USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - The Listening Chair
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The Listening Chair

Posted on 19 Feb 2016 @ 9:13pm by Lieutenant JG Rael Psy.D.
Edited on on 24 Feb 2016 @ 5:35am

2,553 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Counseling Offices
Timeline: MD81 1130


Tyrion's commbadge chirped!

A calm, though pleasing voice spoke from the other end:

"Ensign Faye, good morning. My name is Dr. Rael. It has come to my attention that you are due for your annual psychological evaluation. I would like to schedule an appointment to speak with you at your earliest convenience. When would you be available?"

"Now," the Betazoid replied glumly. Might as well get it over with and with all that happened in the past week he knew it was probably best not to put it off anyway. "Ten minutes?" he asked, amending his earlier statement of 'now'. Dania was asleep and he knew he could leave her for an hour if need be. A simple monitor would alert him anywhere on the ship should something be amiss.

"That will be acceptable. Thank you, Ensign."

Tyrion signed off and checked in on his daughter, activated the monitor, then headed towards the counsellor's office. Feeling nervous, if not a little bit anxious, the intelligence chief pressed the chime, then waited, his black eyes fixed on the door as if he was trying to stare a hole into it.

The door opened to reveal Rael's office, which was quite sparse. Save for the customary leather couch, a desk and a chair that Tyrion could immediately see. The desk held an open computer terminal, that Rael closed. "Please, come in." His eyes crinkled encouragingly, beckoning the Betazoid forward.

The Betazoid blinked in surprise when the door slid open to reveal a ...Vulcan? Tyrion blinked a second time, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him. But no, he saw a Vulcan alright, one who...seemed to emote? Shaking his head in confusion, he stepped inside, allowing the door to close behind him. "Ensign Faye reporting as requested," he stated stiffly.

"Would you like to have a seat?" it sounded almost wry. "Please. Would you care for anything from the replicator?"

"No, thank you, not at this moment," Tyrion replied as he sat down on the couch. He stared at it, feeling very uncomfortable. "Am I to lie down?" he queried carefully, "It's...been a while since I was summoned." Always summoned, he never went on his own accord. Why should he?

"You can, if you'd like," Rael granted. He stood and relocated himself to the chair that had been just in front of his desk, so he could get a better look at the young ensign before him. "Is there anything that you'd prefer I call you?"

"I don't mind if you just call me Tyrion, or Tyr. Everyone else does," Tyrion allowed, while drawing up his mental walls. Just in case. He sat stiffly, eyes fixed on the Vulcan in front of him, watching him like a hawk. "I'm not on duty and counsellors seem to prefer a more informal setting. Right?"

"What would you prefer?"

"Tyrion." He shrugged. "I don't know you, and you're not my friend. I don't have many friends on Galileo. My husband left and my best friend...I think I may have let him down once too often because we've not spoken for a while either."

"Tyrion," Rael tested the word lightly, meeting his eyes. "It seems quite evident to me that there is a lot going on for you right now. I regret that I've had to upset your equilibrium this way. I do not favor mandatory evaluations, but I would like to get to know you better--provided that is something you would be willing to accommodate." He leaned forward very slightly. "You seem as though you could use an ally, if not a friend."

"I suppose," Tyrion relented, leaning back on the couch. He closed his eyes for a moment and heaved in a deep breath. "My husband wants a divorce...he feels we got married way too soon and he feels trapped. All the same he doesn't seem to be blaming me in any fashion but....I kind of feel its my fault. We bonded, quite unintentionally...and it caused him a lot of pain. More than he ever admitted to me, apparently..." His black eyes shone a little with tears he'd been containing so far.

"When you say bonded--"

"I mean telepathically linked." Tyrion gave him a hard stare, wondering if the man had missed the blatantly obvious.

He hadn't! "I understand," his hands rose, placating. "How long have you two known one another? Overall, I mean."

