USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - From One Old Friend To Another
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From One Old Friend To Another

Posted on 14 May 2015 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy
Edited on on 14 May 2015 @ 11:01pm

1,538 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Olympius: Pola's Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 0115hrs


Coming off of a long shift, Pola let out the breath she felt like she'd been holding in for days now. Her finger's attempted to massage away the tension headache building inside of her temple but anything and everything she tried seemed to refuse to shift it.

"Computer lights to thirty percent and...let's try some Celtic Women..." As the soft bars of a violin started to fill the room, the young Doctor rolled her shoulders as she tried to shift some of the weight she felt pulling them down. It had been a difficult few days...for more reasons than one.

Moving across to the replicator, the flashed red light on her personal computer terminal immediately caught Pola's attention. Hesitating for a moment, as she felt she knew what it might be, the Doctor reached across and allowed the spoken words of a familiar voice compliment the music still playing in the background.

Even as the voice spoke, she continued back on her original journey to the replicator, changing her order from a water to wine as she realised that she may require the alcoholic hit.

How long had it been now...only a number of days? Not even enough to add up to a week? In his first message he had made a brief mention to what had happened and needing to talk but put it off, instead moving into a recollection of how his day had been, the almost dream he had had about being on bridge duty. On one hand it was like the old days of catching up but on the other hand....Things had changed and she wasn't sure what to do.

This was his second message since it all had happened but Pola realised that there was a slight desperation to it which she recognised from when back when they had first met. How long ago had that been now? Two years? In some ways it felt like only yesterday but in other ways so much had changed, they'd both grown in personal and career terms but it sounded like he might have begun to feel overwhelmed at the speed at which his career had suddenly taken off.

To go from a nurse to assistant chief medical officer to chief medical officer. Then a sideways transfer away from medicine and into science. From a science officer to a chief of a sub disvision of science to chief of overall science and it seemed he'd promoted to second officer.

Pola found herself smile as she laid it all out so clearly. No wonder his most recent message seemed such a miss match of feelings and emotions. She could remember their first meeting...when he'd seemed so lost in their medical world, full of self doubt; trying to find himself after the loss of his father. How many times had she had to take him by the shoulders and try to shake some sense back into his mind. How many stern words to try and chase away the doubt had been said, only to be followed by days of funny dancing.

As the memories flooded through her mind, the good mixed in with the bad; Pola wasn't certain what to do. On one hand she still needed more time after what had happened but on the other hand...a friend was trying to reach out for help.

Picking up the glass of wine from the replicator, Pola took her first sip before settling herself infront of the computer terminal and activating a comm channel.

Computer...being recording a message to Lieutenant Commander Andreus Kohl onboard the USS Galileo. Please mark as personal and confidential.


I apologise for my delay in replying. The day after you left we were all recalled to the ship and sent out on a rescue mission. I won't bore you with the specifics but needless to say that we've up to our eyes in sickbay with preparations and than the patients we took onboard.

You're right...we do need to talk but it can wait....It's evident that you've alot more on your mind now which truly is more important.

Pola winced at her last sentence, wondering if it sounded too bitchy but she hoped that the tone of her voice showed that there was nothing malicious meant.

So, first and foremost, congratulations!! Lieutenant Commander and Second Officer. Nobody deserves it more than you do given the commitment you've given to your job and to Starfleet. I remember back to when you were an Ensign and a nurse, trying to find your feet around sickbay. Even back then I saw underneath your surface that you were made for more than you believed.

I've been in the position you were in before and I know that Captain Holiday wouldn't choose his commanding officers without a great deal of thought and belief in the people he was choosing.

You just need to believe in yourself as much as those around you do.

Pola leaned forward at this moment as she paused the recording manually and took a deep drink of her wine. This was hardier than she had first realised. Not because the words weren't true but because of the feelings they brought up.

I don't think I need to tell you what deep in your heart is causing your outbursts...your scared.

Your scared of the new responsibilities which lie on your shoulders...your scared of the sudden change your career has taken, planned or not....You are scared of it all.

You've never been a man to hide his emotions behinds words or screens, how you feel is how you act. When your happy you bounce, you dance, you smile and you rub that off on the people around you.

When your sad you push people away, try to force a distance.

And then when your push back again but you let your temper over rule all other sense. When you don't know the answer you panic and give your first reaction, you speak without thinking.

You don't need me to tell you all of this but you do need to tell those who bare the brunt of it. Least of all, you owe it to the Junior Officer who didn't deserve what you did to her.

Pola knew that her tone had turned to one of telling off Kohl on her last sentence, but she also knew he expected it. He knew it was one thing taking feelings out on another but it was entirely different when your reaction resulted in the belittling of another.

You know deep in your heart the true person you are, the fun loving man who originally made a career in medicine in order to help others. You know the person your showing right now isn't need to find yourself again.

You've already shown that the real you is owned up to the wrongs you did to me, you acknowledged what you did was wrong. So now try to put the wrongs right....Talkto the junior officer and apologise. Talk to Ensign Khnailmnae and explain your feelings on her brilliance and how you feel she's holding herself back. But most of all...when you talk to these people be prepared to listen. Listen to their upset, listen to their opinions...once you've done that accept it and move on. Now your in command you need to be able to not hold on. You need to be able to move from one situation to the next without holding yourself back. If you feel that you can't do it for yourself then do it for the people who rely on you.

I have every faith in you need to have the same faith in yourself.

As Pola's words were captured by the computer and stored to memory, Pola took another sip of her wine before taking a deep breath and saying what she needed to.

When it all feels too much and that you can't cope and just want to shut down, remember you can do anything you put your mind to. You've proven it a thousand times over in the past and that instance in time will be number a thousand and one.

And when that doesn't work, remember that there's people like me out there who have never lost faith in you and never will.

You've overcome so many hurdles to get to where you are now, don't fall before its your time."

As her quarter's door chimed to announce an arrival, Pola smiled as still she took the time to round off her communique.

I've got to go but I look forward to hearing from you again.

Take care Andreus...and don't forget that I believe in you.

Computer...end message and send.

As the computer terminal beeped its confirmation of her request, Pola hesitated a moment more before moving to her feet, moving to allow the caller entrance to her quarters. It was time for her to do some moving on for herself.


Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Olympius


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