USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Welcome Jessica
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Welcome Jessica

Posted on 08 Mar 2013 @ 4:25am by Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D. & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 3, Delainey's Office
Timeline: MD 2, 1000 hrs


Jessica figured that she had done well for herself on her first day. She had reported in to and received her medical from the chief medical officer, she had introduced herself to the Chief Diplomatic Officer (albeit by walking straight tinto him, probably not the best way to make an impression) and reported into the executive officer. All that remained for her to formally be aboard was for the standard Psych exam by the ship's councillor. Personally she didn't see why, she had passed her Psych Test during the entrance exam to the Academy and had received an actual Psych Exam shortly before graduating, exactly what Starfleet thought would have changed in the few months of leave she had had was beyond her. However as a Medical Officer she knew the reasoning behind it and having medicals upon coming aboard, aside from anything else it created an all-important baseline for future reference if something went wrong, and in the ultimate worst case scenario that could be the difference between life and death. It was for that reason that as she approached the Counsellor's Office on Deck Three she did so with an open mind and with every intention of co-operating, getting it over with so that when she started work the next day she would be ready.

Approaching the office she stopped outside, checked her uniform and rang the chime.

"Come in!" Delainey called out, the blonde's voice carrying a tinge of excitement and a good deal of relaxed energy. It had taken her awhile to settle into finding time for pleasure and work, but in the past few days, she noticed her more somber thoughts were less frequent and she was finding the joy in her work again. Meeting new arrivals always energized her, and she was especially looking forward to meeting the new medical officer.

Stepping inside she walked a few steps towards where the Counsellor was and stood to attention, although this was a counselling arena she was still a higher ranking officer than Jessica.

"Ensign Jessica Wilson, reporting for Psych Exam, ma'am."

Delainey smiled and gestured for Wilson to take a seat in one of the various chairs in her reception area. "Hello. I'm Delainey Carlisle. Feel free to call me Delainey or Counselor if you're formal. I don't stand on ceremony here. I like to use these initial sessions just to get to know the crew. That way, if you ever need to talk to a counselor, you at least know a face and a name."

"I understand, Counselor, I appreciate that," Jessica nodded.

"Feel free to make yourself comfortable," Carlisle added, gesturing again to the various seats in reception. "May I get you some refreshments?"

"A glass of iced water would be lovely," Jessica replied.

The request was easilyy fulfilled and Delainey asked, once they were both settled, "So, how are you liking the ship so far?"

"I've not been aboard long, but so far it seems alright," Jessica replied.

Delainey smiled. "I'm curious. What do you look for in an ideal posting?"

"To be honest, I don't know," Jessica replied. "This is my first posting."

"That's a fair answer," Delainey replied with another smile. "Still, I wonder if there are things you're hoping for in your first posting? Do you have certain expectations, perhaps stemming from your time at the Academy?"

"Right now I just want to get through my internship and see how things go from there," Jessica replied truthfully.

"And what would a successful internship look like to you? In other words, when you say 'get through' your internship, what do you mean?"

"Be fully qualified," Jessica replied.

"Fully qualified according to other people's standards or your own?"

"By medical standards," Jessica replied.

"Sometimes meeting medical standards won't feel like enough," Carlisle added gently. "How was it for you when it came time to apply what you learned in the classroom to real patients at the Academy?"

"Exciting, and frightening at the same time."

"Tell me about an experience in which your book knowledge wasn't everything you needed to help a patient." Carlisle was hoping Jessica would open up a bit more. Right now her answers were quite short and non-specific, which wasn't wrong, but it didn't tell Delainey much about who Jessica was, as a person or a doctor.

"I've not encountered such a situation yet, I've only been out of the SMA for short time and in that time I've not activly practised medicine, beyond a few examples of first aid," Jessica replied.

"I see," Delainey replied as she considered that. "What was the most challenging part of that so far?"

"The Exams," Jessica replied. "I'm an instinctive doctor, I remember things as and when I need them, I'm not good at cramming it all in for the purpose of an exam."

"Did you see the exams as unnecessary in your case?"

"I didn't say that," Jessica replied defnsivly. "Just that I don't like them."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I suppose that's what I was thinking when you said you were an instinctive doctor...I know you said you aren't a doctor yet, but when you used those terms, I pictured someone who just knows what to do, even without much formal training? Is that what you meant?"

"I meant that I get a pretty good idea of what to do without having to look it up in a book," Jessica replied. "Mainly because I've learned it all at the Academy and sorted it out in my own way."

"That shows a good deal of professional maturity. I'd worry if you had to constantly look things up, but at the same time, I hope you'll feel comfortable asking for help when you need it. As doctors, I think we can sometimes forget that."

"Of course, I'm not to proud to ask for help if I need it," Jessica replied.

"Great," Delainey replied with a grin. "Well, on that note, I'll let you go explore some more and settle in. You're clear for duty, but don't hesitate to come in for a chat if you like. My door is always open. It was very nice to meet you. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you," She smiled. "I appreciate that."

She stood up and departed.


Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

Ensign Jessica Wilson, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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