"Before we married? A few weeks....we met at a party for the Klingons, before the wargames and on? I didn't mean for us to get bonded, it just happened and I don't know how. We had to go to Betazed to get him the help he needed. And then..we got married. We didn't plan for that to happen either but it did." He shrugged, though it was halfhearted. "I love him, what else can I say?"

"Sometimes, we meet people and we just know that there is something special about them," Rael agreed softly. "It hurts that much more when things fall apart. I regret very deeply that this is something you are now contending with." He did, too. It wafted from him like a gentle wave, gathering up all of Tyrion's frazzled threads and soothing them in a warm balm.

"I don't know what to do. I got a message from him and signed papers and he wants me to sign and send them on. I've tried to contact him but he never responds. I don't know where he is and I can't use my resources to find him. I've been slapped on the wrist for improper use of resources before, I can't afford that again. But I-" He faltered, his voice breaking and he looked away. "I don't want to lose him..."

Rael inclined his head. "I understand. How long has it been since you have spoken with him?"

"I haven't spoken to him since his reassignment," Tyrion replied sadly, "he's not returned any of my messages either. I don't even know if he has received them. Without aforementioned resources, I've no way to know. And I have a child to consider now... he said that's part of the reason he left daughter Dania. She's....not of this universe you see....and I didn't ask for a child either but I couldn't just leave her to her own devices now could I? Not, when she's a genetic match to me?"

"Indeed. Perhaps this time apart will give him the space he needs to process everything which has happened. It sounds as though he may very simply be overwhelmed with it all." Real considered him thoughtfully. "No, I expect you couldn't have. Nevertheless, your decision to keep her was a noble one."

"No I don't think he'll need time to process everything. He's filed for divorce and I don't know what to do with this. I don't want to crowd him and I want him to be happy...." He hesitated. "I don't know what to do... he's also heard of my ah...scuffle with Doyle... if you can call it that.. that probably tipped the balance. What should I do?"

"I understand that he has filed for divorce," Rael smiled a little. "What I more mean by my previous statement is that time apart may provide him with enough distance to view what occurred objectively, which might in the future open some form of dialogue between you both. As for what to do--what would you like to do?"

"I'm inclined to give him what he asks for. I want him to be happy. But, what of my happiness? I'm not feeling well at if part of me is already missing....he's blocked me out, I can't sense him at all..."

"It is truly unfortunate," the counselor bowed his head, a look of sympathy crossing his features. "Regrettably, in circumstances like these we can do little to control the behavior of others. All that we may do is provide them the space in which to process their own emotions on the matter. He may yet see that his actions are causing you pain."

"That's not my intent though... I'm sure he knows, I don't want him to feel any more guilty about anything than he already does." The Betazoid sighed to himself. "Bit of a vicious circle isn't it? I don't want to let him go, but I'm going to have to or we'll both be unhappy. Right? And he won't acknowledge Dania, and I have to put her needs before my own."

"I think that there is some merit to the adage--if it is meant to be, they will return to you. It sounds like he is not ready to take on such an enormous responsibility. This is of course through no fault of his own. As it is not your fault, Tyrion," Rael added quietly.

"No, it's not. I didn't ask for a child from the mirror universe," Tyrion replied tersely.

Once more, Rael rose his hands. "Peace, Tyrion. I know that you did not."

"How did you come to be so wise anyways... you're so... young." As Tyrion studied the Vulcan before him, he realised just how young the man looked to him. A teenager, if he had to guess, even though he knew Vulcans always looked a heck of a lot younger than they actually were.

A slight smile graced his lips. "I am twenty-seven Standard years of age."

"Younger than me by half a decade," Tyrion muttered, "give or take anyway. So... am I cleared for duty from a psychological point of view? I'm sane, I'm not about to go nuts on anyone... not likely to punch anyone in the face again anytime soon unless sufficiently aggravated to do so. But... unlikely anyway... I'm a desk jockey, not a fighter."

"I understand that you recently did face an inquiry on the charge of assault," Rael segued carefully. "Would you care to tell me a little about that?"

"Not really..."


