USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Common Grounds
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Common Grounds

Posted on 18 Jul 2015 @ 7:14pm by Ambassador Mina Nalin
Edited on on 27 Jul 2015 @ 6:03pm

1,868 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 5, Intelligence Office
Timeline: MD 03 - 0730hrs


As time ticked on, the repairs taking place across the ship became increasingly technically focused, and less about moving debris. Mina had about reached the end of her usefulness as an "extra set of hands" in places like engineering. It was about time she met her actual department.

Although the crew had been working around the clock, the place was still mostly in shambles. The intelligence office was no exception. Mina wasn't doing well herself. She had long since voided herself of the full regalia ambassadorial dress, and was wearing plain black pants, black boots, and a gray long sleeved shirt - all of which showed some wear and tear from the repair operations in which she'd been assisting. Darkening circles were starting to show under her eyes, and her long hair was in a messy bun, unkept bun. Nobody had been getting any sleep.

The doors to the Intel office slide open with an effortful grind. "Good morning," she greeted softly upon entering the room, unsure of who would be in the office.

Just finishing his night shift, Tyrion looked up from his desk and smiled at the woman. "Morning ma'am," he greeted brightly, "Are you looking for Lieuteinant Murray? She'll be in any second now, would you like to wait here?" He rose from his desk and gestured towards a seat in front of it. "I'm Tyrion Faye, chief petty officer," he introduced himself, "though most just call me Tyrion, or Chief Faye. Whichever you like is fine with me."

In all honesty, she wasn't exactly sure whom she was meeting, but, it seemed the Lieuteinant was likely the correct person. "Thank you, Tyrion. I'm Mina." She smiled kindly, dispensing with any formalties. The title of Ambassador was sometimes tiring, especially when people found the need to treat her with kid gloves or unnecessary pomp.

She closed the the distance to the chair, sitting down slowly with a wince. New things kept seemed to start hurting every few hours since the accident. Surveying the room, Mina pinned a loose piece of hair back up into her bun.

Catching the wince, sensing it he gave her a look of concern. "Are you
alright? Can I get you anything while you wait?"

Mina grimaced and rubbed her knee. "No, thank you though." She gave a brave smile. "I might be getting too old for some of this..." She looked around the room.

"Old?" Tyrion studied her. "You don't look old ma'am, certainly no older than me. If I may say so?" Tilting his head, he knew he'd seen the grimace. "are you hurt ma'am?"

Mina chuckled. "Thank you. You're too kind. They say pointy ears take at least ten years off." It wasn't an entirely inaccurate statement. Vulcan do have a longer lifespan than humans, which meant Mina looked like she was in her late twenties. "I think my pride is the only thing that's truly hurt. I'm just not used to being this sore."

"Ah...well they have this beautiful invention for that, it's called sickbay ma'am." He cast her a somewhat cheeky smile, then checked the time. "You sure you don't want anything? She really should be here any minute now, she's never late. Very punctual, for an emotional Vulcan..."

Mina's eyebrows raised in mild surprise. "Emotional Vulcan?" She asked pondering it. Emotional as in full Vulcan but kind of off her rocker, or not 100% and more of a "bad" Vulcan, much like Mina herself. "Two non-cold Vulcan women working together is...not common." She shoot the chief an unsure look.

"Nope. She's half Vulcan, but you'll see. You're not all Vulcan either no, I can sense your emotions clear as day." His own black eyes betrayed his heritage as he watched her, still smiling. "Makes my life easier though, I don't have to walk on eggshells trying to control my emotions."

Normally a very perceptive individual, fatigue must have finally caught up with the woman. As soon as she locked with those soul piercing eyes of the man in front of her, Mina felt color rise in her cheeks. Embarrassment. "So is 'pathetic' or 'shameful' the right word for not already knowing that?" She knew she'd not be able to "hear" him telepathically, but a moment of concentration and she could certainly feel him emotionally now, and it was clearly amusement.

"Nah." Tyrion waved it off with a grin. "I'm not boasting about it, in fact I don't mind being mistaken for a Human at all. I don't go reading minds anyways, but I can't help picking up feelings no matter how hard I try not to. The only mind I read is my partner's."

"Part of me wishes my abilities weren't so diminished," she replied with a defeated smile. "Full blown telepathy, no real desire there." Mina sighed. "But, you know how our families can be," Mina said nodding to Tyrion. "Being left out of virtually every conversation becomes tiresome." Her mother, who was half Betazoid, couldn't read other people's minds but could have a conversation mentally with a telepath, she was empathic the rest of the time. Mina, on the other hand, could only empathically connect with a telepath, sense the presence of another empath, and get hunches which allowed her to do well at poker games with non-telepaths.

