USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Demanding Satisfaction
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Demanding Satisfaction

Posted on 03 Mar 2016 @ 1:53pm by Ensign Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Wilhelm Von Haeften

1,735 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: Jupiter Station Bar
Timeline: MD 92 - 2041 Hours


Wilhelm Von Haeften did not consider himself the jealous type. In fact, he prided himself on being a reasonable human being and level-headed. But for some reason, when he had heard through the grapevine that a civilian had hit on Rebecca, Wilhelm’s girlfriend, he boiled inside. He had tried to ignore the feeling, thinking it little more than his testosterone poisoning his mind. After all, he didn’t want to seem like the jealous, possessive type of lover. But his feelings finally got the better of him, and so he sought out this fellow to let him know in no uncertain terms that Rebecca was taken, and would remain as such for as long as she choose to be so.

After asking around a bit, Wilhelm finally tracked him down to a bar, more of a speakeasy down in the lower reaches of the station that catered to those who dealt with the less shiny aspects of Federation life, cargo shifting, maintenance, and the even less salubrious. The bar itself was a couple of trestles, and as well as the replicator, there was a couple of barrels of some sort of home brew and a few crates full of bottles of the same, or illegal imports such as romulan ale

Malcolm Garrison, captain of the Stranger Tides was seated at a table made from a board nailed into a crate, a long leather-look coat draped over one of the mismatched chairs.Sitting with him was three others, two aliens and another human. He had his back to Wilhelm. All he could see was dark hair tied back into a short tail that hung just below his shoulders, which were broad enough to make any woman look twice, even when they weren’t set off by the tight shirt he was wearing.

“Captain Garrison?” Wil said as he came to the civilian freighter jock.

“Who’s asking?” Garrison turned, revealing a man that quite obviously had no problems picking up women. He had cheekbones high enough to need oxygen, and the sort of jaw that could be described with words like “chiselled.” His five o’clock shadow made him look roguish instead of unkempt, and somewhere in his genes was a Greek god. He could have provided the definition image of Tall, Dark and Handsome for the dictionary, and he gave off the sort of smouldering sexuality that could burn through a woman’s inhibitions - and underwear - like a hot knife through butter

“I’d like to buy you and your friends a drink and discuss something with you.” Wil said, trying to maintain some level of casual disinterest. Truth was, he felt vaguely threatened as a man by this fellow.

The group exchanged long glances, not telepathy but the communication of long association. Then Malcolm pushed a chair out with his foot. “Pint of the dark all round. And I‘d like to know who’s buying, since you know who’s drinking.”

“Wilhelm Von Haeften.” the German said simply. He waved over a waitress and asked for dark all around, and one for himself.

“What can I do for you, Wilhelm Von Haeften? Need something moved? Or someone?” Malcolm looked the science officer up and down, eyes narrowing, trying to determine what the man wanted.. He didn’t look like one of his typical clients. Looked far too clean and precise. If he had to guess, he’d say an Academy instructor or science type on leave, or hanging around after the Symposium.

“No nothing of the sort.” Wilhelm took a drag of the beer, not enjoying the taste one bit, but not letting it on.

“To come straight to the point, I heard that you pursued a lady who is, well, spoken for, by me. I would request that you respect our relationship and her by restraining your usual...advances my good fellow.” Wil tried to sound jovial, but knew that his voice had a tinge of venom to it that he could not contain fully.

A silence fell on the table and then all four of the other men burst out laughing. Malcolm got control of himself after thirty seconds “listen, you neanderthal, I don't know who you're talking about but I guarantee the only person who speaks for the lady is the lady,”

“Look jock, I know very little about what you did and did not say, maybe she told you she was not available and you persisted, which makes you a cretin, or maybe she did not say anything of the sort. Regardless, I do not “claim” her as property or anything absurd like that. All I ask is that you respect the relationship pal...or….” Wil let the silence linger. He was not a violent man by his nature, and detested those who spoke with their fists instead of their brains, but part of him wanted to tell this boorish man that he’d beat him until Wil was tired.

