

That prompted a small smile and slight concern, Kiri hadn't yet managed to get lost of the ship since she joined. Then not everyone seemed to study the deck plans as much as she did prior to arrival, "Have you enjoyed it?" It didn't really feel natural to her to take the lead in a conversation but this way she chose the topic.

"I have, it may be a small ship but given the various decks and the like its still got an awful lot of corridors and access-ways" Jessica nodded. "I'm just glad I've not had a call out yet, it was bad enough finding here, I've not been down this way before."

"If you get stuck there is a function on your Tricorder," Kiri had covered that way back in her first few weeks at the Academy, it was a long time ago though.

"Really? I've never seen it, although I've only ever used the medical variant, I suppose it might not have it," Jessica commented. "So, your feeling better? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Kiri wasn't really sure, "I don't know really," So far working more and talking to people had helped. The former didn't really seem to be on offer, "The bruises are better, there isn't much else."

"I'm not talking medically," Jessica replied.

What context were they talking about then? Kiri didn't feel right asking for help with anything else, "I don't know about help," Pausing she thought hard, "Are you worried about me?" That would explain the offers for help and the doctor but she thought she hid those problems.

"Well, I'm hardly one to talk on this count, but yes I am a little worried about you," Jessica replied.

"Oh," Now she knew Kiri had no idea what to do with that, "What are you worried about?" Looking rather concerned she slipped her hands into her lap, and almost met the woman's eyes.

"Your general demeanour, whilst some of it is how you've been brought up some was recent," Jessica replied. "I might not socialise much but I don't like seeing people in pain, and although you said nothing and medically you are fit, everything I could feel..."

She still didn't know? Was everyone keeping it a secret? Kiri looked down at the desk, swallowing a lump in her throat, "I was kidnapped, they threatened to kill me." Would that be enough to stop the questions coming and explain herself. She hoped so or there might be tears again.

"My God," Jessica said softly. "I'm sorry... no one told me, or Doctor Ni Dhuinn."

"I rather everyone didn't know, but I though they all did," Kiri spoke downwards towards the desk. She was at work she wasn't allowed to cry and not in front of someone, "That was how I was hurt and why I'm," She trailed off, wasn't that enough?

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know," The same question got the same answer. Kiri really didn't know how to deal with the new fears she had. Given time they might pass, if she was stronger then she might be able to fight back. That and work was something she could do. Nothing else had happened to her lately that didn't involved those things, "What do you like?" Again maybe a nervous deflection would help.

Jessica noted the deflection but there wasn't much that she could do about it. She frowned at the question though, it was rather vague."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you enjoy doing?"

"Well, I've always enjoyed hill-walking, grew up in the Lake District of England on Earth," Jessica replied. "I also took up Aikido. What about yourself?"

"I like walking," Kiri added with a small smile, "I like mathematics, puzzles, reading, cooking and I think swords." The last one she wasn't sure about but reading about it was interesting, if she had to fill her quarters with something weapons were functional and not ugly. Plus Mor'an and Theron made it seem normal.

"Sounds like a wide range of interests," Jessica commented.

"Thank you," Kiri didn't consider herself having a wide range of interests but still, "I grew up on Earth."

"Which part of the Earth?" Jessica asked with interest.

"China, Guizhou Province," Kiri didn't think that Jessica had ever been there but Kiri had never been to England either.

"Never got to that side of the world," Jessica admitted. "You ever make it to England?"

"No, I studied in Paris for a few months though," That was the closest she had come.

"Lovely city Paris," Jessica replied. "I visited there following my graduation from the SMA."

"I didn't go out very much," Kiri answer in reply, "It might be nice to go and see it one day."

"I loved travelling during my time at the Academy,"

"I didn't really have time," So she told herself and kept telling herself even though it was a complete lie.

"Next time you're on shore leave, you should spend some time travelling, it's good for the soul."

Kiri frowned slightly, "I don't think travelling alone would be very nice." Kiri didn't like doing things without function on her own. It made her feel very lonely to be going through the motions of what she felt should be done with friends.

"Then go with someone," Jessica suggested.

How much more could the woman not get the hint? Rather frustrated Kiri answered, "I don't have anyone to go with." There wasn't anyone she felt would want to go with her or that she trusted to go with.

"A shame," Jessica commented. "Well, I'll let you get back on with your work, if you ever need anything, give me call, I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you," Kiri always seemed to dislike ending conversations lately, there so much she wanted to say and talk about but didn't feel that she could, "I hope I don't get hurt again though."

"Me too," Jessica smiled slightly.

Smiling again Kiri nodded then with a deep breath, "Would you be interested in a social activity?"

"I'd love to, What did you have in mind?" Jessica asked, she had been thinking for a moment there that she hadn't got through, but maybe, just maybe she had.

Kiri had invited everyone to her last event, checking who was interested in the next one would help her make up her mind what it would be. "I don't really know, it would most likely need to be on the ship."

"I'm sure if we put our heads together we can come up with something," Jessica commented.

It was rather hard to go hill walking on the ship, with everyone else so far she seemed to be having meals. Pinching her lips together for a moment she answered, "Would you like to have lunch together, maybe with other people?"

"Sure, that sounds like a lovely idea," Jessica nodded.

"I will let you know when I can organise one then, okay?" Kiri now had to try and put a lunch together but that didn't seem so very bad.

"Alright," Jessica smiled. "Again, let me know if i can help."

Nodding again Kiri added finally, "Have a nice afternoon."

"You too," Jessica nodded and turned to leave.

Watching her go Kiri looked back to the work in front of her, right that second, it didn't quite seem so appealing. Still there were numbers to crunch and timetables to set up, not everyone could use the same labs at the same time.


Lieutenant (JG) Kiri Cho
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D.
Medical Officer (Intern)
U.S.S. Galileo


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