USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Weighing the "Scales"
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Weighing the "Scales"

Posted on 18 Mar 2016 @ 2:52am by Lieutenant JG Kezmar Tsakti Ph.D & Lieutenant Wilhelm Von Haeften
Edited on on 18 Mar 2016 @ 5:17pm

1,422 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 7- CSO's Office
Timeline: MD29 - 1000 Hours


Knock knock knock. Kezmar rapped on the door to the Chief Science Officer's office, the scales on his knuckles dampening the sound lightly. He figured it best to acquaint himself with all of the important staff, even those who weren't directly his boss. And where to start but with the Chief of Science himself? Standing right outside the door in a teal tunic and long, grey, flowing robe, Kezmar ran a scaled hand down the front of his attire, ensuring that he looked at least a tad presentable.

"Come." Wilhelm replied to the knock on his door.

As the door hissed open, Kezmar leaned down a bit and stepped inside, gazing down at the short human sitting at a desk in front of him. By his rank pips, he was a Lieutenant Junior Grade like Kezmar, which meant... Kezmar racked his brain for regulations on addressing superiors and equals. Wilhelm was the same rank but in a higher position, but that position wasn't directly above Kezmar himself. Not quite sure whether to call him Lieutenant or Sir, Kezmar opted for the safest bet, placing a hand to his forehead and reluctantly greeting Wilhelm with "Good morning, ssssssir."

Wilhelm Von Haeften looked up from his desk to see the Selay scientist that had newly joined their crew. He tried to remember what tiny Selay he had tried to acquire.

"[I greet you doctor]." Wil said in his best Selay, which is to say it was awfully accented and the grammar was abysmal, but it was at least mostly recognizible as Selay.

The German racked his brain for the next word. He pointed to his rank on his collar and then the Selay's.

"[Same]. [No sir], Lieutenant or Wil [is good]." Von Haeften said. he had had to switch to standard for his name and rank, as Wil did not know those words. being the son of a linguist mother certainly helped at times, but he would never reach his mother's proficiency, in fact he was far better at imitating accents than grammar. Selay was different, by far one of Wil's weaker languages. The fact that he lacked a forked tongue meant that he had to dance around some words that he could not pronounce correctly, and it was difficult for him to imitate the hissing accent.

Kezmar's eyes lit up in surprised recognition, slightly shocked that Wilhelm could speak Selay. From this he could safely assume the fellow was a specialist in a 'soft science', but whether it was sociology, linguistics, history, anthropology, or another was yet to be seen. Switching to speak smoothly in his own serpentine tongue, Kezmar replied "[You are only second non-Selay I've heard speak our language, how impressive. Where did you pick that up?]"

"[Please, no fast speak]." Wil asked, his hand up. When the Selay repeated himself, this time at a much slower cadence, Wil thought he was able to understand enough to respond.

"Mother [teach. Doctor too], uh...language. [I not good, she very good.]" Wil said, going in and out of the Selay language as he encountered words he did not know how to say in the Selay tongue and using the simplest words he was sure he could not screw up too badly.

Kezmar cringed visibly, it now painfully obvious that the man's knowledge of Selay was limited. Speaking Federation Standard now, he replied "Enough of this farssse, pleasssse. I'd ssssuggesst we continue in common."

"[Forgive me Doctor, I meant no offense.]" That bit of Selay Wil knew quite well, as he thought it important to be able to apologize for any offense in multiple languages. He was able to speak that bit of Selay without much error. "We can continue in FEDSTAND if you desire."

The German got up out of his seat and maneuvered to the front of his desk to be on par with the Selay.

"I look forward to learning from your surely vast knowledge and experience." the CSO said. Von Haeften was upset with himself that he did not find the time to study Selay customs and courtesies. He had little idea as to what proper protocol was in this instance, and did not wish to cause offense or come across as in a weak position.

Kezmar stared down at the much shorter human, nodding emphatically. Even if Wilhelm had butchered the language, he appreciated the motivation behind it. "Indeed, Lieutenant. I would presssssume you have much experience with languages?"

"Not as a profession; since my mother was a linguist in the Fleet and taught them afterwards, I was able to pick up many languages, although few to any proficiency. I mostly can say pleasantries and how to apologize for making a hash of someone's language, as you just saw. I myself specialized in a "soft science": history. If I may, please tell me how one would properly address someone of your rank in Selay." the CSO asked.

"Grthsssms, or for a Junior Grade Ss'trefftss Grthsssms." The lack of many strong vowels and excessive amount of hissing made it quite difficult to speak Selay, but for Kezmar it came naturally and the words came out smooth, but slowly to make sure Wil could understand. So he was a historian? As far as social sciences went, history was probably the most respectable to him because it was the most tethered to real facts and cause and effect. Nodding, Kezmar continued "I must apologize for my language'ss difficulty, it isss cssertainly not an eassy one to pick up."

Wil repeated the unfamilar word to ensure he got it for future reference.

"[Apology belongs to me]." the CSO said in Selay, putting his right open palm to his left chest to indicate sincerity. It was the only Selay custom that Wil knew well enough to not flub up. "Forgive my ignorance of your language [Doctor]."

"On other fronts, I am aware that in the past, the Science and Research departments have not always seen eye to eye on who controls what aboard this ship. As far as I am concerned, it is separate, but equal. Doctor Oren will administor your needs for paperwork and supplies and whatnot, and I, for my part, will ensure that my department gives you full and unhampered access to every available resource we have to offer. Believe me when I say that our departments will partner very closely together on our missions." the German said.

Kezmar's lips upturned in a slight smirk, nodding. "Of course, of course." Wilhelm's attitude was certainly different than his own boss's of A lot of the research is on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know.

"Oh, also, I am not sure if such a thing is still a problem, but I am aware that once upon a time, their was discrimination among the Selay in close proximity to humans, which is why not many of your people have joined Starfleet, which is sadder because of it."

Wil looked sad for a moment, ashamed that in such an enlightened time, racism still existed. The fact that he would have sneered at a Jem Hadar and called them vile monikers did not enter his mind.

"So, if you encounter any discrimination because of your species from anyone in my department, please inform me and it will be dealt with harshly and swiftly."

Kezmar briefly inclined his head in a nod once more. Racism hadn't been a problem in the past for him necessarily, but the gesture was reassuring. "Thank you, but I'd imagine the ssscience sstaff in particular will have an eassier time overcoming their biasssses than mosst."

"I assume as well, but I'd like you to know the option is available should you need it. Is there any questions or concerns you have for me?" the German asked.

Kezmar shrugged, his expression neutral. Everything he needed to know he'd find out in due time. "Iss there anything you'd like to tell me about the department?"

"Nothing I don't think you already know or will find out in due course." the German said. "[Pleasure to meet you.]" he returned in Selay.

"[A pleasure to meet you as well, Lieutenant.]" Stiffly turning towards the door, Kezmar left the room without hesitation. While it had certainly been a delight, he had other work to attend to.


a JP by:

Lieutenant JG Wilhelm Von Haeften
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


Lieutenant JG Kezmar Tsakti
Assistant Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo


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