USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - Under Cover
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Under Cover

Posted on 26 Jun 2015 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant JG Grayson Jones
Edited on on 05 Jul 2015 @ 3:32pm

4,014 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Galileo: 02-3216 SO, Grayson's Quaters
Timeline: MD 02, 0700


Tyrion woke up when he felt movement next to him in bed, realizing that the covers had been partially withdrawn. Reaching out, he felt a warm spot beside him, but the prior occupant was gone. Smiling to himself, Tyrion shuffled down a little, and threw the covers up all the way, covering the entire bed, after which he turned onto his back and just lay there as flat as he could, waiting for his partner to return.

Moments later a very tired and groggy looking Grayson crawled back into bed, the events of yesterday had really taken it out on him, his forehead still stung from his wound which was still stinging, even if hardly noticeable for now. He instinctively went to throw his arms around Tyrion and cuddle back in, using him as a warm, fit and handsome body pillow. "Babe, you need to hide more than that to fool me. My body seems to just know where you are, I've not really opened my eyes since I got out of bed," Grayson's voice sounded as if it was still asleep itself, "Please tell me it is really silly early in the morning and we have a few more hours together like this...otherwise I might seriously consider resigning and running off with you to a nice beach resort somewhere." Personally he was still very thankful to have a room that was still, pretty much in one piece, he knew not many on the ship were in this fortunate position.

"I don't think running off is an option dear," Tyrion chuckled as he pushed the duvet back a little, "yes it's still very early, we've got a few hours unless someone has plans for a red alert." He snuggled closer, drawing Grayson's arm tighter around his chest. "What were you doing up?"

"Middle of the night bladder run, but yes, no red alerts, at least none since our last big one, ship disasters and universe travelling paradoxes and such. The person who makes me move from this happy place is getting fed to the warp core for fuel, cause at this moment in time, heck knows we need it," Grayson's body felt like it was glowing from Tyrion's touch. Although it was not long since their last shore leave, Grayson longed for another, in which the pair could spend all their time together. He really, really did not want to move from that spot, he was happy and blissful.

"Then don't move," Tyrion suggested, their proximity making him very easy to read. "Where do you want to go for our next leave? What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Relax, drink...used to enjoy chasing boys, but I have you for that now," opening his eyes finally Grayson lifted his head to place a gentle kiss on Tyrion's lips. He let them linger there for a few teasingly long seconds before letting them part. "I play guitar sometimes, I like cooking and hosting the odd Friday night gathering shall we say. But for shore leave, I'd love to go somewhere sunny, a nice private beach. You, me, a beach hut and the sea. Get away from ships and technology and enjoy some time to connect while we disconnect from the world. How about you?"

"I wouldn't mind going somewhere nice, quiet and sunny," Tyrion mused, staring Grayson right in the eyes, "especially not if it's just you and me and no-one else. As for my spare time...I help my roommate with his pet, we clean up and since a few days, I play a game called ping pong. Emmarie is teaching me and I think I'm getting the hang of it now. It's fun! Before here, I actually spent all my time just fooling around with computers, pulling the occasional prank. I don't drink."

"Mess my computers and you'll suffer," Grayson joked as he mocked giving evil eyes. "I do go to the gym a lot, like from our first conversation way back when. I've tried ping pong, it can be a lot of fun." He continued his tight squeeze of Tyrion, letting his hands slide across his chest and stomach in an attempt to find a comfortable spot to rest well as any excuse to feel him over.

"Oh don't you worry love, your babies are quite safe. I don't do pranks anymore unless someone asks for it to be honest, and I only hack into systems when the boss asks me to. I'm not going to be used again, and working on orders only will hopefully keep that from happening. Because I was hacking Romulan systems before they kinda grabbed me right from my workstation, and tortured me."

"Good, well, not the torture part, the leaving ships computers alone part," Grayson hugged in extra tight because he thought he sensed some pain, "Want to talk about it?"

"Not really, but I'll tell you if you really want to hear." He brought his hand up, tracing his fingers down his jaw and cheek. "It's a mood killer though, not at all heroic. And I rather like where we are now. Nice and warm and comfortable. I...was none of those at the time."

"I'll leave it completely up to you, we all have those parts in our past we want to, almost...even though we experienced it, shield it from others. If you get what I am trying to say," Grayson gave a soft smile, he thought he was picking up enough from their connection as it was and knew that words did not really have to be said. He let his eyes close again as Grayson rested his head on Tyrion's chest once more. "I don't want us to spoil this happiness. It comes so little now a days. Heck, the day we constantly get to share a bed will be one of the best of my life."

