USS Galileo :: Insomnia Sucks
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Insomnia Sucks

Posted on 31 Mar 2017 @ 4:37pm by Lieutenant Amaranai Franklin
Edited on 31 Mar 2017 @ 4:54pm

430 words; about a 2 minute read

When Amaranai escaped from the Galileo with Luke, she was injured and unsure of what was going to happen. Then they ended up on Kraenus and she still wasn't sure what was going to happen. That was when the sleeping stopped and the insomnia began. At this point, she knew that she could talk to the doctor about medication, but she didn't want any medication. Not yet.

Time passed and though Amaranai's body rested, she was never rested. She was tired all of the time but she never let it show. She made sure that regardless of how tired she was, she would do her work as best as she could. The crew was stuck on the Klingon vessel and Amaranai was going to keep doing her job because that's how she was trained.

When the chrono suggested it was time for others to sleep, Amaranai would lie down on her bed and stare at the ceiling. Surprisingly, she would think about her sister, Charlotte, and wonder how she was doing. She wondered if Charlotte had made the decision to join Starfleet or not. That had been the entire point of placing her in the care of Commander Doteen. Amaranai knew that Charlotte was still a few years away from the Academy but Amaranai was hopeful that her time with the commander would be beneficial to Charlotte.

Her eyes would close but her mind would continue racing - thinking about the Galileo, the number of crew lost, her inability to keep the shuttle from being found on Kraenus, her lack of medical training to keep Luke from slipping into a coma. She was grateful for finding the doctor and getting Luke the help he needed.

Amaranai Franklin was not one to question her own abilities but the past few weeks had made her reconsider what she learned at the Academy and that she needed to learn more. The sleepless nights had brought many thoughts to her brain and while some were positive, many of them were not healthy, which only led to Amaranai being more tired.

For now, there was nothing Amaranai could do but lay down and hope that sleep finally came. When the call for general quarters or red alert or simply when it was time for her shift, Amaranai would get out of bed, usually still in her uniform, and head to where she was needed. She knew she needed to change her routine but it wasn't that easy.


Lt. JG Amaranai Franklin
Assistant Chief Tactical / Security Officer


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