USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - Seeking Silence
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Seeking Silence

Posted on 28 May 2015 @ 6:04pm by Ensign Jaana Voutilainen & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D.

1,333 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 03 - Jaana's Quarters
Timeline: MD -02: 23.30 hours


Jaana entered her quarters and threw her jacket over the closest chair she saw. She was angry. Not really angry, but more annoyed. Things weren't going as she had planned and that was making her crazy. Heading for the bedroom she undid herself of her uniform and grabbed a bright pink sweater and a vaded bleu jeans from the closet and put them on.

Even though she was feeling very tired she needed some time to relax, to forget things going. She installed herself on the couch with a soft, fluffly blancet she bought in this very cute store in San Fransisco and the book her parents had given her a few weeks ago. With a hot chocolate near her and soft classical music sounding from the speakers she leaned back in the cussions and opened her book when the computer terminal on the other side of the room signalled for an incoming transmission. "you've got to be kiddin" she said before requesting the computer to accept the tranmissing, hoping it was her sister. Who else would call her at this time.

"Jaana!" exclaimed Tuula into her computer terminal. She had only been on the Chronos for a couple days, but already she missed her sister and couldn't wait to get caught up on the latest news from her. And to talk to someone who wasn't a conceited Red Squad dweeb. She would have to ask the command staff if they could set up an officers's lounge, one whose first rule was no cadets allowed. "How are you?! What's new on the Galileo?!"

"I'm just enjoying the fact that I have a room to myself, without all your clutter constantly lying around." she said teasingly. She looked at her sister's bone saw that she had covered with a cloth. With Tuula gone there was no need to scare up every time her eyes were drawn to that scary thing. "What about you? Scared any of those blue cadet's to death jet?"

"They're Red Squad," corrected Tuula, "and they're the best of the best," she added sarcastically. In reality, they were really getting on her nerves. Though, judging by how quickly they were able to install some accessibility features in sickbay and her quarters, they were at least somewhat competent at interior design.

"For all I care they are purple with a gold trimming. I bed they are annoying the hell out of you. You are never good with people who think they are better then everyone else." Jaana said with laugh.

"You know me too well," replied Tuula. "I'm sick and tired of these dweebs. Can you believe that someone who hasn't even passed Starfleet Medical yet has the nerve to quote regulations at me? And not just any regulations; but hairstyle regulations!"

Jaana let out a loud laugh. She wished she could have witnessed that. "So quote regulation back at him. There must be something you can find."

"Unfortunately, there's no regulation against being a doofus," explained Tuula. "And even worse, this sad excuse for a ship doesn't have a holodeck. Or even a sauna!" she exclaimed, as though lack of sauna facilities in board was some sort of horrible design flaw. Because to her, it was. "I had to rig one up in an empty storage room by overriding the environmental controls!"

"You really can't go without a Sauna for a few days. Come on, sis" Jaana was probably the only Finnish person not liking a sauna.

"Not when I'm surrounded by the pestilential nuisances that are Red Squad," protested Tuula. "But enough about me, how are you doing?"

"Just the usual," she said as she put her book away and changed it with her mug of hot coco. "Got some new responsibilities in the department."

"Oh?" asked Tuula, raising an eyebrow. "That's wonderful!" she shouted, overjoyed at the news. "That means someone sees something in you. They're recognizing your talent. Keep it up and you might make captain!"

"Me? A captain? When Easter and Pentacoste fall on the same day, not before." Jaana said sarcastic. "Commander Kohl thinks I should focus more on the officer part of my job, instead of the research job. He started training me to be a better officer. Starting with making me acting Chief Research Officer." she explained.

"That's great! You're moving up in the world, and that's wonderful! Just remember all us little people when you rise to the top," teased Tuula. She was excited for her sister, but didn't know how she felt about it. Jaana had never been the type to be concerned with ascending up the corporate ladder so to speak, and tended to avoid the spotlight. Which was why Tuula was trying to tease out how she felt about it and encourage her.

"Me on top of the world? Are you nuts?" she exclaimed.

"Oh, Jaana," sighed Tuula. "I know one day you'll be commanding your very own research station, and you'll be the most famous scientist in the Federation, leading the team that cracks the secrets of the universe." She adjusted the monitor slightly as she leaned in. "This is a great opportunity, I'm so happy for you!"

"well, who knows. Maybe someday. But not anytime soon."

"That's the ticket!" exclaimed Tuula, trying to raise Jaana's level of enthusiasm a bit. "Dream big, like äiti always said."

Seeing her sister less than enthused, Tuula tried changing the subject. "So, I've been gone for two days. What kind of gossip am I missing? How is Olsam doing? Have you gone on any hot dates since I've been away?" she asked, in an affectionate but slightly teasing tone.

"Nothing much. Just work." She knew that if she kept her mouth shut now and Tuula would find out later she would be angry. "Remember the cute guy I told you about?" She started knowing very well she never told her sister that or Tuula would have grilled her until she told every last detail. Before Tuula could reply she continued. "Well, we got coffee the other day."

"Wait, a cute guy?" asked Tuula, a little perplexed at the news. But her confusion soon turned to excitement. "That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! Tell me about him! What's he like? Who is he? When can I meet him? This is so great! And you said you didn't date..."

"It's not a date. Just a coffee." She didn't even know if it had been a date. "His name is David, he's a geologist and we work together . And Sisko*, I would prefer you don't go meet him. Purposely that it. Let me figure things out myself please."

"What, are you afraid I might scare him off?" asked Tuula, feigning offense. In truth, she was so excited for Jaana that she could barely contain herself. She wanted to find this guy and tell him what a wonderful person her sister is. But in her head, she knew that it was best to take a hands off approach. Too much interference, and she could ruin everything. "Don't worry, I'll let you two lovebirds do your thing and won't disturb you. Unless he hurts you or breaks your heart. In which case, I'm going to cut him up and feed him to Mott."

"Yes, talking about Mott? How is that going?" she quickly changed the subject.

Tuula blushed uncontrollably. "How is what going?"

"You and the doctor?" she relied. "And don't act stupid. You know very well what I mean."

Tuula sighed. Was it really that obvious?
*Finnish for sister


Jaana Voutilainen
Stellar Cartographer
USS Galileo


Tuula Voutilainen M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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