"Close your eyes," Tyrion whispered, emitting a soft sigh, "and keep breathing steadily." After the warning, Tyrion showed him what had happened. How he'd been taken from his station by transporter, his isolation, interrogation, torture. Physical, and psychological. Question upon question, beatings, threats, begging for it to end, pleading to let him go and he promised he'd tell no-one. And finally, rescue. He even showed him, how he'd killed Tyrek and how they had -apparently- made him do it.

Tears flowed from Tyrion's face, his own eyes wrenched shut, his breath coming in stutters, his body tense.

Grayson couldn't have experienced anything more deeply than that. His entire body was stunned other than his eyes which were overflowing with his own tears. He couldn't speak, all he could do was wrap his body around Tyrion tighter, in some aim or notion of protection. His arms and legs clamped down around him, he wanted to protect Tyrion from this, yet knew he couldn't. All he could do was hug.

Accepting the hug, Tyrion returned it with a desire of his own. "I'm sorry," he whispered, blindly reaching to wipe Grayson's tears from his face. Even with his eyes closed, he knew exactly where the other man was in relation to his own body. "Shhhh, it's alright. I'm safe now, I'm here, with you. It'll never happen again, I won't let it happen again."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," Grayson began, "I want you, us, to be safe with each other. Right here, this bed, you and me. Our bubble against the world, our safe space." His tears continued to trickle slowly down his face. Grayson had his own story to tell, but now was not the time in which to tell it, it was too buried and barricaded in his mind. "I love you Tyrion, from now and for always."

Tightening his hold, Tyrion squeezed him against his body, offering a fierce kiss before replying. "I love you too," he whispered back, "and I feel safe. I feel like nothing can happen, while I'm here with you. I don't want to leave here. I don't want to leave, and not spend any spare minute I have with you. I want to be here, with you, when I'm not on duty. Get to know you better, learn about you, and from you. You're my Imzadi Gray...that has to mean something. Being with you feel different than the others."

"Being with you is the best I have ever experienced. I've never been this happy or even knew it was possible. It feels feels like we were almost destined to be. The chance encounter in the bar that lead to the Klingon ship, to here right now. You just, make me feel complete. I keep wanting to use Imzadi, but I keep getting scared I'm going to say it wrong," Grayson gave a soft giggle as he hid his face in Tyrion's chest while giving his skin a very tender kiss.

"I don't think there is a getting it wrong. For me it's a feeling, like a completion of one's being. Like, you're the other half of my soul, if you know what I mean. Maybe, next leave we can go to Betazed, and have this all sorted out? Learn more and like that? Would you go with me?"

"I'd love to," Grayson began a very passionate kiss, "I know I am still getting used to the connection, and, admittedly the pain is less, but maybe something could help my headaches. I am getting better though, much better. Nothing a little pain meds couldn't fix on a bad day."

"We could get help for that too. I don't want to cause you any pain Gray. I'm not trained for this, I left before any proper training could be done. You must tell me when this hurts you."

"It is really only on big exchanges of emotion now. The smaller stuff just seems to cause a fuzz now. I mean, when we... you know... I can feel a headache. Mostly I think it is because I feel when know and when I you know. There is a lot of emotion there. Not that I mind it at all, you know I really enjoy our more, intimate, moments. Heck if I am going to let them stop either. Maybe a little trip to sickbay is on the cards though? See if there is something they can give to help relieve the pain. I don't want the sense of it all dulled though." Grayson began to nibble on Tyrion's neck.

"I know," Tyrion answered knowingly, "and yes I do think we should head to sickbay. And if you continue like this we sure may need one because I can feel one of your headaches coming on soon...." He turned his head sideways, giving him the access he wanted, while playfully running his fingers down the half Trill's side, deftly patting each spot in place.

"You're worth it," Grayson said, taking a break from the kissing as he rolled onto his back to get comfortable. His hand automatically went to hold Tyrion's and he yawned and felt the call of sleep once more.

"Are you sure you want to sleep?" Tyrion whispered in his ear, while drawing the duvet back up over their heads, "because you have extremely vivid dreams my love."

Turning onto his side, away from Tyrion in an almost invitation to let him cuddle up, Grayson teased, "I do, do I? You'll need to show me what I dream of then."

"Hmmm...the question is, do I want to?" He returned a teasing smile. "If you teach me how to hide in this bed together. I just might show you what you dream of, and I might just do more than that."

"You can't hide though, I seem to just know where you are and attach to you like a magnet," Grayson gushed as he awaited his hug. "You could though, bundle some of the covers together and hide in the middle. Like some kind of blanket or pillow fort."

