USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Running Around Regula
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Running Around Regula

Posted on 22 Oct 2023 @ 6:59pm by Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant JG Zara Ghemora

2,156 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Level 16, Blake's Temporary Office
Timeline: MD 18, 1042 hrs


After being told that the majority of the crew, and especially the Command Team, for the Galileo was aboard the space station while their ship was being repaired and resupplied, Ghemora had not been as pleased to not being able to beam directly to the familiar Nova-class layout; being forced to navigate the unfamiliar complex to find who she was to report to. While her chief wasn't due until the following day, and the evening had apparently been blocked off from being scheduled, the new Deputy Security Officer found herself traversing Regula I as if she were a rat in a maze.

Twelve minutes… Ghemora had been late to finding Commander Blake's temporary office on the space station by twelve minutes after the scheduled time. Having beamed to Regula over two hours earlier, she'd believed she'd have the time to situate her personal business and freshen up before, but then got lost along the way. Silently cursing herself as she stepped up in front of the office door, the Cardassian was regretting setting such a negative first impression.

Making sure her freshly replicated uniform was lying straight, she sniffed momentarily, noticing that 'New Uniform Smell' before groaning and reaching out to press the chime button. Stiffening her posture in preparation for the commander's first glimpse, Ghemora almost stumbled over her words when she was forced to announce, "Lieutenant Ghemora. New Deputy Security Officer reporting, sir," through the callbox.

"Come in," Blake called out from inside the office. It was possible that she would miss the office; it was much more comfortable than her own on the ship. But the spacer never was able to stay still for long. She'd miss the stars streaking past if they stayed on the station much longer. She took another glance down at the record of the new security officer. The late security officer.

As the door wooshed open, Commander Blake was met with the reptilian stoicism that was often seen with products of Cardassian rearing. She moved forward until the door closed behind her and she halted next to the chair opposite the human. Shifting to 'attention', Ghemora repeated unnecessarily, "Lieutenant Ghemora reporting in for the Galileo, sir."

"Reporting in late," Blake added pointedly, looking to the clock before sitting back in her chair to watch her steadily. "I'm Commander Blake, and I'm incredibly busy today, so I suggest you come in and take a seat so we can get on."

Taking a seat, Ghemora apologized while doing so, "Sorry, sir. Just beamed aboard this morning and was unprepared for the layout of the station. But that is not an excuse; just an explanation. It will not happen again." Unsure whether she should say anything more, given that the process was usually fairly standard when initially reporting in, the lieutenant stayed silent and awaited directions from the commander.

Blake took a moment before nodding, sliding the padd with her record on closer. "Good to hear," she finally nodded, motioning to the junior officer as she took her in. "Why don't you start by telling me about yourself."

Taking in the commander for a moment, Ghemora unintentionally allowed a silent pause to fill the space between them before her brows twitched and she answered, "I received my commission and have served for the past three years since my graduation from the Academy, with an expertise in criminology and forensics. I did my cadet cruise on the Norfolk and served aboard the Alaska for twenty months before attending and graduating from the ATTC. Before being assigned to the Galileo, I was serving as an analyst for Starfleet Security at the FOC on Earth. I participated in optional remedial training during my passage here aboard the Fargo."

Realizing both how dry she'd spoken and how unnecessary it probably was to list off the same things her personnel file contained, Ghemora tried to inject a bit of feigned casualness into the conversation by adding, "It seems that Command wants to keep me sleeping in bunks on small ships," in a vaguely joking tone.

"It's certainly compact," Blake agreed as she crossed her legs, leaning on the arm of the chair as she sighed softly. "On the plus side, you won't be sharing, so at least you have your own space," she looked back to her file, scrolling down over the content. "Tell me more about what you feel your specialisms are? You seem to have a few areas of interest here."

Nodding in agreement, but pondering the idea of having her own space and how long that situation may last on the tiny Nova-class, given Ghemora had always shared quarters, the question Blake posed to her caused the Cardassian pause as she considered it. After a moment, the answer seemed simple to her, "All of my qualifications tend towards one that specializes in investigation and analysis of criminal and societal elements and structures. My tactical systems training I can only attribute to being a result of the ships I was assigned and the leadership I served under. I have adapted to fulfill the needs of my duties, so as to be proficient in the roles and responsibilities I'm called on to perform."

Blake nodded absently as she checked down over her record, seeing the words that were coming out of her mouth mirrored there. With her own background, she didn't need quite so much explanation as other officers who reported to her for the likes of science and engineering. "So what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" she suddenly asked without warning, looking up to meet her eyes with the question.

Twitching with momentary suspicion at the question, "I…I train in martial arts to enhance my physical training," she answered, though she was sure the commander was looking for something more…casual than that. "I also like to cook, though that seems to be a hobby that there are few opportunities for while serving aboard a ship," Ghemora added in an especially telling way given her history of tiny ships that often only served food from a replicator.

