USS Galileo :: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life - Apologies
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Posted on 28 Nov 2018 @ 1:16pm by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Azra Ghoc

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 1, Corridors
Timeline: MD -161, 1028 hrs


Azra Ghoc found Darius just off the bridge, in the corridors where bridge crew often took short strolls to stretch muscles. Bridge duty was often the most boring duty during transits like the one to Regula.

"Chief Darius," the Cardassian-hybrid called, "can I speak with you for a moment?"

Lamar had been on a temporary break after sitting at the conn for the last two hours. He'd been relieved by another of the bridge officers and had taken a few minutes to go into the empty conference room across from the bridge. There, he'd sat down and grabbed a drink and a snack then used the head. Now, with his break ending, he'd just left the room and was on his way back to the bridge when he spotted the ship's bosun approaching him.

"Hey Chief," he casually replied, now looking at the female half-Cardassian.

"I wanted to apologize for how you must have felt during our last training simulation," Azra said. "I didn't intend for it to discourage anyone, or to seem like I was intentionally creating simulations you couldn't succeed at. I honestly believe that you and the rest of the flight control department can succeed at those exact simulations."

"Huh?" he asked with a bit of a confused expression on his face. Then he thought back to his most recent flight control training session involving the bosun and his department head, the Andorian. "Oh. Not a problem, I'm used to it," he tried to reassure her with a brief smile. "I did almost 20 in the Corps before I transferred here to the fleet. They were pretty hard on us then, too."

Azra recognized that the Starfleet Marine Corps had used difficult, sometimes brutal, methods to train their personnel. It wasn't a place she had ever wanted her training to go. "I appreciate that, and thank you. Even so, I am sorry if it was discouraging." This apology seemed to have been resolved far more easily than had others. Of course, it was possible he still held a grudge.

"Have you had any time to think about cross-training?" she asked, since they were still walking toward the bridge. "The captain is encouraging all of us to develop new skills during the transit."

He hadn't, but pretended as if he had anyway and used the opportunity to brainstorm. "Well, I was chief of the boat before I transferred to flight. I know the paperwork side of things. And I'm pretty good with a rifle," he grinned. "Where do you think I'm needed the most?"

"As far as need goes," Azra said, "basic medic training is always a priority. Of course, given your background, I don't think it'd be too much of a stretch for you to learn some new procedures to assist security." She shrugged. "Of course, engineering is also under-staffed at the moment, and could use a hand. Given your familiarity with flight control, it might not be a stretch to train you in shuttle maintenance. What do you think? Where do your interests lie?"

Lamar hadn't exactly gotten a straight answer from the bosun but nonetheless contemplated the various specialties she'd sounded off on. He also felt like she'd thrown the ball back in his court, and so he tried to slam dunk it off the backboard. Like LeBron. "Yeah...shuttle maintenance is good. I can teach them how to get dirty and covered in mechanical lubricant, but stay clean myself," he grinned.

Azra returned the smile. "Then I'll set up some training sessions with an engineer. Hopefully you'll be able to teach each other something." The pair approached the doors to the bridge.

"Enjoy your duty shift," Azra said, "hopefully we get a chance to talk a bit more when you're off duty."

He gave her a mock salute then invited her to join him for a quick simulation. "I'm usually in the holodecks at 1930. Old historical battles and stuff like that. Want to come for one?"

"Sure," Azra said. She didn't care too much for battles, historical or otherwise, but there was almost always something enjoyable in good holodeck simulations. "Send me an invitation next time, and I'll join you."

With that, the two chief warrant officers parted ways and Lamar returned to the bridge to assume his station at the helm.



CWO3 Azra Ghoc
USS Galileo-A

CWO3 Lamar Darius
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Saalm]


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