USS Galileo :: Here Today...Gone Tomorrow
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Here Today...Gone Tomorrow

Posted on 30 Sep 2012 @ 3:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D.

269 words; about a 1 minute read

Computer...begin log.

In the middle of a war you expect at some stage to be able to see a light, a light while gives you a moment of hope that you can come out at the end of this in one, yourself, everyone around you still intact. You expect to see an indicator that if you just hold on in there everything will come right at the end and everything will be ok, a beacon of hope to not give in.

What if that light isn't there? What if no matter what you do to reach out and grab for it, you find nothing there....

How about the people we've left behind, the ones who stand on the other side of our darkness? The friends, the families, the acquittances who haven't heard from us. Do they continue their day to day lives thinking they'll hear from us soon? Do they ever stop and think, think that maybe something is wrong and they need to worry? Do they actually worry, not happy until the day they hear our voices or actually see our faces.

These days are hard now. So much work..keeping a front and a face for everyone so as noone knows what exactly is wrong. I have to remain strong for those outside of these walls, as their Doctor, their Chief Medical Officer, their acting second officer and their acting executive's hard to believe how merely days ago I had so little responsibility as just an Assistant Medical makes you wonder that the future does actually hold...

Computer..end log.


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