USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - I'm Not Going Back
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I'm Not Going Back

Posted on 16 May 2017 @ 9:11am by Sub-commander S'anara Valdran & Commander Medara t'Keras

1,004 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: IRW Ganelax - CO's Office
Timeline: MD -45, 0257 hrs


S'anara was feeling slightly nervous as she stepped off the lift. She hasn't spoken to Medara since she departed on the Klingon ship. She walked down the corridor and halted before the brown double doors of the Commander's office. She reached over and tapped the chime and waited.

Medara's voice sounded lightly across the intercom. "Come," she casually replied. Various data pads were neatly stacked on her desk, and classified intelligence reports were scattered across several of her office's displays.

After hearing her voice, S'anara stepped forward, and the double doors slide apart. She walked in and stopped at the foot of Medara's desk. "Commander, we need to talk."

"Ah, S'anara. How good of you to visit," the Romulan commander said to the sub-commander with a bit of hidden disdain. "Have you finally washed the smell of the Humans and Klingons from your hair?"

Lamar came to mind and S'anara quickly pushed those thoughts away. "Yes, I am thrilled to be off that ship. That being said, I think it's time we parted ways."

The Romulan commander's eyebrows arched while she began to study the younger sub-commander's features. "Is this so?" she casually replied after a short moment of judgement. "Where exactly is it that you think you will be 'parting' to?"

S'anara pressed her lips together, "My assignment with you was always meant to be temporary, you knew that."

"Was it really, sub-commander?" Medara retorted with a bit of contempt for S'anara. It wasn't her place to simply think she could come and go as she pleased without any allegiances. No...the woman's duty was to Kreanus. "Your assignment is to our colony and to help ensure Kreanus' best interests. Or did you forget that once you started spending too much time with that Starfleet crew?"

"Oh please." S'anara shot back. "Kreanus isn't even recognized by our government, nor were there formal orders given."

The commander smirked while shaking her head to dismiss such a ridiculous notion. "It is not our government. I do not answer to the Star Empire or any of its factions. I am a Kreanan and the colony is under my jurisdiction. I would have thought you'd understood this by now...but it seems I've been mistaken."

She looked at Medara, "So that is another reason. My loyalty belongs to the Star Empire, not with you..." she paused for a moment and then added, "if you are going to be successful with the colony, you will need those without divided loyalty supporting you."

As much as she wanted to continue to argue with S'anara and assert her authority, Medara knew that the other woman's words were true. Yes, she could probably force the sub-commander into servitude on Kreanus, but what would that accomplish? Without her voluntary willingness to assist, she would be no more useful than the Federation crews who'd been captured over the years. "Where is it you intend to go S'anara?" she asked with slight curiosity. "Surely not back to New Romulus? Certain members of the senate would no doubt consider you a traitor for collaborating with an 'unrecognized' government...especially with the Klingon High Council involved."

"Not the first time I would be at odds with the senate..." She mused, "but, maybe I'll tag along with the humans, gather some intel of Earth."

A light laugh escaped Medara's thin lips. "How do you think you will accomplish that? Do you really think Starfleet will just let you join their ranks because you have become disillusioned with Kreanus and the Star Empire?" The commander shook her head and held up a finger in warning. "They will detain you the second you turn yourself over to them and question you for years."

"I doubt that. The Federation has made multiple diplomatic overtures to New Romulus from humanitarian aid to extensive trade benefits. It be much easier to infiltrate than before." S'anara smirked, "Humans desire for peace...a very useful trait."

"Is that your goal, sub-commander? To infiltrate their government?" Medara leaned back in her chair and tented her fingers together while she continued to study the younger Romulan standing before her. "Or is that an excuse you concocted in your head to justify your defection to both me and the Romulan government?"

"it's not a defection...." She sighed, "I just want a different venue to pursue, new challenges. I sense a great opportunity and I don't want it to slip away."

With a backhanded swipe of her hand, Medara angrily pushed the data pads from her desk and sat up straight. Her eyes burned with the conviction of a senior Tal Shiar who'd just learned of her people was openly in the process of betraying her. "Your opportunity is here! On Kreanus!" she barked. "How dare you think you can simply betray those around you who have given you so much..."

"Oh get off your high-horse Medara. Kreanus is your personal conquest, and feeds your personal goal and drive. Not mine. I don't share your dream, nor does the Star Empire. You're fortunate they didn't reposes this warbird from you or the other assets you have stored on that moon."

"...Leave my office while you still can, S'anara..." Medara hissed threateningly. If this was the way one of her wayward Romulan counterparts wanted it, then so be it. "You've betrayed everything that you stood for and there's no place for a traitor in my government." The commander then gave a final warning that couldn't be interpreted in any other way. "If I ever see you again or you come across my people...I will kill you. Now go, and be with your 'Federation' friends," she scoffed. "They will be all you have left by the end of this."

S'anara bit her tongue and turned on heals and quickly exited Medara's office. She was finished with her and Kreanus, and she couldn't be happier.



Sub-Commander S'anara Valdran
Foreign Observer
USS Galileo

CMDR Medara t'Keras
Commanding Officer
IRW Ganelax
[PNPC Saalm]


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Comments (1)

By Ambassador Soral Varro on 17 Jun 2017 @ 6:54am

I keep re reading this. The writing is amazing. Great job all.