USS Galileo :: [[USS <i>GALILEO</i> M3 MD4]]: <i>Talikal</i>
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[[USS GALILEO M3 MD4]]: Talikal

Posted on 25 Mar 2013 @ 7:13pm by

245 words; about a 1 minute read


The console has already commenced its recording. There is no necessity to record these things, his mind insists customarily, but they will want the work. It does not bother him. Still, it is convoluted as his mind swerves and zig-zags through its rivers, gorges and dams. Embedded into the searing heat, into the sun itself. Mathematics of light.

It's never linear. It makes itself known in its own way. All Liyar can do is glide through, immersed in brilliant, geometric anarchy. He doesn't know if it will be coherent when he is done. Clarity is not the point, for now.

Dsi(yi)=yi+si mod 2 = (xi+si)+si mod 2 = xi+si+si mod 2 =... He keeps going. Xi+0 mod 2. Xi mod 2 Q.E.D. 2si mod 2, 2=0 mod 2. He draws the table beside it. Xi. Si. Yi. 0, 0, 0. 0 1 1. 1 0 1. 1 1 0. Yi = ....... Si = 0, Si = 1. Two options. Yes or no. Fifty fifty. Xi = 1, Si = 1/0. Encryptions within encryptions.

Beside the tables and numbers are vague blends of binary symbols, the plaintext which translates from the broadcast integers. The ciphertexts remain a mystery. X0,...,Xo. 1000001. A, he writes down next to one of them. S0. S0. 0101100, 1101101. M. He knows this is leading directly into another plaintext, but there's little avoiding it. The log recorder on the console remains open while he flits about, patterns forming slowly around him, supernovas.




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