USS Galileo :: Aaand we're back...
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Aaand we're back...

Posted on 02 Mar 2014 @ 11:19pm by Lieutenant JG Victoria Crawley

263 words; about a 1 minute read

"Computer, begin log."

"We're finally going back. I'm kind of in shock that it's happening so soon, actually. It seems like shore leave should have been longer, but I'm still happy to be back on the ship. It'll be nice to be working again, get my mind off things.

"I'm a bit concerned about my mother, though. I'm hesitant to leave her behind, but Dad said he would make sure to let me know if she had any more problems. At the reopening of the bar, one of Dad's employees created a special drink in Peter's honor. I thought it was sweet, and so did everyone else; Mother, not so much. She kind of pitched a fit and stormed away. We found her at home, asleep on the couch and surrounded by some old photos of Peter and an almost empty bottle of wine. We got her back to bed and put the pictures away (I let Dad handle that part. I don't like looking at them.), but she seemed a little...withdrawn the rest of shore leave.

"Maybe I'm just being overprotective, but I don't like thinking about her at home alone while Dad is out working at the bar. Dad thinks she's fine, she just needs some time, but I'm not so sure about that...Maybe I can have someone stay with her during the day...

"I don't know. All I know is that I'm happy to have some actual work to distract me, at least a little bit. That, and a bar. I'm excited about that bit."

"Computer, end log."


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