USS Galileo :: Tales from Akkadian - When the Moon Fell
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Tales from Akkadian - When the Moon Fell

Posted on 27 Oct 2023 @ 3:41pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

285 words; about a 1 minute read

"Computer open log Tales from Akkadia"

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"Around my world is a magnificent set of rings called the Queen of Night's Promise. There is a child's tale of how the gods interfered with two lovers making them the Twins, what we call the double stars that give life to the solar system. The Promise was that they would never do such a thing again.

It is an interesting tale and one I told my husband so many years ago. However, that is not the real tale of how the rings came to be.

A long time ago, we began to outdo the resources of our world. We overpopulated it and began to turn on one another for resources. At the time, it was discovered that certain individuals possessed the ability to learn quickly to make intuitive leaps. Not only that, but the trait was inheritable. Thus we bred for the trait. We now call such individuals A'ksu, which, literally from the old language, means dangerous. At the time though they were known as Arbibatru, or those that could learn quickly.

These Arbibatru realized what was happening and decided we needed to be on a new path. One that kept balance with the world. Thus, they destroyed the moon and let parts fall onto the world. Out of the destruction, they then guided the survivors and formed what is now the Great Houses, the Guilds so that we would all be dependent on each other.
What was left of the moon then formed into the rings that I so love.

Thus, the Queen of Night's Promise was that out of destruction, sometimes something new and better can come.

Computer close log.

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