USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Redwood Giants
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Redwood Giants

Posted on 29 Feb 2016 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant JG Rael Psy.D.
Edited on on 01 Mar 2016 @ 1:15am

2,026 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Arboretum
Timeline: MD45 0800


Rael was seated cross-legged under a large (holographic) redwood tree, with a stack of PADDs beside him and two balanced on his knees. One hand flicked through the touch-screen of one PADD, while the other held a mug of coffee which he sipped at periodically. Birds twittered and insects chirped all around him, warmed by the light of that fake-sun above. He was at-once solitary and engaged, posture entirely relaxed.

"Counsellor Rael..." A soft-spoken voice from above reached the younger man as another Vulcan-looking male in medical teals approached, "may I join you?"

He looked up, sparing the interloper a curious expression. "Certainly. Dr. Mercy, is that correct?"

Naois nodded as he eased himself down onto the grass. "Doctor Mercy is correct, though I am not opposed to being called Naois. What do you prefer to be called?"

"Rael is more than acceptable," he said, pronouncing his name as rye /yell/.

Nodding, Naois offered a smile. "I have heard a different name being called behind your back, would you care to explain why people would give you such a nickname? While often nicknames are a sign of camaraderie, this one does not bespeak such a closeness..."

"I am afraid I'm uncertain what you're referring to. Which nickname is this?" Rael asked, tilting his head.

"Lightfooted. Does this hold any special meaning to you? I have observed people whispering it behind your back, have you not noticed?"

That earned him a small, wry smile. "I expect it's because I walk quietly, Dr. Mercy."

"You are Vulcan," Naois observed, arching a single eyebrow. "Of course you do, Vulcans seem to be notorious of doing that."

"It would appear so."

"Not appear," Naois objected, shaking his head, "my mother did exactly the same thing, sneaking up on people without them being aware. Though she never intended to sneak up."

"Your mother was Vulcan, I take it?"

"Is." Yet Naois gave a brief nod. "My father is Human, they are both physicians though my mother is not Starfleet. My father is retired."

"Does your mother still practice medicine?"

"Yes, so does my father but no longer in Starfleet. They have a practice on Earth." Naois smiled fondly. "I was raised among medical facilities. My mother is now with my children, while they await their return to the Galileo. We should be reunited soon."

"You must be anticipating their arrival greatly," Rael said, sincere.

"Yes, I have never been separated from my children for this long. Not even during my prior medical leave. Not having them with me this time was... hard."

"I can imagine. How old are they?"

"Delon and Revan are eight years old, Laura is four." Naois felt compelled to elaborate. "They are not Vulcan," he added mysteriously.

Rael bit, pleased to entertain the distraction from his endless slog of paperwork: "Indeed not?"

"Indeed not," Naois repeated. "Delon is Romulan, Revan is Betazoid, and Laura is Human. However, my wife is expecting twins so we are adding to our family in a few months."

"That is spectacular. Your household is surely a testament to Infinite Diversity," Rael said, genuinely impressed.

"My late wife was Betazoid," Naois added, though the memory of Valeia was still painful, even four years after her passing. "My current wife is Human." He tilted his head. "Do you have a mate?"

Rael's response was a little wry: "Not at this time, Dr. Mercy."

"You have not yet experienced your first Pon Farr," the older Vulcan concluded, unaware of the younger man's preferences. "You still have time. Were you bonded as a child?"

"No," he said serenely.

"Do you intend to find a mate before your Time comes?" The older Vulcan queried curiously. "Forgive me, I do not mean to pry. You do not seen concerned however..."

"I believe I will be fine."

"You do not expect you will enter Pon Farr," Naois pointed out, drawing his own conclusions. It was rare, but there were Vulcans who did not enter Pon Farr. Usually, those who seemed to prefer a partner of the same gender.

"I've made appropriate preparations, Dr. Mercy."

Nodding, Naois leaned back. "Then I will not bring it up again," he promised, "it is your own affair, and private. You did not have to answer, as you well know."

"It's no trouble, Dr. Mercy." Rael offered him a slight smile.

"Of course." The answer was simple and Naois took a moment to look up. "Amazing is it not, how technology can mimic sunlight, and have a person benefit from the advantages of real sunlight, but not the repercussions?"

"They do often say that the best technology is indistinguishable from magic."

"Is magic not another form of use of technology?" Naois looked sideways. "I grew up learning not to rely on technology. My father taught me ancient medical skills that I still use to day. I do not trust readings unless I have made certain observations for myself."

"I imagine those skills must have come in handy quite often. Intuition is an important aspect of the healing arts. One I fear tends to be overlooked in the face of increasing technological advances," he agreed.

"Exactly. And when technology fails, lives become at risk. What is your specialty in counselling, if I may ask?"

"Trauma and psychological first-aid," Rael said. "And yours?"

"I have not yet specialized but I am going to attend classes to do so. I am currently on restricted duty. I was thinking of post injury care or psychiatry. I already have my medical degree."

"My advice would be to choose a specialty that resonates with your spirit."