"I said together love, why would I want to hide from you? Other than being a tease of course, but really....I want to hide, together. You and me, just us. How?"

Grayson pulled the cover up over their heads. He then poked his head out to address the computer, =/\="Computer, deactivate all audio alarms for the next hour. Only allow priority communications until then." =/\= Turning back to this lover he replied with a simple, "Like that."

"Oh I like that," Tyrion chuckled, "I like that very much. Well I always keep my promises....." The Betazoid leaned closer, closing his eyes again, showing him what he was about to do, just before doing exactly that. His moves were slow, and deliberate, his touch featherlight and teasing.

His body shuddered with the touch, Grayson's anticipation was practically palpable. "Hmm, I thought my dreams would be a little more, forceful," he managed to both tease and suggest simultaneously.

"There's the difference between reality and dream then," Tyrion teased back, "or maybe it's time to show your dominant side." He grinned, letting one of his hands stray away from the line of spots.

"You've read me, you know I don't have one," Grayson blushed, "you know I like it the other way round about...I really like it." Grayson slid his body on top of Tyrion's body, letting his hips straddle his boyfriend's waist. The covers rest on his back, still covering the pair.

"Everyone has a dominant side," Tyrion countered, sighing as he was stradled, "even you. And I can be submissive if I need to be. If you want me to be.... I can be all yours, as you're all mine. You know what I mean, I don't mind..switching."

"When the mood strikes, I am more than happy to...switch. Will just happen one day when you least expect it, but until then," Grayson shifted his body so that he was now on his back and Tyrion was pressing down on him. He had to use a leg to brace the pair and from this position, his excitement grew.

"I can't wait," Tyrion whispered softly, drawing the covers back over them. "For now I'm glad you have a big bed or we'd be on the floor." He shifted, leaning own over him. "Though my bed is cozier," he teased, touching their noses together.

"Yet your quarters are more crowded," Grayson joked, "I don't think your roommate would appreciate our constant need to be together and be so loved up."

"Well he does work a different shift than I," Tyrion offered, "but yes you're are we going to do about that? Because he doesn't appreciate me being away all the time either and leaving the cleaning to him. We did agree to tend to it together you see." His hands wandered off again as he spoke, finding Grayson's soft spots with practised ease.

"Well, I don't like the idea of us not being together. But maybe alternate days? Plus, if you are here a is only his own mess he is cleaning anyway," Grayson added, "Unless we somehow convince the powers that be to bring around shore leave early, we head to your home, get things sorted, get married and you just move in." Grayson grinned at that suggestion, well, more just the moving in part. He liked the idea of the rest, but was not quite ready for them.

Tyrion blinked in surprise. "Is this you proposing?" he asked seriously. He did like the idea of moving in, and getting married, but he was also afraid they'd be moving too fast.

Grayson giggled, "Not yet, but in time should we keep going well," he snuggled in tighter, "anyway, if you want it, you need to do the proposing handsome."

"I do?" Tyrion blinked up at him, his hands pausing their exploration at his thighs. He gently ran his fingers over the local spots, as he pondered the statement. "Why?"

"I've done it before and been hurt pretty badly, a few times. After the last failed relationship, I swore to myself, if someone wanted me they would be the one to ask." Grayson's body settled into the touch and was become very comfortable with it. "I guess you can say, I grew tired of putting myself out there like that, I don't think I am strong enough to go through that kind of rejection again."

"I would never reject you," Tyrion promised, "but I'll do as you ask. I'll be the one to propose though I honestly thought you were just now...."

"Hmmm, don't have such a good read on me then," Grayson smirked, "we need to do something to...strengthen our connection." He suggestively winked as he positioned his body round again once more, so his back was now to Tyrion. This time though, Grayson showed a slight insight into his dominant side, he grabbed Tyrion's hand and pulled it around his waist, allowing it to rest on his stomach, encouraging the rest of his body to follow.

"Oh I'm all for that," Tyrion gasped, both at Grayson's move as well as being semi-uncovered and exposed to the cool air. He wrapped his other arm around Grayson as well and allowed his body to settle. "Anything to strengthen our bond," he whispered suggestively, while kissing him down his neck, right along the line of spots.

It that was at that moment Grayson realised time had gotten away from them, his morning alarm went off. "Argh," he called as a pillow was brought to muffle his scream. All he could to comfort himself was to turn to Tyrion and hug him while his body realised it was time to separate for a while.

"Shhh...we have a few minutes to spare..." Tyrion whispered, returning the hug. "You won't be late..we won't be late, I promise."