"It was petty and it shouldn't have happened. Bartender got under my skin regarding Grayson, my soon to be ex-husband. And he just kept nagging on and got real mean about it. I had Dania with me and I really should've just walked away. But something snapped you know? So I took a swing at him and lucky me it actually landed right on his jaw. As I just said, I'm not much of a fighter."

"Has anything like that ever happened before?"

Tyrion shook his head. "No, not that I can remember... only thing that happened was a diminished capacity charge. I killed someone... but I didn't know it and well... as I just said earlier... I used resources I shouldn't have during my on-duty time to find the person who killed someone I cared deeply about. Turns out I was hunting down myself..." He shook his head. "That's a period of my life I really don't want to further elaborate, the very memory is very upsetting to me. I was demoted... but I've worked very hard to earn my commission back. And I'm working very hard to keep it too... I've too much to lose."

Rael was silent as Tyrion spoke, leaning his chin on his fingertips--elbows balanced on his knees. Giving him space. Breathing room. "There is mention of this in your file. As I understand, you were cleared of all charges. As was right," he maintained firmly. That was all he said on the matter. "It sounds like Dania has become a source of positive motivation for you."

The Betazoid nodded. "Except I'm going to send her to my sister on Betazed. She needs teaching that I can't provide to her and she needs a woman's guidance. Aside from the fact that my position poses a danger to her... I'm the chief of intelligence and I've access to information others may want and try to take by force. I can't put her at risk like that."

"A wise decision," Rael agreed. "One that she will undoubtedly appreciate as she grows older."

"I have every intention of being a proper father," Tyrion confessed, "and be in more contact with my family." He paused. "I have Gray to thank for that... being reconciled with my family, and realizing what it means to be Betazoid. I've always denied my heritage."

The Vulcan smiled, perhaps belying his understanding more concisely than any words he could say. "With all species, I believe there are points of merit. It's very encouraging that you've been able to reconcile some of the good. Perhaps this can serve as a reminder--how Grayson has impacted your life. Whether or not you are reunited--you will always have something of him with you."

"Of course I will... plenty of good memories that hopefully will outlive this moment of sadness. I'm not mad at him you see... just... saddened. Humans might say broken-hearted. Grayson is half-Human..."

"I have no doubt that you will emerge from these experiences with a solid foundation," Rael encouraged gently. "One that you will use to be an excellent father for Dania, as well as a highly competent intelligence officer."

"I hope so... and find someone who will stay with me... in time... someone who will accept I have a child." Tyrion sighed again.

"You strike me as an individual of exceptional character," Rael responded sincerely. "I do not doubt that you will find someone with whom you can share your life."

"Eventually," Tyrion added, "in a while anyway, just.. not yet." He shook his head; after all he had met Grayson not long after Kot had departed the ship. Life had an odd way of throwing spanners in when you least wanted them. "Just not yet," he repeated, rising from his chair. "Can I go now? Please?" He wanted to head back to his own quarters, he didn't want to spend hours on end talking about past loves or even possible future ones. He just wanted to go home and relax and play with his daughter.

Rael stood as well, extending his hand. "It was good to meet you, Tyrion. For the record, you are cleared for active duty. Thank you for speaking with me."

For a moment, Tyrion stared at the extended hand. "I thought Vulcans didn't like to be touched?" he asked, carefully extending his own.

"I understand this is the custom for most Alpha quadrant species." Rael shook his hand once, firm but brief. "Therefore, it is no hardship."

"Ah... I tend to forgo them myself though I don't need touch to sense most people's feelings or even thoughts." Tyrion shrugged as he pulled his hand back. "Humans tend to insist though."

"Indeed." The hint of a smile was back. "They can be rather fickle in that regard."

"Just a bit." Tyrion managed a smile of his own. "Well... I've taken up enough of your time now sir. I have to head back to my daughter." A final smile as he turned and headed towards the door. "Good day sir," he called over his shoulder.

"Take care, Tyrion."


Lieutenant JG Rael
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

Ensign Tyrion Faye
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo


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