USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - The Wrench has Landed
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The Wrench has Landed

Posted on 07 Jul 2014 @ 10:55pm by Lieutenant JG Grayson Jones

378 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo- Shuttle Bay
Timeline: MD 06 - 0800


It was a rough ride playing catch up. Rough, long and dull... especially when your pilot has all the personality of a fish.

Newly assigned Assistant Chief Engineering Officer Grayson Jones had never been more relieved for a shuttle to touch down on the ground. Having spent the past two days with the dullest pilot ever, he was glad to see some new faces. Grayson might have been more sane if the shuttle was large enough for him to find a corner to hide in... he had no such luck.

Picking up his bag, Grayson exited the small craft, muttering a word of grudged thanks. At least he would never have to talk about the joys of Earth soccer for quite some time. He couldn't help but smile as the relatively attractive Quartermaster greeted him with the less than ideal news that his quarters assignment was not quite ready due to his early arrival. No amount of cuteness would make him feel anything less than annoyed at that. A brief exchange of pleasantries helped ease him back down to the deck plating as he wondered what to do next. Usually Grayson likes to get freshened up before reporting in to his various senior officers and for the dreaded physical and psych exams. The ship shrink better have a large note pad for when he walks through the door, and a whole lot of time.

He knew where to go for a few moments before people would notice he was missing, the sweet spot, the zero-g spot in the ship that every engineer knew about and prayed no one would be in when they needed it. Today would be one of those days. Crawling behind a few bulkheads Grayson was able to launch himself gently upwards where zero-g would take hold of him and allow him to relax. He managed to get a good half hour sleep (that really needed to be longer) before he woke and decided he better make himself a visible presence on the ship again.

Knowing his next port of call, because his stomach demanded it, would be the mess hall. From there, he would do his usual perfect officer check ins.


Ensign Grayson Jones
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm on 08 Jul 2014 @ 3:39pm

Nice intro post! Welcome aboard!