USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Observation
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Posted on 07 Mar 2016 @ 9:49am by Ensign Calvin Henderson

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo , Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD92, 1400 hours


All alone, Tyrion stood on the observation deck, leaning on the railing as he stared outside. Tears were making tracks down his cheeks as he'd just made the most difficult decision he'd ever made. Only an hour ago, his youngest sister Danyelle had come to pick up his daughter. He had contacted her days ago and she'd come as quickly as she could. Of course, she had commended him for taking this brave action and promised him she'd be in contact as often as was possible given the Galileo's nature in missions. She promised to send video's and pictures, so that he'd always be part of her development.

But it wasn't easy. In the short time he'd had her he had come quite attached to the lively hybrid child. And now, she was gone, on her way to Betazed, to be raised by the only sister he'd ever trusted in his life. The only one he had really properly made amends with after his -now failed- marriage to Grayson. A silent sob made his body shudder and he closed his eyes as he watched the tiny transport fade into the distance.

The silent sob wasn't all that silent. "Do you need a tissue?" Calvin asked. The young astrometrics officer was tucked away in a back corner on the floor with a PADD for company. He has sought out the quiet solitude he had come to know that was the observation lounge, a place he could observe the stars, work on a few things he wanted all the while going relatively undisturbed. "I don't want to interrupt... I just didn't want things to get awkward if you turned around and saw that I was here the whole time ya' know." The tail end of his sentence really drew out his southern American accent.

Turning partially, Tyrion shook his head, wondering why he hadn't sensed he wasn't alone. "No, thank you," he answered, his voice thick with emotion he now tried to contain. He pulled his sleeve over his hand and used it to wipe his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"We all have our moments, makes us remember who we are I say," Calvin said looking up from his work at the man before him, "I know I have had my fair share already and I have only been here a few days." He was doing his best to keep the conversation light. "I'm Calvin by the way, new astrometrics officer," he went to stand from his comfortable balled up position towards the table upon which he placed his PADD.

"Tyrion," the Betazoid returned, now turning fully to face him, "chief intelligence officer. You had your fair share of what?"

"Times alone in this room, upset," Calvin began, "I'm not all that good at being the new guy in places."

"Ah..." Tyrion hesitated a moment. "Is there a way to be good at it?" He wondered about that, trying to recall the moment he'd been a new arrival. He couldn't really, it'd been a fair while ago by now. "Usually one starts by meeting one's department head," he added, "and from there mingle with other members of one's department. The sooner you blend in the sooner you're no longer new."

"I hate blending, its like stars...the blended ones fade the quickest. I don't like people who blend. But yeah, you are right, there is no way to be good at it." Calvin gave a small smile. "Been here long yourself?" he continued, "Any tips on who to avoid and where all the drama is?"

"About a year I think, give or take a few weeks. Who to avoid, that wouldn't really be fair for me to say now would it. You should form your own opinions, though personally...I'd say avoid the bar and a certain guy named Doyle...he's one sour ...." He gritted his teeth, eyes flashing at the memory. "As for drama...that seems to be going all around in flares to be honest. I had my own personal share of it very recently."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Calvin started with genuine sorrow in his voice. "I will keep that in mind about bar, but if that is who I think it is, he was fine with me last night. But you can never really know someone from quick meeting really."

"That depends." Tyrion shrugged. "He had it out for me, since I'd married his best friend. Accused me of keeping him away from his friends and such. Lectured me about it too..I'd be careful with him if I were you. He's got a mean streak to him."

"Oh," Calvin suddenly went silent, looked at the floor and began acting rather sheepish.

"Hey..." Tyrion drew his attention and shrugged again. "What you do on your own time isn't my affair, as long as it doesn't threaten this ship's safety."

"Least I hope not," Calvin gave a little laugh, "although I might be more worried for my own safety. I was meant to be going on another date with him at the starbase...I may have to find a way to cancel. I don't want to be caught up in rebound drama. He did mention something last night. I didn't know he was rebounding from your husband."

