USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Anger and Fury
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Anger and Fury

Posted on 24 Sep 2015 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant JG (SoghHom) Jynn

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: IKS Saalm; Mess Hall
Timeline: MD01; 2130 Hours


At the edges of the mess hall aboard the IKS Saalm sat the famous Bynar duo 1001 and 1001. The fact that the two of them insisted that the other was the one with the name spelled backwards only further added to the confusion of who was who. For all intents and purposes they could have really been the same person anyway, starting and finishing each other’s sentences at a whim and thinking the same thoughts almost constantly.

Today they were in a state of exhilaration, as was everyone else who was in the mess hall. The fight that had broken out between two longtime friends, the Deltan Jynn and the Klingon Redkoth, was turning out to be quite the sight and they could not help but add commentary to the action, much to the excitement of all around them. The duo was always guaranteed to please.


Pow! And the Deltan takes one right in the”

kisser! And up until today we thought that was all Jynn used that mouth for. Boy were we wrong! When he told Redkoth that his mother had a smooth forehead it only took about half an instant

“for him to send Jynn tumbling over the table to the floor like a sack of wet tribbles. You know, I don’t know why heOOH! And another hard punch to the face! You know. I think Jynn’s outmatched on this one. He’s going to have to fight dirty and swallow his pride to win this fight.”

I think he just swallowed a tooth, 1001.

“Right you are, 1001. I’m sure its replacement will match the rest of his flamboyant personality and augments. You know, I can’t figure out why Jynn has so suddenly turned aggressive to his best friend. It’s almost like”

someone other than himself has changed his mind, however impossible that sounds. It looks like the lover is now a fighter. And a fighter he! is! Redkoth gets taken down with the swing of a chair! That has gotta hurt!”

“The crowd’s going wild, 1001. We got the many faces of The Loved who can’t get enough of their Deltan treat on one side.”

I know we certainly can’t get enough.

“Right! And on the other side we have the Klingons who most certainly think Jynn should be punished for so blatantly insulting a fellow Klingon’s family for no reason whatsoever. I’m shocked to see that the fight hasn’t spread throughout the entire room. It seems”

everyone just wants to see a good fight today. And a good fight it is, 1001! Not since the day that Cardassian told a bunch of Bajorans that the best geographical features of their planet were the scars inflicted upon it during the Terran occupation of their world have I seen such a heated battle! These two are

“at each other's throats! I think this one is going to have to end in a knock-out! They just aren’t giving up! And I’m certain a friendship is coming to an end as well. And boy is it going out with a”

BANG!” And another good hit! These guys sure have been going at it and it’s beginning to show. Jynn’s starting to stumble and Redkoth, well, Redkoth almost looks like the first Klingon in history to be sick of a fight. Ladies and gentlemen this is turning out to be one drawn out-OOO

“OOH! And the dirty hit of the day goes to the unnamed Klingon who just threw his bowl of Gagh full force at Jynn, hitting him right in the head and sending him reeling across the room and into the hands of his followers! Good thing they were there or he woulda made out with the floor! That Klingon must have took Jynn’s comment as personal as Redkoth did.”

Well you can Gagh me with a spoon, 1001. That stuff is awful and it’s of no surprise to me that it almost knocked the Deltan clean out. Those worms would send me into unconsciousness on a good day!

“Hold on folks! This looks to be it! Jynn has gotten Redkoth into a throat crushing headlock! That’s quite a lot of power coming from the man almost thirty kilograms the lesser of his opponent. Looks like the proud, strong Klingon is going to have to tap out and surrender this fight!”

He sure seems to have gotten him, that’s for sure. Jynn just won’t seem to let go!

“Hold on…”

It… It seems… Ladies and

“gentlemen. I don’t know how this could have happened... I’m...”


“It seems that Redkoth, brave warrior of the KCA and longtime friend of Jynn’s is… is… is”



SoghHom Jynn
Chief of Flight
IKS Saalm
[PNPC played by Jynn]


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant JG Lenaris Marika on 25 Sep 2015 @ 1:41pm

Highly exciting way to tell this bit of story! And a sad ending :o( Awesome!