USS Galileo :: Tales of Akkadia - The little girl and the doll
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Tales of Akkadia - The little girl and the doll

Posted on 02 Dec 2018 @ 12:01pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

336 words; about a 2 minute read

"Computer open log, Tales of Akkadia"

[Log is open]

One evening a little girl with a doll and her grandmother stopped at an inn.

The next day it was discovered that the guests had all had something taken. The inn keeper refused to let anyone go saying that the reputation of her place was dependent upon having an honest place.

The doors and windows had all been locked and remained so, so the thief was still within the inn it was determined. The guests all accused each other of being the thief.

After a point, the little girl spoke up and held her doll up. "My doll can determine who is the thief."

Everyone looked at her oddly but they had nothing to loose so the inn keeper asked how a doll could do that.

The little girl answered, "I will put my doll in a room and one by one each person will go in and touch the doll. The doll will remain quite if you are honest but scream loudly if you are the thief."

The rest looked at each other but finally agreed for they had nothing more to work on.

The little girl went into a room and took blood flower juice and put it on the table and then the doll on that.

One by one each person went in but no scream was heard.

"Well that did not work," the inn keeper said unhappily but the little girl said, "Wait, let me see each persons hands." She went from person to person observing and then pointed to one person. "That is your thief. You see each honest person touched the doll, but the thief believing the doll would scream did not, there is no blood flower juice on his hands."

After some threats the thief relented and said where he had hid his ill gotten gains. As the little girl and her grandmother began to leave each person there gave them a coin in thanks.

Computer end long"

[Log ended]


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