USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - A Simple Question
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A Simple Question

Posted on 21 Apr 2012 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Lieutenant Commander Chauncey Remington III (KIA)

1,385 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: Turbo lift between Deck 1 and 8
Timeline: MD03 - 0945 hrs

The relatively small task Lilou had given herself for the morning of installing an extra security line under the secondary array should have taken about fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, she'd had the bright idea along side that to go ahead and check all the main access points for missing security lines and had found a number of inaccessible points. Well, relatively inaccessible. With a grappler, a couple maglocks, and her own experience honed acrobatics, she'd been able to reach them. But then only barely. So holes had been drilled and new lines had been installed for security harness access. She was still picking bits of metal from her hair as the turbo lift opened and Remington stood there, large as life, in front of her. Her heart tightened in her chest, just enough to be slightly uncomfortable, and her mouth felt suddenly dry. Get a grip, she told herself sternly, but the warmth in her cheeks told her that her body was not in the mood to pay attention to her mind. "Morning," she said. Of course it's morning. What, does he need you to act like a time keeper? "I mean, good morning. All well on the bridge?"

Will looked up from a PADD at Peers and gave the young woman a smile. "Ah, yes, a good morning indeed, Miss Peers," he agreed pleasantly, oblivious to her nervousness. "I was just on my way to the bridge, but as far as I am aware everything is quite fine. Engineering running smoothly?"

"As smooth as it can," Lilou murmured ironically, nimbly plucking another splinter of metal from her hair. "Just trying to catch the problems before they find us. Really the usual." She shifted slightly on her feet. 'Ask him out,' Quinn had said, like it was the simplest thing in the world. Fantastic. She should have asked for a how-to guide with pictures. "I..." she tried a smile and felt even more awkward. Why couldn't she just say what she was thinking? Right. Because that was terrifying. "...had a nice time. The other night. With you. So... thanks."

Will looked at her and smiled slightly. "Well, I did as well," he replied. He let some silence pass and then pointed out kindly, "You haven't given the computer a destination." He did not think she was going to the Bridge and her unease made him wonder if she wasn't feeling well.

"I..." She grimaced at the blinking panel. "...was sort of using the lift as a hiding place until I stopped being covered in drill dust. Just..." She cleared her throat, "Computer. Lift to deck eight." She glanced at him. "You didn't either."

Will laughed softly. "A hiding spot? Computer, halt lift. Here." As the turbolift came to a stop, he lowered his PADD and moved to brush some of the metal shavings out of her hair. "I was already on my way to the bridge but I don't have any particularly pressing need. Perk of being a department head I suppose."

"That and the size of the quarters. And the paycheck. And the glorious books that smell like paper. Gee, life must be so hard," Lilou murmured, chuckling, perfectly happy to let him help her. Touch. What a marvelous thing. Reaching back, she unwound her hair from its bun, then pulled the braid apart, letting the mouse brown curtain fall loose around her shoulders. "The reports, though," she thought aloud. "The endless reports and responsibility. I can see how you earn the perks."

"I like to think I do," he replied with a smile.

She ran her fingers through a strand, glancing back over her shoulder at him. "I don't usually... it's just that I talk a lot when I'm nervous."

"Oh, I don't mind," he said, taking a step back. "You look much better now, and really I don't think anyone would begrudge an engineer a little metal in her wardrobe, hm?"

"Maybe not, but I feel bad for anyone who walks behind me with bare feet." Lilou's lips quirked into a slightly sideways smile. "Thank you." Better to just do it. Just get it out of the way, like ripping off a bandage. Either way she could get back to work with a clear head. Still, it was bloody hard. She looked down at her hands, "Can I... ask you something? Sort of off the record?"

"Hm? Yes, of course, by all means." He raised an eyebrow at her expectantly, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Remember that thing that didn't happen?" She took a deep breath and looked up at him, "Would you... I mean... would you want to... aside from the part about the neurotoxins...?"

Will gave her a bit of an odd look, his expression suggesting he was doing his best to interpret her actions. "Get a cup of coffee with you?" he offered helpfully.

"That, too." Lilou felt her cheeks warming, but forced herself to ignore it.

"Hm?" he asked, not suspecting she meant to ask something more, "What do you mean?"

Maybe he didn't remember. Maybe she was completely crazy and ought to just submit herself to Drusilla's rule or completely shut her self off from interpersonal contact. In for penny, in for a pound, she thought. Worst that can happen is that I'll make a fool of myself and have to barricade myself in work. That's easy enough. "Kiss me," she almost choked on the words. "You kissed me." She studied his face, "Would you like to again?"

Will looked surprised at that. After he'd processed the idea, however, he considered the implications of it. All that happened in his mind passed through in a matter of seconds but it was enough to create a short silence. "Well- uh, I'm not sure it would be appropriate for a senior officer to just go around kissing engineers on turbolifts like a womanizer." Clearly he didn't mean that as a sufficient explanation, but he hesitated in light of not knowing what else to say.

"That's not-" She broke off, laughing. "Like a womanizer? Really?" She laughed some more, her shoulders shaking with the mirth of it. "No, no," she blinked, shaking her head, "I meant... would you... was it something that came out of massive neurotoxins affecting your dopamine receptors or were you... interested in a... non-platonic cup of coffee at some point?"

"Are you asking me out, Miss Peers?"

Lilou laughed again, quietly, too amused to draw into herself. "It would seem that I am, Mister Remington."

He looked mildly skeptical. A senior officer and a noncom on a date? "Well... I suppose dinner couldn't hurt..."

Lilou cocked her head to the side. Rejection, she could have dealt with. Acceptance, she would have been surprised but pleased. But this... consideration... was odd. Not what she'd expected, if she'd been expecting anything, really. "If you're not interested, you can just say so. I won't turn into a tribble."

"If I accept an offer, you can be assured I mean it," he replied, looking her in the eye. He seemed more curious than anything else, as if he suspected she had something else in mind or simply could not make up his own mind about how he felt about the situation.

She smiled slowly, holding his gaze. "Okay, then," she said. "Dinner, it is."

He gave a slight nod. "All right. What time?"

"Anytime after 1600," she pulled her hair over her shoulder and braided it again, curling the braid into a bun at the base of her neck once more. "I get a dinner break around then. Where?"

"1700 hours?" he offered, "In the lounge?"

"Good. Great." She bit the inside of her lip, pleased, "Computer. Lift to Deck eight, please." As the lift whirred and shuttled them down to the base of the ship, she peered up at Remington, "I'll be looking forward to it." As the doors purred open to reveal a couple crewmen waiting to get on, she snapped her hand to her forehead in a salute. "Sir," she smiled, and stepped off.

"Ah, yes, of course," he replied with a smile and a nod, going back to his PADD.


MWO Lilou Peers
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo

Lt. Cmdr. Chauncey William Remington III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo


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