USS Galileo :: Hello Goodbye Part One
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Hello Goodbye Part One

Posted on 11 Dec 2023 @ 10:29pm by Lieutenant JG Serran

925 words; about a 5 minute read

One month before Serran's arrival

"It isn't fair, the fifteen-year-old said in expiration I like it here, why do we have to leave?"

"Because I have orders, " came the calming tone, "we don't have a choice but when we get there you will s..."

"Serran...Dad, please don't feed me some line of bullshit, that things are going to be better and I'm going to meet new people and it's all going to be rosy when I know that's not true."

"I would not attempt to feed you a line, but it is illogical to assume the worst at the same time. You could at least make an effort to help make things work out."

"F your logic I don't want, I don't want to hear it.

The Vulcan looked over at his adopted son. "Getting angry or speaking like someone who is ignorant will not change the situation for either of us."

"You don't understand, I am seeing someone."

"You did not tell me you were dating. Don't you think it is logical to assume that you're a little young for that sort of thing?"

"You were telling me last week, that you went on your first date when you were my age and that your father objected, but you did it anyway, Was that logical?"

"I was following my own path. As you know, my father objected to my dating because I was dating a boy. A human boy. He would have objected regardless of my age. He still objects. He reacted emotionally and abandoned logic the way he acted, but I concede your point. I guess I'll just have to deal with the fact that you are growing up."

"Is it Ren, the Andorian boy?"

Theo laughed. Ren is a nice guy and I guess maybe if I were gay I'd find him cute. But, we've had this conversation before. You know I am straight."

"Of course I do, I won't start to lose my memory for another hundred and fifty years. I also know how to make you laugh, which I succeeded in doing. It's Molly, the assistant science officer's daughter is it not?"

"How did you know?"

" I won't lose my eyesight for a long time either. I have seen the two of you together. The way you look at each other. To be honest, I was not aware that you were dating, but I could tell that you enjoyed each other's company. Do I want to know how serious you are? Has it gotten physical?"

The young teen cocked his head "We've kissed that is about it. What did you do when you were my age?"

Serran's left brow rose to his hairline, He considered how forthright he wanted to be. "I went further than kissing however not much more. I do not feel compelled to give you more information than that. Don't think that I don't know what you're doing. You're trying to distract me."

"Maybe. A little but I really do want to know."

Serran regarded Theo for a few seconds before replying.

"As I said I am not giving you any details. Those are personal and are no one's business, except my own, If you are truly curious as you say, then we can discuss such things in a biology lesson. But that is a subject for a different time."

"As to what happened then, I will only say that your grandfather, despite his prejudice against same-sex relationships, a sentiment that is not felt in Vulcan society at large, I'll add, was not wrong. "

"I was too young. What I thought was love was only infatuation on my part, and what I thought was a mutual commitment, was in reality only a commitment on my part."

"But, it's not like with with me and Molly. It's not just puppy love as humans call it; we are committed to each other. You don't know what you're asking me to do."

"You've never had to leave someone you love..."

Theo stopped in mid-sentence as he realized what he'd just said. "Gods, I'm sorry Dad, that was an idiotic thing to say. I just forgot. Sometimes I can be such a dick.

"Do not blame yourself, Theo. It is easy to forget someone when you never met them."

"I know, but you talk about him, you still have pictures of him. I should have remembered."

"Again, Theo, there is no need to apologize, it was not intentional and I know you're frustrated by the situation. I can tell you from personal experience that you may not ever get over her. Especially since she is your first love, But you, both of you will learn to deal with it.

"Is it okay if I go break the news to her?"

"Of course. I will fix dinner tonight for a change.

"Em, uh, no."

"Do not be that way I'm a good cook."

"It would be a stretch to say you're a decent cook. Besides, I need to cook. It's like therapy."

"Very well," Serran said steepling his fingers, "you will have the honors."

"Can I bring Molly back for dinner? I'll make spicy black bean soup."

"I see through your attempted bribery, and it is unnecessary. If her parents say it's okay she can come."

"Oh, I wasn't trying to bribe you," Theo said failing to keep a straight face. "I was trying to tempt her."

"Just make sure that you limit your temptation, and your response to temptation, to the dinner table, nowhere else.

Then Theo was gone.



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