"He blames me. And Grayson..he's not my husband, not anymore." Tyrion shook his head, his voice breaking. "We...separated."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Calvin bit his lip, "From what I can tell he's a fool and for choosing a friend like that..." He hesitated, "I'd throw more positive friend affirmations your way if I knew you better. But no one is worth feeling sad over, at least not for very long ... and ... especially when it comes to men. I have yet to meet a single one that hasn't broken my heart or just been some kind of cosmic screw up. I swear, I'd be happy single." Calvin was trying somewhat to be positive and up lifting towards the man he just met, hoping it was having some effect.

"It's too recent to give it any place right now," Tyrion answered, walking over to the table to sit down. He gestured towards the window. "I just watched the transport carrying my daughter jump to warp. She's going to be raised by my sister. That alone is a funny situation because, until I met Grayson, I hadn't spoken to my family in about fifteen years."

"Well then there is something good to that then," Calvin smiled not really knowing what to do or say next and feeling ever more uncomfortable.

"I'm making you uncomfortable," Tyrion offered, sensing he man's discomfort without effort. "I'm sorry. So what were you doing here on your lonesome?"

"No, just...personal situations with new people make me nervous. I always get worked up I'd say something wrong," he took a breath. "I was really just here to spend sometime away from getting used to the ship's systems and catch up on some reading. I was hoping there would be lots of plush seating to relax on."

"If you're wanting plush seating I suggest you write a holodeck program." He shrugged indifferently. "What could you be saying wrong?"

"Just a habit of over worrying. Social anxiety is a rather strange mistress at times," Calvin hummed as he put his hands into his pockets. It wasn't often he reached out with that information so soon, but he needed to try and make friends and not alienate himself.

Observing his body language for a moment, Tyrion just smiled sadly. "Oh I hear you. But it's probably better than running away from your own people and pretending to be someone you're not."

"I get my little triggers something is going to make me panic and I excuse myself for a bit. I think working there as much as I have the past few days hasn't helped, but the thought of being walking around the ship as people come back and catch up with old friends terrifies me. I'd look like some sort of creep looking on at everyone while knowing no one really. Let things settle down and then start walking the halls."

"Or talk to people on the go, get to know them, and mingle," the Betazoid suggested.

"In time," Calvin counter-suggested.

"Well, you worked up the nerve to talk to me," Tyrion smirked, "most people don't choose a Betazoid to talk to on one of their first encounters. Most steer clear, to be honest. Betazoid seems inherent to reads minds, which is so not true."

"Well, I couldn't tell you were a Betazoid from the back," Calvin replied rather honestly.

"Heh...I'll give you that one," Tyrion observed, "but talked to a total stranger. That's more guts than some have around here."

"Well, I know I wouldn't like to be left alone if I was feeling upset or anything," Calvin shrugged his shoulders while scrunching up his mouth.

"But how did you know I was upset?" Tilting his head slightly in curiosity, he watched the man. "After just said you saw me from the back."

"Your shoulders shuddered a little, I heard a little sniff...general atmosphere and the way you were standing. I recognised it a little too well."

"You do?" Tyrion relaxed just a little, but still seemed a bit on alert. "Want to talk about it?"

"Nah, I'm all good thanks."

"I'm not requiring you to." He forced a smile. "That's what counsellors are for right? Or close friends..."

"One of which I have and the other I am hoping to find here," Calvin gave a smile as he picked up his PADD and walked towards the door. "Anyway, I've taken up enough of your time. You probably want to sit here yourself and think things through. I am sorry to have heard what you have gone through, honestly."

"And if I can return the favour come find me," Tyrion replied, returning the smile, a little more genuine now, "you haven't taken up any of my time."


Ensign Calvin Henderson
Astrometrics Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Tyrion Faye
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo


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