"Is he telepathic as well?" Mina asked picking up on the man's conservative use of the term "partner." Statistically, he likely wasn't involved with a trinary gender species. She found the pleasant and casual conversation a fitting time to adjust the jumble of hair atop of her. Releasing it from the clip holding it in place, Mina began to braid her wavy hair.

Tyrion shook his head. "No, he's a Trill hybrid, and the chief engineer. We've not been together long, but it feels like forever." He paused, observing her. "Do you always toy with your hair when you relax?" he asked, a little boldly. "You do have beautiful hair ma'am, my sisters would be jealous. Me....I hope mine gets a bit longer soon..." He rubbed the slowly growing stubble on his head, and smiled sheepishly.

"Yes and no," Mina replied as she strained her neck to examine her handy work. "I try not to if I'm doing something official, but then again I'm never really relaxed while working," she added with a heavy sigh. "It's really the only Betazoid thing about me. Thank you, you are very kind." She smiled genuinely at the slightly younger man.

"I think longer hair would suit you better, I dare say so." She tilted her head slightly. "And by all means, just Mina is fine." If the meeting with the Captain just prior to the accident was any indication, there was going to be more than enough formalities in her life for the foreseeable future. "You can save the "ma'ams" for our boss." She winked, realizing she had actually mentioned why she was sitting in the intelligence office.

"Had it shaved off in a dare. My roommate is allergic to fur so I gave him a bald rat, and I dared him to go bald and I said I would if he did. And so we did. I was just trying to be polite, you see.....there was a time, not too very long ago, that I really didn't want to work for women." He blushed scarlet, "especially Betazoid women. My family, it's all women and they bossed me around and I couldn't take it. And now my boss is a woman...ironic isn't it? Especially when one of my friends is female too, and I didn't have that many friends before I came here either. So this's good for me, and it made me re-evaluate some of the choices I made." He suddenly snapped his mouth shut and sighed. "And I'm babbling aren't I."

Mina shook her head and continued to smile. "Not at all. I've been told I'm a good listener." She chuckled and sighed happily. "Although, I was having some trouble following the conversation after 'bald rat,' if I'm being honest. She went to cross her legs, but abandoned that idea half way through the motion thanks to her knee. "I don't envy growing up in a household like that."

"Betazoid culture is female dominated. Matriarchs call the shots, and they wanted to marry me off to some girl and I didn't want that to happen." He shrugged. "I'm happy now, I have Grayson who I love very much. But you're not here to listen to my babbling about my life. Do you want me to page Lieutenant Murray? She's really late..."

"Love is an infinite and wonderful thing." Her smile faded slightly at the thought of it. "I don't want to bother her, but it may be prudent at this point."

"Well if you don't wanna bother her, then we'll just let her come in on her own time. She was hurt in the transit so she might take things slow. Who knows maybe she took the day off." The Betazoid shrugged. "I don't mind the company though...even though I'm off duty shortly. Actually I already am by now but doesn't matter." He yawned openly. "Though I do need to go soon..."

"I think we're all moving somewhat slowly today." Mina stood up and put her hands behind her back to stretch her shoulders. "Mind showing me where the ship's Ambassador's office is in here?" She looked again around the room. "Oorr...which computer terminal. I keep forgetting how small everything is."

"You can use mine. I work night shifts and my accounts are locked so you can use the terminal as you need." He got up and gestured to the seat he'd occupied. "Assuming you work alpha that is....if you work gamma too I'll show you somewhere tonight."

"I'm sure I'll be in at a host of different hours, my work is generally dictated by planetary time and other people's schedules." Mina sighed and sat down in the chair Tyrion had just vacated. "Its a labor of love..." She sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"Isn't any type of work?" Tyrion smiled, "either way feel free to use my console for now and we'll find you something permanent later."

"You are very kind, thank you." Mina smiled at Tyrion, resting her hand warmly on his arm for a moment. "Now I believe someone is waiting for you, isn't he? Get out of here!" She motioned towards the door.

The Betazoid laughed. "Yes ma'am!" he answered, hurrying out of the office, still smiling as he went.

"Nice kid," Mina mumbled to herself as she started to tap at the computer in front of her. She was very pleased that she had some things in common, and genuinely enjoyed the company of at least one of the people she'd be working with. The section lead did give her stormy blue eyes pause, Mina and other Vulcans were like oil and water. Hopefully, as Tyrion pointed out - that wouldn't be an issue.


Ambassador Mina Nalin
Starfleet Diplomat
USS Galileo

Chief Petty Officer Tyrion Faye
Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC T'Vanna]


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