USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Lunch... the Forgotten Meal
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Lunch... the Forgotten Meal

Posted on 24 Jun 2012 @ 4:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Chauncey Remington III (KIA) & Ensign Charlotte Williamson
Edited on on 25 Jun 2012 @ 2:17am

1,187 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: Chief Operations Officer's Office
Timeline: MD07: 1230 Hours


Charlie had spent most of the day preparing for the arrival to Starbase 152. It wasn't the arrival that had her scurrying around the ship, it was the soon to be arrival of some special guests and some very important science data. She had been hopping around since 0500 hours and was starving. She figured that if she was busy and starving that her boss, Commander Remmington, had most likely forgotten.

She arrived outside his office and struggled slightly to get the door open. When she finally did she marched across with the two trays of food and set one in front of Will. "Your lunch... that I am sure you forgot... is served." She smiled as she took a seat.

Will looked up from his desk when his assistant department head walked in and smiled. "Oh, thank you, ensign," he said, "Very thoughtful of you." He hardly looked at the food as he reached out to take some of what was on the plate. His eyes were fixed on the PADD in his hand again, until he realized that she was staying. He set the PADD down, glanced at the second plate, and leaned back in his seat. "You'll have ops in a while, ensign." Calling her 'Charlie' wasn't something he'd grown accustomed to yet. "I am going to meet our new recruits from the starbase and then I'll be taking a shuttle there to oversee the transfer of equipment."

"Understood, Commander." Charlie said with a happy grin. She hated to be referred to by her rank but her superior seemed to be intent on using it. "I look forward to. Not that I want your job or anything." She gave him an innocent wink as she took a bite of her BLT with extra "B." "I do like the idea of some extra responsibility." She crossed her legs re-balancing her plate, swaying her foot slightly... happily.

Will smiled at her. "Well, I'm afraid I will probably be chief ops on the Galileo for a while, but I've never been one of those men to micromanage. Unless it's something important, of course." A twinkle appeared in the commander's grey eyes as he went on, "Don't tell me I'm being too easy on you with the starbase and all. I can always delegate a few unglamorous tasks to you."

"Nope..." Charlie replied as she crunched a potato chip. "Only more glamorous tasks please." she gave him a happy smile. She was loving her new posting and her boss was not only attractive he was quite charming. While she knew better then to go down that road, the idea had entered her mind.

Will laughed good-naturedly. She was one of the people he felt at ease around, probably because she was his right hand in ops; he tended to be more comfortable with people he had to rely on directly in his work. "Glamorous tasks, eh?" he mused, "Well, I've heard plasma conduits can be glamorous... and the relays on deck seven need a scrubbing. Plasma residue is good for the skin, leaves a healthy glow."

"Ahh... a day in the jefferie tubes." Charlie said with a sigh of wishful contentment. "You sure know how to show a girl a good time there, boss." she laughed slightly as she finished off her sandwich. She watched Will eat for a moment. The next comment just seemed to jump out of her mouth before she could control it. "You should come over for dinner some time." Her eyes opened wide in surprise. "I mean... since you never remember to eat... and I like to cook... and figuring since you need to eat and I like to cook that you could eat with me... uh..." she shook her head slightly. "Wow none of this is coming out right. " She hung her head staring down at her plate. She finally snuck a peak up at her boss hoping it wouldn't take her little comment the wrong way, only to find him watching her with an amused expression.

"I'd enjoy that, I'm sure," was his reply. "But perhaps best to wait until things settle down on the ship. Once we are well underway back to Earth we should have some breathing space."

"Seriously... Sir." Charlie started with a shake of her head. "You can totally forget I said anything." She took a sip of her drink. "Unless you actually want too... I wouldn't mind the company." She set the glass back down on his desk. "It is an open invitation. I cook most nights for myself at least." She let the silence fill in around her after her last statement and took a chip from her plate. At least he didn't laugh at you The thought bringing a smile to her face.

A curious look flashed over the commander's face for a brief moment. The way she spoke reminded him of Peers when she'd asked him to dinner, and he wondered if Charlie shared the trill girl's feelings, whatever they might be, exactly. He was not sure himself. All the same, he answered graciously. "No need for any of that apologetic stuff," he said, "I enjoy sharing a dinner with a friend and I like to get to know my crew. I would very much enjoy having dinner with you." He gave a nod as if that settled it and brushed the crumbs from his hands over his empty plate. "I will leave the time to your discretion."

"I would say..." Charlie started with an amused smile. "After we get the sienna project on board." she laughed slightly as she finished off her sandwich and placed the plate on the Commander's desk. "You are welcome to bring your... uh... what is the term? Significant other... yeah that is it..." She took the last chip off the plate.

A startled expression crossed Will's face. "My what?" he asked; then he laughed softly. "Oh, no, Ensign, I'm not married. The only significant other I have on the Galileo is the Galileo."

"Good to know." Charlie said with a grin and a little wink as she gathered up the plate. She dropped the dishes into the Commander's reclaimater bin. She couldn't help but grin a little at Remmington's reaction to her little statement. "I didn't meant to catch you off guard... I simply wanted to make sure that I wasn't stepping on any toes." She moved back towards the desk tapping her finger tips on the edge. "Anything else I can get ya before I go back to my glamorous jefferies tube?"

Shook his head, smiling. "No, but thank you, ensign. Very thoughtful of you. I'll be sure to send you more glamorous jobs."

"You are the best." Charlie said with a grin and a slightly note of sarcasm. She gave him a little wave as she turned on her heel and headed back the way she came and disappeared out the office door.


Lt. Cmdr. Chauncey William Remington III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Charlotte Williamson
Assistance Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo
NPC'ed by Tarishiana Barel


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