USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Rain, the Great Mood Killer
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Rain, the Great Mood Killer

Posted on 19 Jul 2017 @ 1:31pm by Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols PhD

869 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: San Francisco, Earth - The Castro District
Timeline: MD 20 - 0730 Hrs.


The sky was overcast and the clouds were dark and bloated with rain. The cold wind came off the Bay, bringing with it the smells of the Pacific Ocean. The day was unseasonably cool, and the breeze off the Bay didn’t help the already cool temperature. Gideon Nicols pulled his coat tighter around him, hoping to keep his body heat from seeping out from his body. Typically San Francisco’s odd weather didn’t bother him, but today his irritation certainly was enhanced by it.

He made his way down Market Street away from the apartment building he had just left. The apartment belonged to a man he had met the previous night at a bar, and the two men had made their way back to the man’s apartment. The name of the man escaped him, but did that even really matter? He had snuck out of the apartment leaving the man snoring softly in the bed they had shared overnight. He of course felt guilty about leaving without a word, he did, but he was fearful there would be pillow talk and sharing breakfast and all that. He just wasn’t in the mood to do any of that.

The breeze kicked up, and Gideon shivered. He was desperate for a coffee, a shower, and a change of clothing.

He stepped into the first coffee shop he happened upon, ordered a coffee, and was back on his way toward the transport hub. He would put the one night stand out of his mind, and move forward. It was very unlikely that he would ever see the man again, however, he couldn’t say never—there has been...incidents in the past that have taught him to never say never. He sipped the coffee gingerly; a soft sigh let his lips as the hot dark brew warmed his body from the inside out.

As he walked, he thought about the past few days, how things hadn’t gone exactly as planned. This has left him irritated and frustrated, but he also couldn’t argue the fact that it was nice to have the days to himself. At least, he noted, until further notice. A few days prior Gideon had endured a three day trip from hell as he made his way from his previous assignment, the Rhode Island, back to earth. He had a new assignment, one that he had been looking forward too. He had reported to personnel per the orders, only to find out that the orders had been rescinded… temporarily.


”Why were they rescinded?” Gideon asked.

“Temporarily. Temporarily rescinded.”

“Alright… temporarily rescinded. Why?” Again he asked, frustration creeping into his deep tone.

The ensign behind the desk shrugged. “It doesn’t say,” the young, fresh-faced man said. He turned his monitor toward the rather tall, intimidating lieutenant. “See, all the transfer orders to the
Galileo have been rescinded… temporarily.” The young man turned the desk monitor back toward himself, stubby fingers tapped in a couple of commands. “Doctor George Nicols, right?”

“Gideon Nicols,” Gideon corrected.

“Right, right… Gideon Nicols. Yep, rescinded for now.” The ensign looked up—way up—from his monitor. “Says here you are on shore leave until further notice. You’ll be contacted with further information. Here are your temporary quarters.” He typed the info into a PADD and handed it over.

Gideon breathed in through his nose and slowly let the breath leave through his mouth as he took a hold of the information device. It was the best attempt to calm himself down. He wasn’t really angry with the young ensign, the young man was just doing his job, but this whole thing was certainly frustrating. “Okay, shore leave it is then.” He gave a firm nod, and then turned and walked out of the personnel office.


Again, Gideon sipped the coffee, it was still hot and he savored the dark roast. He could see the transport hub in the distance, and was glad that he would be heading back to the temporary quarters he was assigned at Starfleet. The first order of business would be a shower would be the first thing he would do. He needed to wash off last night’s activities from his body.

He heard a roll of thunder in the distance and he willed for the sky to stay closed until he at least reached the transport hub. Another roll of thunder sounded, it was closer and louder, and then the sky opened up into a downpour. “Seriously,” he called out, his blue/gray eyes drifting skyward. He wanted to throw his fist up and curse the dark gray sky, but it was futile, the rain would still come whether he cursed the dark clouds or not. Instead he dipped his head down, his chin touching his chest, the hard, cold rain pelting him, soaking to his core. Again, he shivered, he felt like he would never warm up now.

He started toward the transport hub once again. Several colorful swear words were being mumbled under his breath as he did so.


Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols, PhD
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm on 20 Jul 2017 @ 12:56pm

Great first post! Welcome to the sim :)
