USS Galileo :: Biography - Mina Nalin


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31 Jul 2015 @ 11:25pm

Ambassador Mina Nalin

Name Mina Elise Nalin

Position Diplomat

Rank Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Human, 1/4 Betazoid, 1/4 Vulcan
Age 39
Date of Birth 7 June
Place of Birth San Francisco, Earth

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number DL-172-9201
Security Clearance Level 5
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 135
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Athletic but slender build. Long legs give way to full hips, a thin waist, and flat stomach. Average shoulders connect into a long neck and angular face. Fair skin sets of stormy blue eyes. Naturally curly, dark brown hair from Betazoid linage. Mostly Human eyebrows and ears, but Vulcan heritage is noticeable.
Body Art Tattoo on right thigh. 20th Century NASA pulsar map depicting Earth's position in the Milky Way.


Spouse Ex Husband: Alan Harding
Children None
Father Senator Richard Nalin (Deceased)
Mother Mrs Ela Nalin
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Lisa Nalin Hallberg, 31, Starfleet Academy Instructor Nurse
Other Family Large extended family on Betazoid (mother's mother) side: Two aunts, three uncles, ten cousins.

Very little contact with Vulcan (father's father) side of the family.

Two living human grandparents: Father's mother, Rebecca Nalin; and Mother's father, Richard Planton.
Pets None.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mina, in her own eyes, got the best traits from her diverse genetic background. Her family on the other hand, not so much. She cannot "hear" her Betazoid family, only infer strong emotional projection (like her Grandmother's disappointment in the lack of telepathic abilities). To the Vulcans, Mina is the product of unwanted out-breeding and too emotional to really be worth their time. The Human's are the most accepting, although she clearly is the family "mutt."

The Vulcan logic leaves Mina level-headed (most of the time) during heated negotiations, and allows her to see things for what they are. The minor empathic abilities allows her to be somewhat manipulative of people, if not an excellent judge of character. She was born to be a diplomat, and thrives on the roller-coaster it can be. From a dangerous military mediation, to a lavish diplomatic party - Mina enjoys being in the middle of things.
Strengths Intelligence - one thing Mina Certainly go from her half Vulcan father was an IQ that no member of her family can look down upon. She doesn't profess to be an expert in many things, but prides herself on having a limited knowledge of enough subjects to intelligently hold her own in virtually any conversation.

Charisma - it takes a certainly type of personality to be a diplomat. Mina is a people person. Although sometimes unapproachable looking when brooding over a subject or deep in though. When the situation warrants it, her smile can light up a room. Her energy and outgoing personality is contagious.

Bravery/Courage - albeit a double-edged sword. Mina never backs down from a fight and isn't afraid to speak her mind if she believes her cause is just. Sometimes that comes back to bite her, but it is normally a strength.
Weaknesses Temper - somewhat surprisingly also from her father's half of the family, Mina can have a fiery temper. A level head and logic prevails up-until the moment she is pushed too far. At times, such as negotiations with Kingons, it is a good thing...other times it leaves her apologizing for casing a bit of a scene.

Age - 39 is young for a diplomat. Mina was elevated very quickly to her position within the diplomatic corps of the Federation. That leaves her peers and others skeptical of her experience and abilities.

Overindulgence - whether that be chocolate or non-synthahol, sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
Ambitions Primary Terran ambassador to the UFP.
Hobbies & Interests As an avid historian, Mina enjoys anything having to do with the exploration of cultures: food, music, literature, poetry, etc. She is also an avid Dancer, having had the opportunity to (briefly) train with the Vulcan Ballet. Her guilty pleasure is baseball and old Science Fiction movies form the 20th and 21st century.
Vernacular Federation Standard
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken English, Vulcan, Betazoid (spoken); Conversational in Terran Russian, Klingon, and Romulan

Personal History Mina was born in San Francisco to her politician father and lawyer mother. Mina, and her sister Lisa, grew up around politics and state affairs, of which Lisa could have cared less about. But Mina was fascinated to watch the dance of diplomats and law-makers, and she knew she would somehow follow in her father's footsteps. She grew up with the finer things in life, attended esteemed private schools, and had enough tutoring in different subjects and hobbies to leave anyone a little mad. That, of course, lead to a rebellious streak in her late teens/early twenties that left Mina with a failed marriage, and all but shunned from the Vulcan side of her family. The death of her father jolted Mina back to reality, and she realized that this wasn't the future she had envisioned as a little girl.

Even though she crammed a four year college education into five and a half years, Mina's test scores and academic performance were commendable. She was hired on as an assistant to a low-level ambassador, where she quickly became a trusted adviser until the age of 26. Mina decided to apply, and was accepted, to Old Harvard school of Interstellar Relations. She finished her PhD with honors, and in record time

Having gotten her life together, Mina quickly became one of the most sought-after negotiators on Earth, despite her young age. But, her head was always in the stars. At the age of 30 she was offered a position at Federation Headquarters as a diplomatic aid. Although "aid" seemed like a demotion at the time, Mina was finally able to travel as a part of the job and gained experience in some of the most difficult diplomatic situations in the quadrant.

Joining Starfleet itself was her sister's idea, but the idea quickly grew on Mina when she realized it would be her first real opportunity to for singular responsibility. As the principle diplomat on a Starship, a lot was riding on the choices she would have to make. Having breezed through her Attache familiarization course, with many people twice her age, Mina is ready for this next stage of her life.
Starfleet History Graduate of Starfleet Diplomatic Attache familiarization course.

USS Galileo - first official Starfleet posting.
Medical History No significant medical history. Standard childhood illnesses. Allergy to certain types of fruit nectar.

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training