"My spirit tells me post injury care," Naois replied, showing his right hand. "I suffered such loss myself and found myself at a loss on who to turn to so I sought counselling off ship."

Rael flexed the fingers of his right hand curiously. "What happened?"

"I lost my hand, after being captured and interrogated in the mirror universe." Though the words came out without hesitation, the pain of the memory was still audible in the hybrid's voice.

The other Vulcan's eyebrows furrowed, and he nodded. "I can see why it would call to your spirit to be able to provide rehabilitative care to others," he replied softly.

Naois nodded solemnly. "It is something I missed when I had to go through it. I turned to Doctor Warraquim after we left Starbase 84 and she has been of great help to me."

"I am very glad to hear that, Naois." Rael switched to his first name, giving the comment a little more weight.

Again, the older Vulcan nodded. "Have you met many people so far? You have not been aboard long, have you?"

"Quite a few, yes. I enjoy walking. It allows me to converse with others in an informal setting."

"That it does." Naois smiled. "You do not strike me as the type of counsellor who prefers to use an office."

"I go where I am needed," Rael agreed. "Some people prefer the intellectual appeal of an office. Others do not."

"I rarely use the office. I usually use my own living room, or I go where the patient feels the most comfortable. After all are we not supposed to make the patient feel at ease with us?" Naois shrugged. "I do not like the office, it gives no sense of comfort. My own living room gives a sense of ease and home."

"It is important to make our patients feel comfortable in their surroundings."

"Exactly. You seem like a very level headed and approachable person to me, I am certain you will have no issue getting people to come in for their evaluations when they come around."

Rael smiled, his eyes crinkling. "Thank you, Naois. Your words mean a great deal to me. I hope that I can serve admirably aboard the Galileo. I am sure I will draw upon your considerable experience as well."

"My better experiences most certainly," Naois responded with a smile, "my lesser accomplishments are better forgotten about. And my worst moments, are best not mentioned."

"You never know," Rael countered. "Perhaps your worst moments inform your better judgment."

"My worst moment is one I would prefer to forget about." Naois sighed softly. "It is the reason I took a break from my service as counsellor."

"You need not discuss it if it is uncomfortable for you," Rael pointed out gently.

"I know. But sharing allows for acceptance, and it creates understanding."

"Of course. I should be honored to listen, Naois."

"When my wife died, I lost myself. I assaulted those who tried to help me. I was not prepared for her death even though I knew she would not survive her illness. For a time I refused to accept I would lose her, and the event it self was very sudden for me. I could not cope with the loss."

"Tushah nash-veh k'odu," Rael said quietly. I grieve with thee.

"Thank you." Naois bowed his head in acceptance of the offer. "She died four years ago, Laura was still a baby. My sons were three, when she died."

"How did they cope?"

"Better than I did. They were too young to really be aware of what happened. Only Revan took it somewhat harder, as he had a special bond with his mother. Valeia was half Betazoid, Revan is full Betazoid and telepathic."

"I can see how that would have been very difficult for him. And for you."

"We came out stronger. I used my time to get my medical degree and I served as medical officer until recently. I chose to return to counselling several weeks ago. I do feel, that is where I belong."

"It is my experience that the best counselors are those who can relate to their patients on an existential level. I am certain that the profession is better for having you within its ranks, Naois."

"Perhaps. Odd, is it not? I grew up in a medical facility and yet I chose a completely different path than my parents."

"Healing comes in many forms."

"I agree." Naois shifted a little, the floor getting a little uncomfortable for his taste. "Have you had your boarding psychological evaluation yet?"

"No, I haven't. It's been somewhat difficult arranging an appointment," he said, tongue-in-cheek.

"Has it?" Naois frowned. "Have you any psychological conditions that would impair your performance as counsellor? Any physical impairments?"

"I do not," Rael answered.

"Then I see no reason to prevent you from seeing patients," Naois said simply, "you appear of sane and sound mind."

"I do try," the Vulcan agreed with a slight bow. It might've been a joke.

Returning the smile, the older Vulcan studied him. "I did say appear," he commented dryly. "Either way, you are fit for duty pending your physical by one of the medical officers in sickbay."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." It was sincere.

"Do you have a PADD with you that I can use?" it was a simple request as Naois had come without carrying one.He simply hadn't expected to need one this early in the morning.

"Yes." Rael had quite an abundance of them in fact. He held one out to Naois.

Accepting and activating it, Naois made a quick notation on it and passed it back to Rael. "Give this to the doctor attending to your physical. This will declare you psychologically fit for duty."

"Thank you," he murmured again.

"No thanks are necessary," Naois replied, "you required your boarding eval, and I am qualified to give it. And based on our conversation I can conclude you are sane and sound. A little subdued maybe, but that will not hinder you in your duties."

"Indeed not," Rael agreed with a smile.

"Well then... from a counselling perspective you are fit for duty."

Rael inclined his head, certainly offering little to refute the proclamation.

"I shall leave you to your musings now," Naois smiled, "it was a pleasure meeting you."


Lieutenant JG Rael
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

Lieutenant j.g. Naois Mercy
USS Galileo
pnpc Tyrion


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