USS Galileo :: Update 3
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Update 3

Posted on 30 Jun 2016 @ 4:07am by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Greg Mitchell

507 words; about a 3 minute read


Greg sat in a chair next to his bunk, feet propped up on it while he read a PADD he had in his hands. "'The United Federation of Planets hereby views all actions committed by this so called Golden Talon group as an act of terrorism. Any and all political support of any Romulan organization or third party supporting this group will be pulled immediately and all sanctions from the United Federation of Planets onto these organizations will be considered invalid....' what a bunch of political horse sh[EXPLETIVE DELETED]."

He swung his legs off the bed, stood up and underhandedly tossed the PADD onto it. "Computer, ice water." He ordered. The replicator lit up as a glass of water materialized, which he took and began pacing. "It's always been this way. For the last how-many-hundred years. The politicians hear the problem, but they don't act on it. They are too worried about how they are going to look on camera."

He took a long drink of the water, before setting it down. "And, look, I believe that they agree it is an issue. I know they aren't trying to play some two-face lie where they tell us they condemn them and then turn around and support them. I actually trust my government more than that. They are just incompetent at times to get it done, and that leads us in the field to get it done. Romulans, every last one of them may stab you in the back...." He cut himself off before spouting something extremely insensitive or derogatory. "Computer, I need to relax. Play my music."

Music began to play.

MUSIC IDENTIFIED: "Moments Like This" By Alison Krauss, Twister: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack album, 1996.

"I said relaxing music. Not 'daydream about movies you watched all the time as a kid' music."

The music stopped and switched.

MUSIC IDENTIFIED: "Still of the Night" By Whitesnake, Whitesnake album, 1986.

"That's more like it." He popped down on his bed. "Nothing else new to report. We've made it to the planet, and I finally got to see action.....rescuing injured people. Doesn't that sound familiar? To top it all off, some doc thought she could tell me how to do my job. Next time, I'll let her deal with the screaming man who jumps out of the shadows. On the flip side, though, everyone on ship seems to be very trustworthy in intense situations, so this should be a comfortable assignment."

He put his arms behind his head. "Note to self, brief Lt. Benice on the findings regarding this terrorist group. If I can't do anything about them here, at least I can warn the rest of the security team about them. Always best to keep everyone up to date on issues that arise."

Greg yawned.

"For now, I'm going to take a quick nap. Computer, wake me if anything bad happens to the ship while I'm out. End log.



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