USS Galileo :: Sex on the Beach(es)
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Sex on the Beach(es)

Posted on 10 Sep 2015 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant JG (SoghHom) Jynn

1,089 words; about a 5 minute read

Sex. The word just didn't do the act justice. Not to a Deltan at least. To one such as Jynn it was so much more than tossing together bodies like some hastily constructed carnal flesh golem. The physical act itself was only an equation, the adding of bodies summing up in a most beautiful blending of minds. A thought brew of a varying number of ingredients. It was certainly unique amongst the species of the galaxy.

But even amongst Deltans there was a unique experience. That of experiencing a non-Deltan mind. The outcomes of the equations became much more varied. Much different. Sure, the equations themselves where always very similar to an extent. As bodies were, there could only be so many possibilities. XX+XY+XX. XY+XY+XX+XY+XX. But try as one might the parts of the equation had always remained separate. The bodies could not literally blend together into some YXXXXXYXXYXXYX stew. It just didn't add up.

It was the minds that made the equation unique. The true sum of it all. And where that was concerned, it was the minds of other races that made it become oh so different. The Deltan's telepathic talent allowed for a true mixture of all those who participated, the mass of thoughts formed a unique being, all the minds coming together as one. Mixing minds with other Deltans was easy, second nature, but it was the draw of jumping into the more tough to blend minds that brought the experience to a whole new and different level. Not just forming a definitively Deltan mind, but some other mind entirely.

The first time Jynn had done it, with the human James (who would later go by the nickname Zapz for obvious reasons), was almost the last time. He had tried as best he could to be careful. Like walking on glass. Everything was blissful and awe inspiring as their beings swirled into one consciousness. XY+XY equaled something unlike what they ever imagined. But afterwards? Afterwards the cracks in the glass became noticeable. Jynn was certain he had shattered the poor man's mind. He had jumped in too hastily and smashed the glass. But then James came back to him. He wanted more. Jynn was ecstatic. James had become more beautiful than he was. His mind had changed in such a special way and during their second encounter he could see it. Feel it. He knew now that what he did wasn't wrong at all.

Jynn wanted more. He had to have it. He wanted to give it. He had had it all wrong at first. As analogies go, they weren't always perfect. He wasn't walking on glass. He was walking on the stuff glass was made of. It was like walking a soft sandy beach, making gentle imprints in the sand. A lasting mark that disturbed but did not break.

His romps on the beach became more and more exciting, more and more beaches visited, always changing the minds he touched. He had left his own personal mark on so many individuals and had enjoyed every minute of it. But it had never been more exciting than the first time he tried XY+XX+XY with two other humans. His first foray into the unlimited heights of multiple non-Deltans. With two or more partners of Jynn's kind it was like everyone was on the same beach, their telepathic minds so easily joined together, but with non-Deltans it was like being on different beaches altogether.

Jynn had done his usual waltzing through the sands of Zapz' mind, twisting and spinning his feet through the soft sand as he added to the many marks and imprints he had already made on his beach. He could see the imprints he had made and it made him happy. Zapz' mind looked so much different than the first time Jynn had jumped in. He almost didn't want to leave, but he had another beach to explore now. A very different one that at first felt like miles away.

As the parts of the equation where placed together in various layouts and methods Jynn made a herculean leap of thought and found himself transferred to the undulating sands of Lil island. Her mind seemed very resistant to change, almost as if it was built for telepathic interaction. He could really dig his feet into her sand, so to speak, her innermost thoughts forming around his with ease. As deep as he sunk into her he barely left any aftermark as he moved. It was strange, this new mind. Like quicksand, it's more fluid-like nature was able to fill the imprints back in better than the other sands as though he was not there at all. He almost wanted to call it home. The longer he stayed the more he sank. It was as if her mind was as strong or stronger than his. Who was the one pulling who? It made the leap back to James that much more difficult.

Minutes went by and the beaches seemed closer. Leaps became jumps. Jumps became hops. Hops became steps. In time it was only with the slightest of thoughts that Jynn was in a different mind. And then it happened. Like the moving of tectonic plates Jynn had crafted one mind for the three of them, one beach to play upon. With his own mind he had pulled together two non-telepathic minds together to join his own. Truly a unique experience for any Deltan of any universe. The gestalt mind that was created that day was beyond the description of any race.

After that point it became only a matter of how many beaches he could pull together. Three. Four. More. Everyone wanted a taste of the dizzying heights of the Deltan aboard. They all wanted sex on the beach. Who was he to deny?

Then, a switch of crew. A change in scenery. New people to serve. Now it was the KCA vessel commanded by none other than the Queen Regent herself that had picked him up that would serve as his new crafting ground. New races with new minds. Different beaches. Sands of varying textures and densities. Color and variety. More lands to craft. More minds to make. It was like with every encounter he could create his own little world of love with a new combined mind to enjoy it every time. He was the God of Ecstasy in his own ever changing realm.

So many bodies. So many minds. So many possibilities...


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