USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Stop by Security
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Stop by Security

Posted on 02 Apr 2016 @ 8:10pm by Ensign Calin & Ambassador Caymen Greener
Edited on on 07 Apr 2016 @ 7:08pm

689 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Security Offices, Deck 3
Timeline: MD95


Deck 3 Halls

The halls were busy with people preparing for the imminent departure, and Caymen picked a heck of a day to introduce himself. He really needed to touch base with the intelligence team, but they were busy or not checked in yet when he went down there.

His items were in his quarters, although those may have been temporary. It didn't really matter to him at this point - he was just enthralled to be on this ship. She had some wear on her, but she was well kept all the same.

Greener eventually found his way to the security offices, and, somewhat to his surprise, his clearance level let him in. He guessed he might not have carte blanche access to the armory and brig, but he at least he got in here. And there sat an ensign in golden operations gear.

"Oh, hello there." He said. He was still in his civilian garb, not having dressed in his black and green diplomatic robes. "Sorry to intrude."

Ensign Calin looked up from a large console outlined with several long reports and acknowledged the visitor with a silent gesture. Sweeping his fingertips across the console, several faces materialized on the screen, swiping in one at a time until an image of the man in front of him sat there. Calin read over the details, and his face relaxed by a thousandth of a degree which, for a Vulcan, was revealing. “Ambassador Greener, I presume?”

Greener gave a slow head bow. "Indeed. And you are, sir?" he asked with respect.

"Ensign Calin, Security Investigations Officer." Calin responded simply.

Caymen had been through the duty rosters, but he had not memorized that many faces or names quite yet. "Well, I was on this deck, and I am trying to meet folks, especially those that I may need to work with more closely. Seems like I may be in the right spot, no?"

Calin raised an eyebrow by a few millimeters. "Do you feel that your duties on board the Galileo will frequently involve Security, sir?"

"Well," Caymen gave a shrug. "Several units make more sense than others - intelligence, counseling, linguistics and astrometrics. And then security folks will always play a role. You see, my job is all about information and empathy. I am no empath proper, but I am a good read of people."

Greener paused. "So what do you do down here, Ensign Calin?"

Calin straightened his back. "My duties include -- however are not limited to -- conducting investigations into criminal activities, fraud, counterintelligence, internal security, and other concerns. I am, for lack of a more rudimentary term, a detective."

Caymen nodded as he explained. "Ah, counterintelligence and fraud. Detective work is necessary everywhere we go - as researchers, warriors, investigators, or diplomats. We all have ta' dig deeper to find the real answers, don't we?"

The man likes to speak, thought Calin as he listened with quiet observance, noting how Caymen's self-indulgence for his own vocabulary might benefit a starship ambassador. "That is quite true, Ambassador. Now-" Calin continued, hoping to put an end to any possibility that Caymen might start talking again if merely to put a premature end to the pause. "Ambassador. Might I ask if you require any assistance?"

Greener cocked his head, watching the officer continue to work at his console. He recognized that tone and realized his stay might be nearing its end. His wordiness tended to do that when back in his Starfleet days he would have been the one cutting people short in almost every conversation.

"Well, not at this moment, I suppose," came the diplomat's response. "I shall return when the need arises, no?"

Calin nodded. "In that case, I shall endeavor to be available when the time comes, Ambassador." Calin looked ready to return to his duties, but glanced up at the last possible second. "Oh, and welcome aboard."

Caymen smiled and bowed his head. "Thank you for your time, ensign." Greener spun and headed out.


ENS Calin
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

AMB Caymen Greener
USS Galileo


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