Blake tilted her head as she listened, noting that her first example of something she did outside of work was still connected to it. Ghemora was clearly career orientated. Her position and work seemed to be a core pillar of her being. She was precise, considered. Ambitious. Erudition was important. She dealt in facts over feelings. And size mattered. "What are your aspirations for the future?"

The Cardassian hesitated as her eyes gleaned with uncertainty as she considered the commander's question. Breathing slowly, Ghemora was incredibly still for a moment until it seemed she'd made her decision. "To serve in the way I strive to. To one day be considered and recruited by Starfleet Intelligence, for which I have angled my entire career so far in hopes of being. I know that may not be what you want to hear from your new Security deputy, but, when it comes to my life; my desires, I see no point in obfuscating the truth of my ambitions."

"I have no problem with officers who have ambitions to work in a different department," Blake assured, shaking her head firmly as she reached for her now cold coffee. "In fact, I take a lot of satisfaction in helping them with the training required to achieve their goals. So long as you also apply yourself fully to your current role, duties and responsibilities."

"Of course, commander," the Cardassian assured with a sharp nod. "I don't see Intel as being a different department so much as I see it as going a step further to ensuring Federation security. As far as my training, I don't know what else I could do, but I am willing to do whatever you or any other senior officer thinks would help," Ghemora added.

"I'll have a think on what we can look at," Blake assured quietly. She sat back in her chair, just watching the Cardassian in front of her. Cardassian. Her scars caused by Cardassian actions during the conflict may have been inflicted some time ago, and had time to fade, but they were still there. And they still ached. It was something Scarlet knew she'd always have to work on. She knew it was her responsibility to deal with her issues. Because they were hers, no one elses. It didn't make it easy though. Although, it was more comfortable with Zara, as it had been with Tora, likely due to their pasts and experiences being so far removed from the Cardassians that had brutalised the Maquis.

Blake straightened up as she brought herself back to the present, making a note on a padd to look into training that could help with intel aspirations. "Do you have any questions, Lieutenant?"

"Is there anything else you think I should know or be aware of in regards to serving aboard the Galileo? I expect I'll get a message sometime today with my onboarding instructions, including my quarters assignment, correct?" Ghemora seemed unsure of what else she could ask given the commander's previous comment about being quite busy today, as she didn't want to waste the woman's time.

"I'll give that to you before you go," Blake assured, straightening up a little as she considered what she could pass on to her. "The security team is small, it means we need everyone working to their best. This may be a science vessel, but that puts us in a lot of dangerous situations. You'll need to be prepared for that."

"I am, commander," the deputy replied casually confident, "And, thank you. It will allow me to get my personal effects transferred over to the ship so I can settle in before reporting to my chief. That would be Lieutenant Rice, correct? I have been led to understand she wasn't available today, hence my initial reporting to you, instead."

"Correct, she is currently serving with the Klingon crew you've no doubt noticed about the station," Blake reached for her padd, pressing her thumb to it to authorise her assignment and quarters. "I don't know when she's due back," she had to add honestly, offering the padd over.

Looking at the PADD with a slightly confused look, Ghemora reached up to take it as she listened, replying almost immediately to the commander's words, "I know that Chief Rice had sent a note out to the Security Team that we won't need to report until 1100 hours, tomorrow, in preparation for the systems check. It proved fortunate since I was able to schedule my onboarding physical with the CMO at 0900, so as to be completely cleared for duty."

Taking the PADD and glancing over its contents a moment, the Cardassian's brow raised in slight surprise before she looked up to Blake to question, "I'm not assigned a roommate? I had anticipated having to bunk with another junior officer given the limited space of the Nova-class."

"It's your lucky day. At the moment, we're under capacity," Blake gave a small, wry smile. It was maybe the only upside she could think of to being understaffed. "That may change in the future though, if we get more transfers," she warned in fairness.

"At least that is one relief I can be thankful of given the rocky start my transfer to the Galileo has been," Ghemora replied with a slight smirk. At the commander's warning, the woman seemed especially understanding, "I know, sir, and will not overlook my fortune, no matter how short it might be.

"If there is nothing else, I should see to getting more of my transfer process completed. I'm due for a meeting with Commander Tarin this afternoon. Anything I should know?" the Cardassian asked hoping to get a bit of 'insider info' out of the XO.

Well that was a dangerous question. Or at least, the answer could well be. Scarlet took a breath as she thought carefully on her answer, pushing herself to stand. "Don't be late," she finally replied, but with a ghost of a smile on her features as she motioned to the door.

"I don't plan to," the new Deputy Security Officer responded as she stood and extended a hand to the commander. "Thank you, sir. I look forward to working with you in the future."

Blake looked to the Cardassian hand, her features as neutral and cool as ever, as were her blue eyes. She wondered how her 16 year old self would have reacted if she'd have been told she would shake a Cardassian hand one day. She reached out, taking it to give a firm shake. "As do I. Welcome to the Galileo."


CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo-A

LTJG Zara Ghemora
Deputy Security Officer
USS Galileo-A


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