USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Traitor
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Posted on 07 Aug 2012 @ 4:29am by Justice Abernathy Ph.D. (MIA) & General ('aj) D'Grath Son Of N'Vor (KIA) & Emma Kennedy (MIA)

1,464 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: IKS Na'vi - Holding Cell #3
Timeline: MD 08 - 2000 hrs


Justice knelt at Emma's side in the dim, dirty red lighting of the holding cell. His smile had long since gone, replaced with a dark expression of consternation exacerbated by his concern for Emma's condition. He held her hands lightly in his own. Had his eyes been capable of the fire in his mind, he would have long since burned a deep, dark hole through the cold metal door.

As she started to become aware of a severe pain in her head, Emma heard a croaking weak groan before she realised that the sound seemed to be coming from her own lips. As she tried to raise a hand, she found them wrapped in a strange warmth which caused her to want to open her eyes. As the world around her remaining blurry, she struggled to focus.

At the sound of her groan, Justice's gaze snapped back to Emma. "Em-" he kissed her hand, rubbing her palm gently with his thumbs. It was preposterous, the entire situation. He'd told them about Sienna, handed them almost everything they'd asked for, and now they were holding him responsible for their own failures. Typical. Humans, Klingons - it didn't matter what species; no one seemed capable of taking responsibility for their own incompetence. "Em, I'm here. I'm right here. You had a nasty knock on the head, but the doctor said it was mostly shock and you'd be fine."

As the sights around her became clear, Emma took in the darkened room they were present in, the dim red lights acting as her only illumination as she looked around her in confusion. The room was completely bare. They seemed to be sitting on a bare cold floor, causing a shiver to run through her body as she felt cold. Moving closer to Justice's body, she tried to seek warmth in his arms. Croaking in a whisper, she attempted to speak, "W....w...where?"

Of course a reply would not be necessary, as the thick metallic doors slid open to allow a miniscule amount of light to enter the room, as the unmistakeable footfalls and outline of a Klingon silhouette appeared in the doorway, looking down at the captives.

"Ahh....I see we got our final surprise....welcome aboard...."

The head of Klingon Intelligence had so far been in his element, having helped mastermind an almost perfect assault against the Federation, as well as capturing two of it's senior officers, and interrogating one personally - something that he had taken great delight in...made even sweeter by the fact that he would be returning to that fateful cell in a short while to continue his...interview.

"I trust you have performed as promised?"

"Exactly so," Justice said irritably. "And yet here I am, in a cell. Not quite the welcome we discussed, D'Grath."

The Klingon could not help but grin at that statement, after all, when the scientist had promised to deliver Sienna right into the hands of the Empire, he had not banked on the intervention of a Starship and her pesky crew, neither had they expected additional guests.

"Forgive me Doctor.....but a man who would betray his own people is unlikely to be trustworthy - I hope you understand...."

Uncertain what exactly was going on, Emma looked between the Klingon and Justice. The Klingons had just attacked the ship they had been on. Where they prisoners now? Where they going to be tortured for their information on Sienna? As Anthony's personal secretary, she had seen and heard thing. Moving closer to Justice's side, she sought comfort from him.

"What I understand," Justice said slowly, making sure he was in between Emma and D'Grath. "What I understand is that we made a deal, you and I, and I had been led to understand that your people were honorable. Bound to their word. I've broken no promises. My commitment is and has been to this project, not to any one group. The project will prove more successful without the hampering elements put in place by the Federation. And if you want it to work. At all. You'll let me out of this room. And you'll see to it that Emma gets the care she needs."

Grabbing Justice's hand, Emma felt waves of fear flowing through her as she listened to their exchange of words. What did Justice mean...why would he be helping the Klingons? "Justice?" Emma whispered very softly in a hoarse voice as she tried to understand.

"It's all right, love," Justice said quietly, reaching one hand behind him to take hers. "You're going to be just fine."

The General took a moment to consider his position. Had any Klingon spoken to him in that tone, he would have broken their neck there and then as punishment for their insolence, but in this case, he had a need for the pathetic human in front of him, at least for the mean time. Once their work had been completed however, then D'Grath would get the chance to clear up any loose ends that may exist....either with a disruptor, a bat'leth, or an airlock, the method did not matter.

"Very well. Whilst you remain useful to the Empire, you will remain alive. As promised."

Reaching into the gauntlet on his right arm, he removed a small communicator and deftly depressed one of the buttons on it's surface, not bothering to glance behind him as the door slid open and a pair of subordinate officers walked in behind him.

"Take the female to the medical bay. Instruct our surgeons that if she dies, they will not live to see much more either."

Nodding to the General, the two new arrivals quickly headed across to Emma, and scooped her up into their rather gargantuan arms, before turning and heading for the door.

"And you Doctor Abernathy....I believe we have much to discuss...and a project to finish...would you agree?"

Crying out as she was lifted, Emma attempted to make a grab for Justice, unwilling to leave him despite fresh blood starting to run into her eye from the cut on her head. As the Klingons ignored her complaints, she started to cry as her body started to shake, still in shock. Glancing at justice one last time she held out her hand before the door closed and cut them both off.

Justice watched her go, fury vibrating in his teeth as the door slammed shut stopping him from following Emma. "When she is returned, whole and hale, I'll finish the project for you," he said slowly. "I will need an assistant and she knows how to be of use." He turned back and eyed the Klingon in the cell with him, "You don't seem to appreciate how very lucky you are to have my mind on your side. But you will learn."

"And not seem to appreciate how lucky you are that I haven't killed you where you stand....once the female has been healed, she will assist you. The High Council will be expecting quickly can you have a working Sienna prototype complete?"

"If you killed me, D'Grath, then months of negotiations with your superiors would go down the drain," Justice responded, more irritated at the Klingon's thick-headedness than fearful. "And you wouldn't have Sienna. Or any of the projects that will be possible once I've finished her. The Council will get their results. I'd like my lab now, please, and my quarters. And the equipment I brought with me. I'll give the Council an exact timeline once I see what facilities you're able to provide."

superiors The Klingon thought with a feeling of disdain in his head, there were no such things as far as he was concerned - as Head of Intelligence, he reported directly to the leader of the High Council and nobody else...if he wanted this human dead by his hand, then it would happen, and no politician would be telling him otherwise.

"Take him" The General called to one of his subordinates. The laboratory had already been completed aboard their vessel, albeit still damaged from their fight with the Starfleet vessel, but, as soon as the repairs were complete, they would once again pursue the Galileo. That way...they could capture the original prototype for themselves...and D'Grath could rid himself of this troublesome burden.

Justice eyed the general, his usual surly expression less critical than the thoughts currently going through his mind. He hadn't expected it to be easy, but some things never changed. You just couldn't trust anyone these days.


Emma Kennedy
Anthony Hardaway's Secetary
NPC'ed by Pola Ni Dhuinn

General D'Grath
Head Of Klingon Intelligence
NPC'd by Holliday

Justice Abernathy
Disgruntled Sienna Scientist
NPC'd by Lilou Peers


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