"Then the day better go quickly so we can get back here," Grayson buried his face between Tyrion's chest and face, not quite ready to start the day yet if at all.

"And there's a lunch break somewhere in a few hours," Tyrion chuckled, combing his fingers through Grayson's hair. "Gosh I can't wait for mine to get about this length again," he grumbled playfully. "Go on...get to the shower...too bad sonics don't give cold ones." He cast his partner an embarrassed smile. "Because I may need one..."

"You aren't the only one," Grayson giggled, "Lunch, lunch is good. I'd say we had it here, but I think we would be late back to our stations."

"Probably...let's not risk that. But we can have early dinner... here of course. I think I should have a word with Piet...about me spending more time here than where I actually live." He gave Grayson a gentle shove. "Move..."

Grayson's heart began to flutter at the thought of the two spending more time together, but instantly began to sink as he moved away to get ready. He gave a playful sigh that still sounded like he was annoyed that their time together this morning was over.

"Happy thoughts Gray....don't get so down over a brief parting, it's giving me a headache. At least you get to have fun..I stare at screens all day."

Grayson hopped into the shower and was quick about getting ready to make sure he was on time. "Hey, at least you won't come home covered in heck knows what kind of lubricant for whatever part of the ship malfunctions today."

"No but I get to wash it off," Tyrion chuckled, "maybe I'll have a malfunction for you to look at later....who knows." He ducked into the shower next and was done in under two minutes, coming back out while pulling on his shirt, and tuck it in his pants.

Grayson lay on the bed, watching his lover exit, "Do you need to put on clothes? I like looking a little too much," he laughed.

"Unfortunately yes...I don't think it'd be appreciated if I appear in the office with nothing on my person. Much as I like this particular Betazoid tradition...yes I do have to get dressed." He approached the bed and leaned over, kissing his forehead lightly. "Meet for lunch later?"

"Deal," Grayson intercepted the forehead kiss with his lips.

"Sneaky," Tyrion murmured as he let the kiss linger for a few seconds. "I have to go...will you be alright?"

"Yeah, you? I might stop into sickbay for my head, it is getting sore again," Grayson rubbed his temples, "anyway, let's go before we are late." He got up from the bed, linked arms with Tyrion and headed towards the door.

"Go past sickbay first. Your safety is paramount to me and I don't want to hear you got hurt because your head was hurting first."

"I'll be fine till after my shift, water will get me through," Grayson smiled a little wearily. "I do promise to head there straight after though."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Tyrion looked genuinely concerned. "I'd rather you not risk yourself.."

He put on his 'big boy brave face' to mask the pain. "If you want to, I'm sure it will be just a shot of something and a night of bed rest. Maybe we can explain the whole mind link thing, which I am still working to understand. There may be something with that pushing things a little."

"That's likely, though I don't know who to turn to on that aspect. We might need a Vulcan's help with that part....or another Betazoid....any suggestions?" Tyrion was at a loss; he knew very little about how telepathy worked, only that for him it did work. But he never had any proper training, something which he was actually starting to regret. Because, the last thing he wanted, was for Grayson to get hurt because of him.

"Not that I want rid of it, but maybe a neural blocker until we can find someone who can help with that? It is all I think they could do medically anyway," Grayson hummed for a few seconds as he thought, "I could reach out to some of my father's contacts, see if any are in the area. A few still drop in a message now and then to see how I am."

Tyrion nodded. "Anything to help you and keep you sane love, anything at all. But please, don't shut me out... We're in this together, so I beg of you, don't shut me out. I love you, and I want what's best for you. But I need you, you keep me sane."

"I won't shut you out, but...we may need to do a bit more talking to do that, than just read minds all the time. I love you too babe."

"But I'm not reading your mind," Tyrion protested, realizing that they both might end up being late now. "I'm reading your feelings and I hear you when you try to protect, but I'm not consciously reading your mind. I think it's this strange bond we're developing...and I don't know how to properly go about this. We should ask another Betazoid, or a Vulcan..."

"Sorry, it's all just confusing for me right now. Headaches don't help," he gave a weary giggle," "We better be off on grounds of impending lateness, I have a ship to keep together."

"They invented duct tape for that," Tyrion teased.

"Then I may as well stay here," Grayson joked as he moved out the door. "I'll see you later. I will head straight to sickbay when my shift is done if you still want to come."

"Page me and I'll be right over," the Betazoid promised, following close on his heels but moving in the opposite direction. "See you in a few hours"


Lt (JG) Grayson Jones
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo

CPO Tyrion Faye
Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC T'Vanna]


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