USS Galileo :: People Watching
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People Watching

Posted on 30 Apr 2014 @ 11:38pm by Lieutenant JG Kouta Jiang Ph.D.
Edited on 30 Apr 2014 @ 11:40pm

503 words; about a 3 minute read

Personal Log, Dr. Kouta Jiang - Stardate: ...Actually, what time is it anywa-

So... Where to begin? Outside the fact I have no idea what time it is.

I was late to everything and got lost at least twice, as expected, but otherwise it's been an easy transfer. Which I appreciate, considering I doubt much about this actual mission is going to be easy.

The crew I've met have been kind, or at least too polite to be otherwise in front of me. Not that I'd blame any of them for being distrustful of a stranger right now, mind. An interesting bunch, to be sure, but they seem to be well put together. At first glance, anyway.

Ah, but that's the problem with coming in to these types of sensitive missions right at the last minute, ne. You don't really know anybody. Nuance is going to be everything down there, from the read I get. Stress creates hypersensitivity. A proud mind, pressed into anxious paranoia, is a volatile mind. Doesn't matter the race.

I don't think the racial gap will be so large on the ground, anyway, not between the colonists themselves. Social bonds built in common purpose, that kind of thing, even if within their own circles they set themselves apart.

We, however, will be a outsiders. Uniformed outsiders, very starkly set apart. A group with their own stresses, pride, and hypersensitivities. Some of them are practically buzzing with them, really - especially that little blonde kid, what was his name? - and I'd wager a guess that it's a lot more to do with the 'who' of this mission then the reason we're actually here. As much as I'd like to see to the mission objective primarily, I find this preoccupation has me preoccupied.

[There's a long, thoughtful pause.]

...Mm... Two groups, similar mental states. Suspicion trying to assist suspicion doesn't generally work out well in the first place. It's all very delicate. Ah, and I can predict less about the group I'm in than the group I'm going down to scientifically dissect.


[A sigh comes across, and the sound of him mussing up his own hair.]

Muri shinai de, Jiang... Getting yourself all nerved up about it now, too. Ah, muyou~

[Another sigh, this one substantially more lighthearted.]

Maa maa maa, I've talked way too long. I do these to organize my thoughts, not complicate them. I think I'll go meditate for awhile, find my footing. Then.. What was I going to do later?

Oh right. Noa would be fuming right now if she knew I was willingly going to a bar, rather than being dragged out of an office to get to one. But I'm hard-pressed for time, and bars are good places if you have a lot of people you need to quickly be learning about and watching.

[The pause is brief, followed by an amused chuckle.]

...Hm. Well that sounded rather creepy, didn't it.


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