Malcolm put his pint down with a slow firm click on the table. “I don't think you understand. I don't go where I'm not wanted. If I go anywhere near a lady it's with an explicit invitation and her enthusiastic consent. In that situation I'm not the only one disrespecting your ‘relationship’.”

Wilhelm did not like the man’s tone and set down his own stein. “I’m going to ask you to clarify that statement.” he said through partly gritted teeth.

The stuffy academic was spoiling for a fight. Malcolm could see, too full of outrage at a slight to his honour. There was no avoiding it, might as well hurry it up “I’m saying it takes two to tango. If one of the lovely ladies I had fun with on this station used to be stepping out with you then you’re obviously not enough, because every one of them spread their legs without any persuasion from me, and every one of them begged me to shag their brains out. So if you think 'your' girl is some delicate wallflower who wouldn’t dare put herself forward, I have to inform you that when she’s not being oppressed by you, she is a wild, dirty, ride and I look forward to having her again.”

Wilhelm took a long pull of his drink; he would need the liquid courage for what was to come. The German scientist knew that he was probably going to get his behind kicked, but he demanded satisfaction from this crude, lewd mongrel of a man.

“Thank you for clarifying.” he said.

Wilhelm used the momentary process of the jock interpreting his words to throw his drink in the man’s face, then followed it up by giving him a punch in the face with his right fist. The jock tumbled backwards off his chair, hitting the ground. Wilhelm started to guard himself from the rain of blows he was sure was to come, and he was right. The man who had been sitting to Wil’s right immediately started to throw punches.

The Andorian went to help Malcolm to his feet, leaving the two others, a human and a Risan to deal with the German. The human slammed his fist hard into Wilhelm, a hard left hook that punched into the soft flesh under the ribs, then pulled back to put another blow, aiming higher to catch the kidneys. A moment later, the Risan got behind him, and kicked a steel toecap into the back of Wilhelm’s knee. Flanked, the two opponents proceeded to give him a thorough beating, aiming for the soft spots, kidneys, liver, groin, diaphragm. It was all the CSO could do to keep them from pounding him into a pulp.

Wilhelm Von Haeften was a capable scientist, but a poor fighter, and his blocks were little to avoid the blows; every time he was able to block a blow from one, a fist or a kick would come from a different angle. Soon his ribs hurt, his head hurt, and he was sure he got smashed in his right eye. He decided to fight dirty to even the odds. He picked up a chair and tried to smash it against the nearest assailant, although the fellow’s arm took the brunt of the blow. Wilhelm also stepped on the foot of the next guy, who gave him several punches in his ribs, then tried to knee his attacker in the groin. The man doubled up, but Wil’s momentary satisfaction of hurting the fellow made him not see the next blow that clocked him across his chin. The German went to the ground.

Malcolm stood over him, right knuckles slightly reddened from the punch that had put the academic down. “Stay down,” he growled. “You are outnumbered, and outclassed. Grow a brain before we kick it out of you and listen. If I got it on with a woman with a partner, she never told me. When a woman tells me she has a partner, I back off. So whatever your problem is, its not with me. Unless you push me right now, and that, you will regret.”

Gehen zu Hoelle Scheissekopf**.” Wil said, kicking out his right leg hard to catch the jock in his kneecap, pushing his knee outward and off balance before using his left foot to kick him away. Before he could catch his beating, the rest of the patrons, frenzied by both booze and the fight, joined in. Several other fights started around them, and a Tellarite started fighting with the Andorian jock, while the Risan was assaulted by a Klingon.

Wil took the opportunity to scram when he saw several Shore Police* come through the door to break up the fight. He did not feel like explaining to the Skipper or the Admiral why he was fighting aboard Jupiter Station, and slipped through the side doors, making his way quickly through the crowd gathered to watch the scene unfold, and down the corridor towards the dock with Galileo, trying his best to hide his fatigue and hurt, as if he had had no part of that fight.


*Go to hell sh--head
**Equivalent of military police

a JP by:

Lieutenant JG Wilhelm Von Haeften
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


Ensign Miraj Derani
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo


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